seclerp / DependX

Library that provides F# DSL for dependency injection registration for your favorite IoC provider

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Library that provides F# DSL for dependency injection registration for your favorite IoC provider

⚠️ Project in active development now and currently only supports Autofac container.

DependX allows you to change this:

let deps =
    let containerBuilder = ContainerBuilder()
        .Named("Some name")
        .WithParameter("abc", 123)
        .WithParameter("abc2", fun _ -> 123) |> ignore
        .As<IService>() |> ignore


Into this:

let deps () = dependencies [
    configure selfContract<Service> {
        lifetime singleton
        named "Some name"
        param "abc" (fromInstance 123)
        param "abc2" (fromFactory <| fun () -> 123)
    contract<IService, Service>

Also there are some helper functions to nicely get started into your .NET Core or ASP.NET Core environment

Core library built on top of .NET Startard 2.0

ASP.NET Core extensions made for ASP.NET Core 2.2+

Autofac libraries currently built on top of Autofac 4.9.4 and Autofac.Extensions.DependencyInjection 5.0.1

Getting started with ASP.NET Core and Autofac

Before we start, let's assume that there are some dependencies:

// ExampleServices.fs
module SomeProject.ExampleServices

type ICustomLogger =
    abstract LogInfo : string -> unit

type IMessageService = abstract SayHello : unit -> unit

type CustomLogger() =
    interface ICustomLogger with
        member _.LogInfo(str) = printfn "%s" str

type MessageService(logger: ICustomLogger) =
    interface IHelloService with
        member _.Say(message) = logger.LogInfo message

type StartupService(messageService: IMessageService) =
    interface IHostedService with
        member _.StartAsync(token: CancellationToken) =

        member _.StopAsync(_: CancellationToken) =

Here we defined dummy logger, IMessageService that uses that logger and IHostedService that on start uses our IMessageService for writing some stuff.

Then, lets define our dependencies module:

// Dependencies.fs
module SomeProject.Dependencies

open DependX
open DependX.Autofac
open DependX.AspNetCore
open ExampleServices

let register = dependencies [
    // ...

open DependX - for core types and logic

open DependX.Autofac - for autofac-specific interpreter

open DependX.AspNetCore - for ASP.NET Core related stuff, in our case - hostedService

let register = dependencies [...] - this is our initial dependency composition. We will declare dependencies inside that block.

Lets add our newly created dependencies:

// Dependencies.fs
// ...
let register = dependencies [
    configure contract<ICustomLogger, CustomLogger> {
        lifetime singleton
    contract<ISomeService, SomeService>

In that case we registered CustomLogger as singleton and SomeService as transient (by default). We also added StartupService as IHostedService just like regular .AddHostedService in ASP.NET Core DI.

That's it. We only need to provide information how dependency need to be registered, there are no direct usage on Autofac related stuff like ContainerBuilder.

After that we need to use our register function in Startup.fs class:

// Startup.fs
// ...
open Dependencies
// ...
type Startup(...) =
    member this.ConfigureContainer(builder: ContainerBuilder) =
        register builder |> ignore

And (if you don't added it yet) configure Autofac in Program.fs:

// ...
open DependX.AspNetCore.Autofac
// ...
        .UseServiceProviderFactory(AutofacServiceProviderFactory()) // ASP.NET Core 3+ related stuff
        .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(fun webBuilder ->
            webBuilder.UseStartup<Startup>() |> ignore
            webBuilder |> configureAutofacDefaults

After project start you will see


in the console window. More information about what functions you could use for registratino can be found in documentation

Solution structure


  • DependX.Core - core library with main logic for creating abstract dependencies


  • DependX.Autofac - provides interpret functions that produces Autofac IoC container from abstract dependencies

ASP.NET Core extensions

  • DependX.AspNetCore - provides helper functions to support injection of ASP.NET Core related services (like IHostedService)
  • DependX.AspNetCore.Autofac - provides helper functions to configure and use Autofac in ASP.NET Core


  • DependX.Tests - contains unit tests for core logic


You could found full documentation here


Feel free to submit issues and PR's. If you have any questions contact me via email or telegram.


Library that provides F# DSL for dependency injection registration for your favorite IoC provider

License:MIT License


Language:F# 100.0%