secretsquirrel / Bounty-EncryptAGit

Can you crack it?

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

EncryptAGit Bounty

Can you crack it?

But Why?

But Why

I've been dog fooding encryptAgit and it's open source.

So, a bounty seemed appropriate. Yes, this is self funded.


Each reward is given out only once to the first person or team that can provide a writeup of the process to successfully decrypt each note and actually decrypt each note.

Examples: If you tell me that all you need is the correct salt/password combo, then provide those two items and tell me how you derived them; whether bruce forcing or figuring out I like Star Wars movies and getting lucky. If you were able to do a padding oracle attack of sorts, provide the code used so I can verify that was the method used to decrypt the files.

The encrypted_git.json file and associated git history was created with encryptAgit==0.1.0; download here or via pip3 install encryptAgit==0.1.0.

This commit is the last commit with changes to all the notes.

Each note increases in size thereby potentially making the challenge harder. Or is it easier? 😉

The salt for KDF and password are the same for all of the commits. 😱

However, the salt and password are each complex.

I will consider partial decryption of the final files for a prorated reward.

Partial decryption entries will not be accepted as final until the final day of submissions to ensure full decryption submissions are received. The best partial decryption entry will get the prorated reward per note. So only one reward per note, the best entry.

Reward 1: $500

Decrypt the final instance of Note1.txt

Reward 2: $1000

Decrypt the final instance of Note2.txt

Reward 3: $1500

Decrypt the final instance of Note3.txt

Reward 4: $2000

Decrypt the final instance of

End of bounty

Final day for valid submissions is May 20, 2023.

Payment will be made via Vemno or Paypal - whichever is still in business.


Email the.midnite[.]runr[at]gmail[dot]com. Email Subject: EncryptAGit Bounty

Only text entries will be accepted. No PDFs, word documents, STL files, encrypted zip files, photos, etc..

Attemping to or successfully hacking me, while hilarious, is a disqualifying event.

Best of Luck! I'm looking forward to seeing the outcome of this.



Can you crack it?