sennett-lau / cityu-cs-tg-bot-os

An open source Telegram bot project for CityU CS Telegram Group

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CityU CS Telegram Bot


An open source Telegram bot project for CityU CS Telegram Group

Table of Contents

File Structure

├── app
│  ├── commands                     # Commands folder
│  │  ├──                    # Single interface for all commands
│  │  └── ...
│  ├── conversations                # Conversation handlers folder
│  │  ├──                    # Single interface for all conversations
│  │  └── ...
│  ├── message_handlers             # Message handlers folder
│  │  ├──                    # Single interface for all message handlers
│  │  └── ...
│  ├── modules                      # Modules folder
│  │  ├──                    # Single interface for all modules
│  │  ├──                  # Utility functions
│  │  └── ...
│  ├── txts                         # Texts folder for prompt messages
│  │  ├── help.txt                  # Help text shown with /help
│  │  ├── pin.txt                   # Pin text shown with /pin
│  │  ├── start.txt                 # Start text shown with /start
│  │  ├── updaet_log.txt            # Update log text shown with /update_log
│  │  └── ...
│  ├──                      # Start point of the bot
│  └── requirements.txt             # Requirements for python packages
└── ...



  1. Clone the repository
  2. Copy /app/ to /app/.env

Run with Python

  1. Run pip install -r /app/requirements.txt to install all the required packages in your local environment
  2. Run python /app/ to start the bot for testing

Docker Support

  1. To remove the built image, run:
docker rmi cityu-cs-tg-bot:latest
  1. To remove the built container, run:
docker rm $(docker stop $(docker ps -a -q --filter ancestor=cityu-cs-tg-bot --format="{{.ID}}"))
  1. To build the docker image, run:
docker build -t cityu-cs-tg-bot:latest .
  1. To run the docker container, run:
docker run -d --name cityu-cs-tg-bot cityu-cs-tg-bot



Contribution Guide


Show the contributors of the bot and prompt the Github link of the bot.

Possible Commands

  • /contribute - Prompt the Github link of the bot.
  • /contribution - Show the contributors of the bot

Deployment Announcer


Show the version and potentially the latest update log of the bot when the bot is newly deployed.

Polling Feature


Polling system that allow users to create polls and vote for polls.

Possible Commands
  • /poll - Create a new poll
  • /vote - Vote for a poll
  • /endpoll - End a poll
  • /result - Show the result of a poll

Instagram Post Fetcher


Fetch the latest post from CityU related Instagram account and send it to the group when there is a new post.

Possible Commands
  • /insta - Fetch the latest post from CityU related Instagram account
  • /insta <account> - Fetch the latest post from the specified account

Lyrics Guesser


Request the lyrics of a song from the bot, allowing users to guess the song by replying the lyrics message.

Possible Commands
  • /lyrics - Request the lyrics of a song from the bot


README Refinement


Refine the file sections with better readability and align the text style.



For developing, a local environment is recommended. A testing bot is available at @test_citycs_bot with the token provided. For production, a docker container is recommended.

New Functionality

Adding new commands, conversations, message handlers, or modules, please always place them in the corresponding folder and import them to the file.

# e.g. in app/commands/
from .cmd_crypto import *

Those file should then be imported to the file or other files by importing through the file.
When a long paragraph of message is needed to be texts, please place them in the txts folder.

Code Style and Naming Convention

Naming Convention for Files

Please also follow the naming convention of the files:

  • Commands: cmd_ + <command_name>
e.g. app/commands/
  • Conversations: conv_ + <conversation_name>
e.g. app/conversations/
  • Message Handlers: msg_ + <message_handler_name>
e.g. app/message_handlers/
  • Modules: module_ + <module_name>
e.g. app/modules/

Naming Convention for Functions

Please also follow the naming convention of the functions: use snake_case for functions and variables

def get_crypto_price():
    student_id = 12345678

For new source files

Please contact the author of the project through Telegram to add new source files to the project.


General Steps

Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the project
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a pull request

For any question, please contact the author through Telegram.


An open source Telegram bot project for CityU CS Telegram Group


Language:Python 99.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.7%