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New version of my resume

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Resume Sebastian Proost

This is build upon gatsby-starter-clean-resume. Check out their live demo here. This is designed to be an academic resume and included items like publications, training, confernces, media, ... These data is stored in different YAML files located in ./content/.

Which in turn is based on gatsby-starter-hello-world. This project uses the Milligram framework for styling.

🚀 Quick start

  1. Create a Gatsby site.

    Use the Gatsby CLI to create a new site, specifying the clean-resume starter.

    # create a new Gatsby site using the clean-resume starter
    gatsby new my-resume-starter
  2. Start developing.

    Navigate into your new site’s directory and start it up.

    cd my-resume-starter/
    npm install
    gatsby develop
  3. Open the source code and start editing!

    Your site is now running at http://localhost:8000!

    Open the my-resume-starter directory in your code editor of choice and edit gatsby-config.js. Save your changes and the browser will update in real time!

Customizing gatsby-config.js

All the information that appear on your resume is in this file. With solely changing the content of this file, you can customize the whole website. There's no need to change any other part of the code--although you're more than welcome to do so :)

  1. Name, contact, and social media

    name: `Luke Skywalker`,
    role: `Software Developer`,
    email: ``,
    socialMedia : [
        {"name": "github", "link": ""},
        {"name": "linkedin", "link": ""},
        {"name": "facebook", "link": ""},
        {"name": "twitter", "link": ""},
        {"name": "instagram", "link": ""},

    You can simply delete any social link you want by removing the corresponding object (line) and it won't appear on your website. You can also add more social media links. This project uses the react-social-icons library. You can find the list of supported icons here.

  1. About

    about: `<p>The son of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padmé Amidala,
     Luke Skywalker was born along with his twin sister Leia in 19 BBY.</p>
     <p>More info <a href="">here</a></p>`

    Anything that you put here will appear under About page, which is the main page of the website. As you can see, you can also include HTML tags.

  1. Education

    The various places you studied can be added to ./content/education.yaml

    - degree: "Doctor"
       major: "Science : Biotechnology"
       school: Universiteit Gent (Doctoral Schools)
       where: Gent, Belgium
       when: 2007 - 2012
       moreInfo: ""
       highlight: 1

  1. Experience

Experience can be added to ./content/experience.yaml

- role: Senior PostDoc
   company: KULeuven | VIB - Center for Microbiology
   where: Leuven, Belgium
   when: 2018 - now
   moreInfo: ""
   highlight: 1

  1. Skills

    skills: [
            name: "JavaScript",
            level: "85",
            experience: "5 years"
            name: "Python",
            level: "75",
            experience: "2 years"

    You will specify your skill set here. The level parameter should be between 0 and 100.

  1. Interests

      interests: [
    	    "Playing the violin",
    	    "Watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail"

    Here you will list your Interests for the Interests page.

  1. Themes

    theme: "great-gatsby"

    This project comes with 5 themes:

    • great-gatsby : purple (default)
    • master-yoda: light green
    • wonder-woman: light red
    • darth-vader: black
    • luke-lightsaber: light blue
    • sebastian-proost: orange

  1. Google Analytics

    Has been removed to avoid the need for including a GDPR complient privacy statement and cookie consent.

  2. Fonts

    font: "default"

    There are currently two fonts available: default which uses the Helvetica font; and programmer which uses the IBM Plex Mono from Google Fonts.

  1. Sitemap

    siteUrl: "YOUR_SITE_URL"

    Sitemap plugin from Gatsby needs you to put your site url here. Currently, it's the url of the demo site; so just replace it with yours.

AWS build file

You can use the buildspec.yml file in the root directory for AWS CodeBuild. You just need to define an environment variable named BUCKET inside your CodeBuild project that points to the S3 bucket you want to deploy your website from.

Changing profile photo and favicon

Simply replace the profile.jpg and favicon.ico files in the /static directory.


Open Source Love


New version of my resume

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 70.5%Language:Less 27.2%Language:Python 2.3%