sentemon / MessagingPlatform

in development

Repository from Github https://github.comsentemon/MessagingPlatformRepository from Github https://github.comsentemon/MessagingPlatform

Messaging Platform




Messaging Platform is a real-time messaging application that allows users to create accounts, send messages, and engage in live communication. It is built using a range of modern technologies with a focus on scalability, maintainability, and adherence to Clean Architecture principles and Domain-Driven Design (DDD). This document provides an overview of the system, its architecture, and instructions on how to set up and run the project.

Tech Stack

  • Backend:

    • C#
    • ASP.NET Core Web API – RESTful APIs for managing users, messages, and communication.
    • Entity Framework Core – ORM for database access and management.
    • MediatR – Mediator pattern implementation to handle commands and queries.
    • SignalR – For real-time communication between users.
    • Docker – Containerization for easy deployment and environment management.
    • AutoMapper – Object mapping to simplify transformations between DTOs and domain entities.
  • Frontend:

    • Angular – Client-side framework for building responsive and dynamic user interfaces.
    • TypeScript – Strongly typed language for frontend development.
  • Testing:

    • xUnit – Unit testing framework.
    • Moq – Mocking framework for unit tests.
    • Integration Tests – Ensure that components interact correctly.


This project follows the Clean Architecture pattern, which emphasizes separation of concerns and independence of components:

  1. Domain Layer: Contains core business logic and entities following DDD principles. This layer is completely isolated from any external dependencies.

  2. Application Layer: Implements the application's use cases using MediatR for CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) and defines application service interfaces.

  3. Infrastructure Layer: Contains implementations of the repository patterns, database context with EntityFrameworkCore, and integration with external systems like SignalR for real-time communication.

  4. Presentation Layer (Web API): ASP.NET Core Web API exposing endpoints for user registration, authentication, and messaging functionalities.

  5. Client (Frontend): Built using Angular and TypeScript, providing a user-friendly interface for account management and real-time messaging.


  • User Authentication: Register and log in using secure authentication protocols.
  • Real-Time Messaging: Chat with other users using real-time messaging powered by SignalR.
  • Account Management: Create and manage user accounts.
  • Message History: Persist chat messages and allow users to view message history.
  • Scalable Architecture: Built with clean code principles, allowing for easy extension and maintenance.

Setup Instructions


  • Docker
  • Git


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd MessagingPlatform
  2. Build and run the application: Use Docker Compose to build and start both the backend and the frontend along with the database:

    docker compose up --build
  3. Access the application:

Key Dependencies

  • ASP.NET Core: Provides the framework for building web APIs.
  • Entity Framework Core: Simplifies database interactions through an ORM.
  • MediatR: Manages request and response communication between components.
  • SignalR: Enables real-time web functionality for the messaging feature.
  • AutoMapper: Maps objects to simplify data transfer between layers.
  • xUnit & Moq: Provides tools for writing unit and integration tests.


  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bugfix.
  3. Commit your changes with meaningful commit messages.
  4. Push your changes to your fork and create a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Feel free to modify the sections based on the specific requirements of your project.


in development

License:MIT License


Language:C# 68.4%Language:TypeScript 18.9%Language:CSS 6.4%Language:HTML 5.3%Language:Dockerfile 1.0%