seenickcode / ansible-git-clone

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Clone Private Git Repository

An Ansible role that can be used to clone a private GitHub repository.


  • This role requires a GitHub personal access token. Generate a new token (Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal Acess Token). Make sure the token has the scopes outlined in the "Role Variables" section below.

  • Create a password file that will be used to encrypt the GitHub personal access token

    echo "<your-passphrase>" | openssl aes-256-cbc -a -salt > /path/to/password/file

  • In order to let Ansible know where to look for the password file, you have two options:

    1. In the ansible.cfg file, add the line: vault_password_file = /path/to/password/file under [defaults]

    2. Create an environment variable: ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=/path/to/password/file

  • Encrypt the token by running the following command

    ansible-vault encrypt_string '<token>' --name 'GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN' --vault-password-file=/path/to/password/file

  • Copy the generated encrypted string and paste it in the vars/main.yml file

Role Variables

  • KEY_TITLE: The title of the SSH key to be added to the GitHub account
  • KEY_PATH: Full path of the directory where the SSH key should be stored. A typical location would be ~/.ssh/<key_name>
  • GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN: The personal access token associated with the GitHub account being used. The token should have the following scopes:
    • repo
    • admin:public_key
    • user
    • admin:gpg_ley
  • GIT_REPO: The SSH url of the GitHub repository to be cloned. An example would be ssh://
  • CLONE_DEST: The folder where repository should be cloned to
  • KNOWN_HOSTS_PATH: Location of the SSH known_hosts file on the target machine. A typical location would be ~/.ssh/known_hosts
  • GIT_EXECUTABLE: The location of the git binary on the target machine. For example /usr/bin/git

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
     - git-clone



Author Information

Author: Asif Mahmud

