sekiskylink / rp-archiver

Content archival service for RapidPro/TextIt.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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Service for archiving old RapidPro/TextIt runs and messages. It interacts directly with the database and writes archive files to an S3 compatible endpoint.


As it is a Go application, it compiles to a binary and that binary along with the config file is all you need to run it on your server. You can find bundles for each platform in the releases directory. You should only run a single instance for a deployment.


The service uses a tiered configuration system, each option takes precendence over the ones above it:

  1. The configuration file
  2. Environment variables starting with ARCHIVER_
  3. Command line parameters

We recommend running it with no changes to the configuration and no parameters, using only environment variables to configure it. You can use % rp-archiver --help to see a list of the environment variables and parameters and for more details on each option.


For use with RapidPro, you will want to configure these settings:

  • ARCHIVER_DB: URL describing how to connect to the database (default "postgres://temba:temba@localhost/temba?sslmode=disable")
  • ARCHIVER_TEMP_DIR: The directory that temporary archives will be written before upload (default "/tmp")
  • ARCHIVER_DELETE: Whether to delete messages and runs after they are archived, we recommend setting this to true for large installations (default false)

For writing of archives, Archiver needs access to an S3 bucket, you can configure access to your bucket via:

  • ARCHIVER_S3_REGION: The region for your S3 bucket (ex: ew-west-1)
  • ARCHIVER_S3_BUCKET: The name of your S3 bucket (ex: dl-archiver-test")
  • ARCHIVER_S3_ENDPOINT: The S3 endpoint we will write archives to (default "")
  • ARCHIVER_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: The AWS access key id used to authenticate to AWS
  • ARCHIVER_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The AWS secret access key used to authenticate to AWS

Recommended settings for error reporting:

  • ARCHIVER_SENTRY_DSN: The DSN to use when logging errors to Sentry


These are the configuration options that can be provided as parameters or environment variables. If using environment varibles, convert to uppercase, replace dashes with underscores and prefix the name with ARCHIVER_, e.g. -log-level becomes ARCHIVER_LOG_LEVEL.

      whether we should archive messages (default true)
      whether we should archive runs (default true)
  -aws-access-key-id string
      the access key id to use when authenticating S3 (default none)
  -aws-secret-access-key string
      the secret access key id to use when authenticating S3 (default none)
  -db string
      the connection string for our database (default "postgres://localhost/archiver_test?sslmode=disable")
      print where config values are coming from
      whether to delete messages and runs from the db after archival (default false)
      print usage information
      whether we should keep local archive files after upload (default false)
      the Librato username for metrics reporting
      the Librato token for metrics reporting
  -log-level string
      the log level, one of error, warn, info, debug (default "info")
      run archving immediately and then exit
  -retention-period int
      the number of days to keep before archiving (default 90)
  -s3-bucket string
      the S3 bucket we will write archives to (default "dl-archiver-test")
      whether we disable SSL when accessing S3. Should always be set to False unless you're hosting an S3 compatible service within a secure internal network
  -s3-endpoint string
      the S3 endpoint we will write archives to (default "")
      whether we force S3 path style. Should generally need to default to False unless you're hosting an S3 compatible service
  -s3-region string
      the S3 region we will write archives to (default "us-east-1")
  -sentry-dsn string
      the sentry configuration to log errors to, if any
  -temp-dir string
      directory where temporary archive files are written (default "/tmp")
      whether we should upload archive to S3 (default true)


Once you've checked out the code, you can build the service with:

go build

This will create a new executable in $GOPATH/bin called rp-archiver.

To run the tests you need to create the test database:

$ createdb archiver_test

To run all of the tests:

go test -p=1 ./...


Content archival service for RapidPro/TextIt.



Language:Go 100.0%