sekisamu / substrate-offchain-pricefetch

Fetching cryptocurrency prices using off-chain workers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Substrate Offchain Price Fetch

Project Motivation

It is often necessary we fetch external data in our blockchain applications. For traditional back-end applications this can be done with simple HTTP REST-ful fetch requests, but not the case in blockchain applications. Firstly it is usually not necessary for every nodes in the network to fetch from the remote end to verify the data. Secondly the http request does not return a deterministic result as there maybe network delays or even errors. This potentially cause block production delays and problems and affect the stability of the blockchain application.

What we need is some kind of a worker that is outside the regular state transition cycle during block production, an off-chain worker, to execute these operations by a few dedicated nodes in the network.

Substrate, a flexible blockchain development framework does offer this feature of Off-chain Worker. This project is a demonstration of this feature.

This project consists of a Substrate node with a custom pallet that use off-chain worker to fetch prices of a few cryptocurrencies, each from two external sources and then aggregate them by simply averaging and recording them back to on-chain storage.

How It Works

This project has a setup of using Substrate Node Template in the node folder, and Substrate Front-end Template in the frontend folder.

The meat of the project is in node/runtime/src/ and node/runtime/src/

1. node/runtime/src/

In this file, in addition to the regular lib setup, we specify a SubmitPFTransaction type and set it as the associated type for our pallet trait. We then implement the system::offchain::CreateTransaction trait afterwards as follows. This is necessary for the off-chain worker to send signed or unsigned transactions back on-chain.

// -- snip --
type SubmitPFTransaction = system::offchain::TransactionSubmitter<

parameter_types! {
  pub const BlockFetchDur: BlockNumber = 2;

impl price_fetch::Trait for Runtime {
  type Event = Event;
  type Call = Call;
  type SubmitSignedTransaction = SubmitPFTransaction;
  type SignAndSubmitTransaction = SubmitPFTransaction;
  type SubmitUnsignedTransaction = SubmitPFTransaction;
  type BlockFetchDur = BlockFetchDur;

impl system::offchain::CreateTransaction<Runtime, UncheckedExtrinsic> for Runtime {
  type Public = <Signature as Verify>::Signer;
  type Signature = Signature;

  fn create_transaction<TSigner: system::offchain::Signer<Self::Public, Self::Signature>> (
    call: Call,
    public: Self::Public,
    account: AccountId,
    index: Index,
  ) -> Option<(Call, <UncheckedExtrinsic as sp_runtime::traits::Extrinsic>::SignaturePayload)> {
    // ...

// -- snip --

2. node/runtime/src/

Feel free to look at the src code side by side with the following description.

Note the necessary included modules at the top for:

  • system::{ offchain, ...}, off-chain workers, for submitting transaction
  • simple_json, a lightweight json-parsing library that work in no_std environment
  • sp_runtime::{...}, some libraries to handle HTTP requests and sending transactions back on-chain.

The main logic of this pallet goes as:

  • After a block is produced, offchain_worker function is called. This is the main entry point of the Substrate off-chain worker. It checks that for every BlockFetchDur blocks (set in, the off-chain worker goes out and fetch the price based on the config data in FETCHED_CRYPTOS.

  • For each entry of the FETCHED_CRYPTOS, it executes the fetch_price function, and get the JSON response back from fetch_json function. The JSON is parsed for a specific format to return the price in (USD dollar * 1000) in integer format.

  • We then submit an unsigned transaction to call the on-chain extrinsics record_price function to record the price. All unsigned transactions by default are regarded as invalid transactions, so we explicitly enable them in the validate_unsigned function.

  • On the next block production, the price is stored on-chain. The SrcPricePoints stores the actual price + timestamp (price point), and TokenSrcPPMap and RemoteSrcPPMap are the indices mapping the cryptocurrency and remote src to some price points. Finally UpdateAggPP are incremented by one so later on we know how many new price points have arrived since we last calculated the mean of the crypto price.

  • Once a block is produced, offchain_worker function kicks in again, and see that UpdateAggPP have mapping value(s) greater than 0, then the aggregate_pp function is called. This function retrieves the last UpdateAggPP mapping value, being passed in to the function as freq parameter, of that crypto prices and find the mean of each crypto price. Then we submit an unsigned transaction to call the on-chain extrinsics record_agg_pp function to record the mean price of the cryptocurrencies, with logic similar to the record_price function.


It is based on Substrate Front-end Template with a new section to show cryptocurrency prices.

How to Run

Further Enhancement


Fetching cryptocurrency prices using off-chain workers

License:The Unlicense


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