selfscrum / next-netlify-starter

A one-click starter project for Next and Netlify

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Next + Netlify Starter

Netlify Status

This is a Next.js v12 project bootstrapped with create-next-app and set up to be instantly deployed to Netlify!

This project is a very minimal starter that includes 2 sample components, a global stylesheet, a netlify.toml for deployment, and a jsconfig.json for setting up absolute imports and aliases. With Netlify, you'll have access to features like Preview Mode, server-side rendering/incremental static regeneration via Netlify Functions, and internationalized routing on deploy automatically.

Deploy to Netlify

(If you click this button, it will create a new repo for you that looks exactly like this one, and sets that repo up immediately for deployment on Netlify)

Table of Contents:

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.js. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

Installation options

Option one: One-click deploy

Deploy to Netlify

Option two: Manual clone

  1. Clone this repo: git clone
  2. Navigate to the directory and run npm install
  3. Run npm run dev
  4. Make your changes
  5. Connect to Netlify manually (the netlify.toml file is the one you'll need to make sure stays intact to make sure the export is done and pointed to the right stuff)


Included Default Testing

We’ve included some tooling that helps us maintain these templates. This template currently uses:

If your team is not interested in this tooling, you can remove them with ease!

Removing Renovate

In order to keep our project up-to-date with dependencies we use a tool called Renovate. If you’re not interested in this tooling, delete the renovate.json file and commit that onto your main branch.

Removing Cypress

For our testing, we use Cypress for end-to-end testing. This makes sure that we can validate that our templates are rendering and displaying as we’d expect. By default, we have Cypress not generate deploy links if our tests don’t pass. If you’d like to keep Cypress and still generate the deploy links, go into your netlify.toml and delete the plugin configuration lines:

  package = "netlify-plugin-cypress"
-  [plugins.inputs.postBuild]
-    enable = true
-  [plugins.inputs]
-    enable = false 

If you’d like to remove the netlify-plugin-cypress build plugin entirely, you’d need to delete the entire block above instead. And then make sure sure to remove the package from the dependencies using:

npm uninstall -D netlify-plugin-cypress

And lastly if you’d like to remove Cypress entirely, delete the entire cypress folder and the cypress.config.ts file. Then remove the dependency using:

npm uninstall -S cypress

ChatGPT Prompt

I want a React nextjs app that manages three facets: Identity, Architecture, Experience. Each of those facets contains base elements of the type Outcome, Object, Activity and People. In each facet, these base elements have different names.

For Identitiy: Purpose as Outcome, Content as Object, and Story as Activity, People as People. For Architecture: Capability as Outcome, Asset as Object, and Process as Activity, People as People. For Experience: Task as Outcome, Channel as Object, and Journey as Activity, People as People.

In Addition the web app manages three intersections of two facets each. Intersections are of base type object and contain only base elements of type Object.

The Organisation intersection is an overlap of Identity and Architecture. The Product intersection is an overlap of Architecture and Experience. The Brand intersection is an overlap of Experience and Identity.

Each Base type entity can have a relation to another Base type entity. Three different relations are defined:

A Link is an undirected association between two base elements A Flow is a directed association between two base elements that passes one or more base elements of type Object. A Tree is a related association between base elements with a Parent/Child semantic.

All Base Elements can have one or more custom tags All Base Elements can have one or more metrics. Recommended metrics are Priority, Investment, Cost, Risk, Performance, Quality/Fitness

Please create a nextjs pages and components model for a web application that manages this structure.


A one-click starter project for Next and Netlify


Language:JavaScript 79.6%Language:CSS 20.4%