sebymiano / ci-kernels

A collection of kernels used for CI builds

Repository from Github https://github.comsebymiano/ci-kernelsRepository from Github https://github.comsebymiano/ci-kernels


A collection of kernels used for CI builds.

  1. Update kernel versions in versions.json
  2. Commit and make a PR.

You can approximate CI by running

$ ./ 6.1 amd64 vmlinux --tag foo:vmlinux

Updating the builder

The builder image is still built manually.

  1. make image
  2. make push
  3. Add files, commit and make a PR.


A collection of kernels used for CI builds

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:Shell 49.5%Language:Ruby 23.3%Language:Dockerfile 22.3%Language:Makefile 4.9%