selenoruc / Matrix-Multiplication

The multiplication of two matrices via serial, OpenMP and loop blocking methods

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Matrix Multiplication

The purpose of the project is to multiply two matrices in the size of 1K to 5K in 3 different ways and analyze the effects on performance.

The multiplication of two matrices is to be implemented as:

  • a serial program
  • an OpenMP shared memory program (parallel)
  • a loop blocking method program


You can install the application with clone this repository by the commands given below

# clone the repository
$ git clone


Matix size, value type of the matrix and the block size of for looping part defined as macro variables in functions.h file.

#define SIZE 1000       //Set the size of matrix
#define type double     //Set the type of matrix (double - float)
#define block_size 10   //System block size (optimum value as a result of tests)

Project Files

. bFunctions.cpp          loop blocing program functions
. functions.h             whole funtions declarations, matrix parameters and libraries needed
. main.cpp                main program 
. pFunctions.cpp          OpenMP parallel program functions
.               This README file you're looking
. sFunctions.cpp          serial program functions

Compile and run

To compile the serial program, sFunctions.cpp and main.cpp will be to compiled with g++ and object file named as serial.

$ g++ -o serial sFunctions.cpp main.cpp
$ ./serial

To compile the OpenMP parallel program, pFunctions.cpp and main.cpp will be to compiled with g++ (with -fopenmp parameter) and object file named as parallel.

$ g++ -O -Wall -std=c++0x -g -fopenmp -o parallel pFunctions.cpp main.cpp
$ ./parallel

To compile the loop blocking program, bFunctions.cpp and main.cpp will be to compiled with g++ and object file named as block.

$ g++ -o block bFunctions.cpp main.cpp
$ ./block


The multiplication of two matrices via serial, OpenMP and loop blocking methods


Language:C++ 100.0%