seniverse / ex_json_logger_examples

Usage examples centered on JSON Logger in Elixir.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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Usage examples centered on how to log messages with JSON format in Elixir based on ex_json_logger.

See test/json_logger_examples_test.exs for usage cases and config/config.exs for how to do configuration for logger to set a custom formatter.

See ex_json_logger - GitHub for more instructions about usage.

See Logger - Elixir for official doc about Logger.

Try it out

$ iex -S mix
iex> JSONLoggerExamples.log "abc"
iex> {"time":"2019-05-29 17:31:31.424","pid":"#PID<0.197.0>","msg":"abc","module":"Elixir.JSONLoggerExamples","line":6,"level":"info","function":"log/1","file":"lib/json_logger_examples.ex","application":"ex_json_logger_examples"}

It shows how actual messages printed in an Elixir module looks like in practice.


  1. JSON is friendly for fields extension. We can add any fields we want in practice to a JSON via Logger.Metadata or other ways.

  2. Just printing log to stdout. See Logs - 12factor for its reason. Let's develop Cloud-Native Apps!


Usage examples centered on JSON Logger in Elixir.

License:MIT License


Language:Elixir 100.0%