segunfrancis / LawRights

Android project that displays the rights of the Nigerian citizen.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Hello ✋ and welcome to LawRights android project

This project was developed as a coding exercise for the android developer role at Law Pavillion


  • Kotlin
  • Material design
  • Android navigation components
  • Hilt
  • Coroutine and Flow
  • Paging 3
  • Room
  • Retrofit
  • Timber
  • MockWebServer
  • MockK



  • Minimum SDK: Android Lollipop (SDK level 21)


This project uses MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture. The project is structured into different modules for separation of concern.

  • Modules:

    • app
    • common
    • data
    • feature
  • app: The app module is the main entry point of the project. It contains the main navigation graph of the project

  • common: This module contains classes and resources that are used by other feature modules. It contains drawables, strings and styles resources.

  • data: This module contains 2 sub-modules - remote and local layer. The remote layer contains network calls created with Retrofit. The local layer contains Room database implementations.

  • feature: This module contains sub-modules of different features of the app. There are currently 2 features - home and my_rights. When more features are added to this project, they will be added to the feature module as sub-modules.

Dependency graph

image describing the dependency of each module


dashboard screenshot my rights screenshot collapsed my rights screenshot expanded


The most significant challenge I faced was using the Paging 3 android library to display the list of rights. The library returns a PagingData which is a pure android API. This made it impossible for me to use clean architecture in this project. This is due to the fact that the domain layer of the android clean architecture is supposed to be a pure Kotlin module. I overcame this by using the MVVM architecture alone. Another issue I faced was as a result of difficulty in caching the paged data. Managing the states was also difficult because the method that submits the paged list to the Paging adapter was a suspend function that had to be called from a Coroutine, this made updating the views difficult becuase view updates have to be carried out on the main (UI) thread.


Android project that displays the rights of the Nigerian citizen.


Language:Kotlin 100.0%