seclorum / Oric6502

Trying to re-learn 6502 for the Oric computer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is very much a work in progress!!

The basic idea is to create a split screen scrolling maze game using 6502 Assembly code on for the Oric 1 and Oric Atmos.

I first coded the routines to do this back in 1983 (before any other games were using split-screen scrolling). Unfortunately the tapes I recorded from my Oric have long since disappeared (As has my memory of 6502 Assembly).

I seem to remember I'd got as far as having the split screen scrolling working, with some basic keyboard processing, randomly moving 'monsters', and some interupt driven music.

I'm just starting to re-learn the stuff I knew back then. I'll continue to update this repo with my work (stuff that isn't yet working will be uploaded, just for me to keep track of where I'm at, but won't be called from 'main').

The main idea is to keep the 'maze' stored as a block/array of bytes, with each BIT used to denote if there is a maze wall or not. At runtime the routine for drawing the maze will process the maze data and plot the current state of the maze on the screen for the current top-left position.

I'm not intending on pixel level scrolling. Ideally the scrolling will be performed on a character level (as a future enhancement maybe the maze will be 'magnified'. So 1 bit set in the maze data will be a 2 * 2 character in the maze, and this will be scrolled 1 char at a time?)

I'll repeat - this is very much a work in progress.

TODO (in approximate order):

  • fix routines in maze_procs for finding which bits represent a wall.
  • Optimise the above routine This currently works fast enough for my purposes, whilst some loops could be unrolled a little this is not an area on which I will dedidicate any further time. This routine is used in plotting the maze offscreen before any real gameplay starts, so speed is not so essential.
  • create routine to plot maze on screen for top-left coordinates.
  • Use the above routine to parse maze bitmasks into an off screen buffer and create a new routine to render from that (should be faster)
  • When scrolling move the existing data on screen, and just add in the new column or row (I've decided not to do this, as any moving items will be plotted directly to the offscreen buffer - will make the code easier)
  • test. I'm happy with the performance of things higher up this list but will continue to test as I add more code and features.
  • adjust routines to handle split screen (both vertical and horizontal)
  • implement fast keyboard handling to scroll each view of the maze (and disable ROM interupt for these). Used keyboard routines (as described here)[]
  • test again.
  • Playback music created using my tracker program (Fourbar)(Link to Fourbar)[]
  • implement 'chararacter designer', to allow creation of custom chars. (done as a separate tool)[]
  • think of a playable game using the code (For now I'm going with the idea of tron/light-cycles)
  • Add support for IJK joysticks Used code from
  • implement it.
  • test

Would be nice to

  • compress maze data (possibly using an external compression routine lz77)
  • decompress maze data (lz77?)
  • apply decompression to sprites, maze and sound.

The aim of this bit of coding was, origionally, to provide a scrolling area which is much bigger than the Oric screen The aim

Bits that might be re-used

Offscreen layout

The split screen scroller

The tracker and sound effects

Rom independent sound

Keyboard mapper

KNOWN ISSUES Keyboard not as responsive as I would like (add keys as parameters to player data and only lookup the keys required, rather than doing a full scan)

IDEAS/ TODOS Score (length or time survived) Level (faster and more obstacles) Leave no trail for next x moves Add obstacles Remove obstacles Explode other player Jump x places in a direction Draw lines into area (vert or horizontal or both) Collectables (collect in order?)


Trying to re-learn 6502 for the Oric computer


Language:Assembly 93.2%Language:Pascal 4.5%Language:C 1.1%Language:Batchfile 1.0%Language:Makefile 0.3%