segabl / pd2-chaos-mod

Enables random modifiers during gameplay

Repository from Github https://github.comsegabl/pd2-chaos-modRepository from Github https://github.comsegabl/pd2-chaos-mod

Chaos Mod

Ever wished your heists were more chaotic and/or painful? Then this is the mod for you! While having Chaos Mod active, random modifiers will activate during gameplay which can range from being a slight inconvenience to completely game-changing. With over 100 different modifiers you are sure to have plenty of exciting combinations and interesting moments.

NOTE: This mod locks your matchmaking and you will only be able to play with other people that are also using it. All modifiers will be synced to and affect other players in your lobby.

List of Modifiers

A Deeper Insight
Draws hitboxes of objects in a certain radius around the player

Aim for the Head
Enemies only take damage from headshots

Asset Redistribution
Switches positions of assets like ammo bags and medic bags

Forces players to move forward

Boys in Blue
Replaces all non-special enemy spawns with Bronco cops

Bring the Hostage Rescue Team!
Replaces all non-special enemy spawns with FBI Agents

Brittle Bones
Increases fall damage and decreases the height from which players can fall without receiving damage

Bullet Hose
Players get infinite ammo and slightly increased fire rate but reduced accuracy

Bullet Magnets
Gives players auto aim onto a randomly chosen enemy

Bullet Time
Slows down game time

Players need to solve a captcha in time to continue playing, failing to do so downs them

Charged Shots
All weapon shots electrocute enemies and players for a short duration

Cheap Internet
Resets player positions back a short distance occasionally

Check your back
Spawns charging Cloakers that target random players

Civilian Magnet
Makes civilians follow random players

Randomly interrupts interactions and trips players

Players need to stay within a certain radius of each other or they receive damage

Cocaine is a hell of a drug
Increases enemy movement speed

Color Correction
Applies random color grading

Concussive Trauma
All weapon shots have a chance to concuss enemies and players

Console Experience
Caps frame rate at 25fps

Crab People
Players can only move sideways

Deadly Deaths
Enemies explode upon death, dealing damage to players

Diverse Armament
Enemies receive random weapons upon spawning

Don't miss!
Players receive damage over time proportional to their weapon damage when they miss a shot

Don't waste a Bullet
Players can only reload their weapon when it's compeltely empty

Increases aim down sight zoom

Everything is Normal
Changes the render mode to render normals

Falcon Punch
Increases enemy melee knockback

Plays random enemy voicelines, sound effects and player downed lines

Gravity Fluctuations
Changes gravity randomly in different map segments

Hack and Slash
Players take reduced damage while only being able to attack with melee

Healers never die!
Makes Medics invulnerable but passive

Heavy Munitions
Changes all weapon shots to explosive rounds

All moving characters play heavy footstep noises and shake the screen when close to the player

Hot Potato
Periodically deals damage to players while they carry bags

Hot Specials in your Area
Spawns pools of fire around every special enemy

I can't decide
Randomly switches players weapons

Ibuprofen in the House
Replaces all non-special enemy spawns with Medics

Itchy Trigger Finger
Makes players randomly shoot their guns

Jules-ify (selected overhauls only)
Changes spawngroups, enemy amounts and behavior to represent the state of the game during and after Jules era

Laser Party
Activates Sniper lasers on all enemies

Leaky Pockets
Drains ammo from player weapons over time

Loadout Mix-Up
Switches weapons between players randomly

Longer Modifiers
Increases the duration of modifiers

Louder Enemies
Makes all enemies play burning voicelines

Lunar Expedition
Lowers gravity

Every shot will empty the entire magazine and deal damage according to the amount of bullets used

Mechanic Needed
Breaks all vehicles

Meet your Quota
Players need to kill a certain amount of enemies in time, failing to do so downs them

Modifier Overload
Instantly activates the maximum amount of allowed modifiers

More Modifiers
Decreases the cooldown between modifiers

Warps the screen

Never skip leg day
Players can't jump

No Lead
Empties the player's magazine

Oops, all Marshals
Replaces all non-special enemy spawns with Marshals

Increases the intensity of all light sources

Pain Split
Health and armor percentages are shared between all players

Increases the field of view

Peak Comedy
Replaces all heister voices and voicelines with Dallas' medic bag lines

Pushes players in random directions

Pitch Perfect
Changes the pitch of all sounds

Pogo Stick
Makes players bounce continuously

Portrait Mode
Limits the field of view with black bars

Protective Headgear
Disables enemy headshot multipliers

Public Enemy No. 1
Randomly picks a player that will be focused by enemies

Quantum Translocators
Enemies will teleport to close distance

Quick Time Event
All interactions are replaced with quick time button events

Red Light, Green Light
Players are only allowed to move during green light, moving during red light shocks them

Refresh Modifiers
Refreshes the duration of all active modifiers

Restraining Order
Enemy melee attacks will cuff players

Riot Police
Replaces all non-special enemy spawns with Shields

Rubber Bullets
All weapon shots deal minimal damage but flinch players and enemies

Places a moving logo on screen, will it ever hit the corner?

Tilts the view left and right

Secret Cloaker
Randomly selects enemies to spawn with cloaker logic

Seems Dodgy
Makes enemies dodge more often

Shell Shock
Spawns rocket airstrikes

Shock Therapy
Replaces all non-special enemy spawns with Tasers

Electrocutes all heisters for a short duration

Silent Movie
Turns sound effect volume to zero

Simon Says
Starts a game of Simon Says, players failing to follow instructions will be electrocuted

Sing Along
Starts a song and displays lyrics to sing along

Sleep Deprived
Fades the screen to black periodically

Smoke Screen
Places a smoke effect on the player

Social Distancing
Getting close to other heisters deals damage to players

Special Operation
Increases the amount of special enemies

Special Upgrade
Changes all special enemies to Bulldozers while keeping their original behaviour

Speeds up game time

Spontaneous Combustion
Kills all Jokers with fire damage

Spring-Loaded Trigger
Stops projectiles from exploding on impact

Stop right there criminal scum!
Briefly stops all players from moving

Subs > Dubs
Changes all heister voices to Jiro

Tactical Reload
Forces players to reload early

Taste your own Medicine
Enemies receive random weapons currently used by a heister upon spawning

Teleporter Mishap
Teleports players randomly periodically

The Invisible Man
Turns all enemies invisible

Forces Captain Winters to spawn

Time Out
Randomly selects a player to get put into civilian mode for a short time

Shakes the screen periodically

Enemies and heisters can't attack each other

True Slav
Forces players to crouch

Turtle Master
Slows down players massively but gives them double health and armor and makes them immune to Cloakers

UI Drift
Makes UI elements move randomly across the screen

Use the Force
Player attacks are replaced by hand gestures that deal damage

Vampire Mode
Players lose health periodically but gain health upon dealing damage

Vengeful Spirits
Killed enemies have a change to respawn

Voice Crack
Heister voices change randomly to a different heister

Weak Arms
Increases recoil when shooting weapons and decreases throw strength of grenades and projectiles

Who farted?
Randomly spawns teargas on players

Why don't we just use a spoon?
Breaks all drills

Replaces all enemy spawns with a random enemy

You spin me right round
Makes all enemies spin

Your opinion, my choice
Spawns a cluster of flashbangs on players

Za Warudo
Stops game time for a short duration


Enables random modifiers during gameplay

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Lua 100.0%