seemsindie / shrimp

a phantomjs based pdf renderer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status Creates PDFs from web pages using PhantomJS

Read our blog post about how it works.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'shrimp'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install shrimp


See for instructions on how to install PhantomJS.


require 'shrimp'
url     = ''
options = { :margin => "1cm"}, options).to_pdf("~/output.pdf")


Here is a list of configuration options that you can set. Unless otherwise noted in comments, the value shown is the default value.

Many of these options correspond to a property of the [WebPage module] ( in PhantomJS. Refer to that documentation for more information about what those options do.

Shrimp.configure do |config|

  # The path to the phantomjs executable.  Defaults to the path returned by `which phantomjs`.
  config.phantomjs = '/usr/local/bin/phantomjs'

  # The paper size/format to use for the generated PDF file. Examples: "5in*7.5in", "10cm*20cm",
  # "A4", "Letter". (See
  # for a list of valid options.)
  config.format = 'A4'

  # The page margin to use (part of paperSize in PhantomJS)
  config.margin = '1cm'

  # The zoom factor (zoomFactor in PhantomJS)
  config.zoom = 1

  # The page orientation ('portrait' or 'landscape') (part of paperSize in PhantomJS)
  config.orientation = 'portrait'

  # The directory where temporary files are stored, including the generated PDF files.
  config.tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir('shrimp'),

  # How long to wait (in ms) for PhantomJS to load the web page before saving it to a file.
  # Increase this if you need to render very complex pages.
  config.rendering_time = 1_000

  # The timeout for the phantomjs rendering process (in ms).  This needs always to be higher than
  # rendering_time.  If this timeout expires before the job completes, it will cause PhantomJS to
  # abort and exit with an error.
  config.rendering_timeout = 90_000

  # Change the viewport size.  If you are rendering a page that adapts its layout based on the
  # page width and height then you may need to set this to enforce a specific size.  (viewportSize
  # in PhantomJS)
  config.viewport_width  = 600
  config.viewport_height = 600

  # Maximum number of redirects to follow
  # By default Shrimp does not follow any redirects, which means that if the server responds with
  # something other than HTTP 200 (for example, 302), an error will be returned. Setting this > 0
  # causes it to follow that many redirects and only raise an error if the number of redirects exceeds
  # this.
  # config.max_redirect_count = 0

  # The path to a json configuration file containing command-line options to be used by PhantomJS.
  # Refer to for a list of valid options.
  # The default options are listed in the Readme.  To use your own file from
  # config/shrimp/config.json in Rails app, you could do this:
  config.command_config_file = Rails.root.join('config/shrimp/config.json')

  # Enable if you want to see details such as the phantomjs command line that it's about to execute.
  config.debug = false

Default PhantomJS Command-line Options

These are the PhantomJS options that will be used by default unless you set the config.command_config_file option.

See the PhantomJS API-Reference for a complete list of valid options.

    "diskCache": false,
    "ignoreSslErrors": false,
    "loadImages": true,
    "outputEncoding": "utf8",
    "webSecurity": true


Shrimp comes with a middleware that allows users to generate a PDF file of any page on your site simply by appending .pdf to the URL.

For example, if your site is and you go to, the middleware will detect that a PDF is being requested and will automatically convert the web page at into a PDF and send that PDF as the response.

If you only want to allow this for some pages but not all of them, see below for how to add conditions.

Middleware Setup

Non-Rails Rack apps

# in
require 'shrimp'
use Shrimp::Middleware

Rails apps

# in application.rb or an initializer (Rails 3) or environment.rb (Rails 2)
require 'shrimp'
config.middleware.use Shrimp::Middleware

With Shrimp options

# Options will be passed to
config.middleware.use Shrimp::Middleware, :margin => '0.5cm', :format => 'Letter'

With conditions to limit which paths can be requested in PDF format

# conditions can be regexps (either one or an array)
config.middleware.use Shrimp::Middleware, {}, :only => %r[^/public]
config.middleware.use Shrimp::Middleware, {}, :only => [%r[^/invoice], %r[^/public]]

# conditions can be strings (either one or an array)
config.middleware.use Shrimp::Middleware, {}, :only => '/public'
config.middleware.use Shrimp::Middleware, {}, :only => ['/invoice', '/public']

# conditions can be regexps (either one or an array)
config.middleware.use Shrimp::Middleware, {}, :except => [%r[^/prawn], %r[^/secret]]

# conditions can be strings (either one or an array)
config.middleware.use Shrimp::Middleware, {}, :except => ['/secret']


To avoid tying up the web server while waiting for the PDF to be rendered (which could create a deadlock) Shrimp::Middleware starts PDF generation in the background in a separate thread and returns a 503 (Service Unavailable) response immediately.

It also adds a Retry-After response header, which tells the user's browser that the requested PDF resource is not available yet, but will be soon, and instructs the browser to try again after a few seconds. When the same page is requested again in a few seconds, it will again return a 503 if the PDF is still in the process of being generated. This process will repeat until eventually the rendering has completed, at which point the middleware returns a 200 (OK) response with the PDF itself.

You can adjust both the polling_offset (how long to wait before the first retry; default is 1 second) and the polling_interval (how long in seconds to wait between retries; default is 1 second). Example:

    config.middleware.use Shrimp::Middleware, :polling_offset => 5, :polling_interval => 1


To improve performance and avoid having to re-generate the PDF file each time you request a PDF resource, the existing PDF (that was generated the first time a certain URL was requested) will be reused and sent again immediately if it already exists (for the same requested URL) and was generated within the TTL.

The default TTL is 1 second, but can be overridden by passing a different cache_ttl (in seconds) to the middleware:

    config.middleware.use Shrimp::Middleware, :cache_ttl => 3600, :out_path => "my/pdf/store"

To disable this caching entirely and force it to re-generate the PDF again each time a request comes in, set cache_ttl to 0.


You can specify a header or footer callback, which can even include page numbers. Example:

    <script type="text/javascript">
      var PhantomJSPrinting = {
        header: {
            height: "1cm",
            contents: function(pageNum, numPages) { return "Page " + pageNum + "/" + numPages; }
        footer: {
            height: "1cm",
            contents: function(pageNum, numPages) { return "Page " + pageNum + "/" + numPages; }

Ajax requests

Here's an example of how to initiate an Ajax request for a PDF resource (using jQuery) and keep polling the server until it either finishes successfully or returns with a 504 error code.

  var url = '/my_page.pdf'
  var statusCodes = {
    200: function() {
      return window.location.assign(url);
    504: function() {
     console.log("Sorry, the request timed out.")
    503: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
      var wait;
      wait = parseInt(jqXHR.getResponseHeader('Retry-After'));
      return setTimeout(function() {
        return $.ajax({
          url: url,
          statusCode: statusCodes
      }, wait * 1000);
    url: url,
    statusCode: statusCodes


  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a pull request (git pull-request if you've installed hub)


Shrimp is Copyright © 2012 adeven (Manuel Kniep). It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.


a phantomjs based pdf renderer

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 85.8%Language:JavaScript 12.5%Language:HTML 1.5%Language:Shell 0.2%