semerj / webarch2014

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Web Architecture 253

Understanding the web’s core technologies from user-facing (HTML, CSS) to underlying (TCP/IP). At the end of the course students will have an overview of what happens between typing an address in a browser and interacting with the web page. We’ll leverage industry accepted technologies to implement a simple web app.
Homework (30%), midterm (30%), project (40%).
Jim Blomo <jblomo@ischool>
Molly Robison <mrobison@ischool>


DateReadingsSlidesHomework / Project
Aug 29A Brief History of the Web & Long Live the Web Optional: Try GitIntro & BrowsersGit & HW1 - browsers
Sep 5HTML5 Elements & CSS Selectors ; CSS inheritance ; Optional: Blink TagHTML & CSSHW2 - Personal Page
Sep 12Optional: Elequent Javascript, jQuery Validate Example, W3C Forms SpecificationForms & JavascriptHW3 - Madlib Form
Sep 19Architecture of the World Wide Web Sections 1 & 2, Cool URIs don’t change, (Skim) HTTP headers reference, (Optional) FlaskURI & HTTP & HTTP ServerHW4 - Telnet
Sep 26State Sections 1-5; Learn Python the Hard Way Exercise 39, Dictionaries; Flask Quickstart Rendering Templates, The Request ObjectDynamic Webpages & HTTP DataHW5 - HTTP Data; Project Part 1
Oct 3Cookie; REST explained; RESTful APIs Part 1 (especially note on how to model a transaction) and Part 2 (careful, uses an older version of Github API); HATEOAS; Roots of the REST/SOAP Debate (Optional)ONLINE: Cookies & ReSTHW6 - Github API
Oct 10Internet, TCP, & DNS
Oct 17Frontend Performance
Oct 24Midterm
Oct 31Storage Systems
Nov 7Search & SEO
Nov 14Mobile
Nov 21Data Mining
Nov 28Thanksgiving
Dec 5Security & Your WebsiteProject Code Due
Dec 12Project Presentations
Dec 19-Project Reports Due
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Language:CSS 58.6%Language:Python 38.9%Language:Shell 2.5%