sepisoad / sample-express-rest-api

this is a sample express (node.js) based rest api.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project Structure

all source files reside in src folder

all tests files reside in tests folder

all document files reside in doc folder

  • for rest api documentations open docs/api/index.html file
  • for source code documentations open docs/jsdoc/index.html file


a sample user request data flow diagram


you need to install these tools globally in order to be able to run some tasks and scripts:

npm install -g yarn

npm install -g mocha

npm install -g eslint

npm -g install jsdoc

npm install -g nodemon (optional, for debugging)


express: server code

winston: logging

dotenv: node environment variable handling

babel: converting ES6 code to standard JS

chai: test assertion

mocha: test framework

istanbul: code coverage

How to install

clone this repository:

git clone

cd into repository:

cd sample-express-rest-api.git

run yarn command:



ESLint is used to catch common programming mistake and also potential security issues in the code through ESLint Plugins. express-rate-limit is also used to limit requests which can help prevent DOS/DDOS attacks to some extent.

If you would like to tweak ESLint you can modify .eslintrc.json file content. Also if you want to ignore some files or directories from Lint process you can add their names to .eslintignore file


in order to run server in production mode run:

yarn start

in order to run server in debug mode run:

yarn debug

in order to apply linter and check the result run:

yarn lint

in order to run test cases run:

yarn test

and last but no least, to test code coverage run:

yarn coverage

to generate documentation from source code run:

yarn jsdoc

to generate api documentation from spec file which is in doc/api/api.yaml run:

yarn apidoc

API Documentation

in order to see REST API documentation you can go to doc folder and either open doc.html which is a pre-compiled and self contained html documentation or use redoc-cli tool and run api.yml specification file.


this is a sample express (node.js) based rest api.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%