sebastien / dotnvim

Flexible NeoVim configuration

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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The goal of this (Neo) Vim configuration is to offer a modular, extensible base that can be shared within an organization and easily customized without compromising the ability to receive upstream updates.

The configuration is built along the following principles:

  • The configuration can be used as-is by anyone in an organization, and should provide a great experience out of the box.

  • Selected plugins are available to offer as-you-type completion, fuzzy search, tag/symbol navigation, fast project-wide search and code snippets.

  • Features can be enabled/disabled using a simple configuration file

  • Customization by users should not require modifying any file part of this distribution, so that upstream changes can be seamlessly deployed.

  • The configuration should be self-documenting, so that a usage manual with features and specific key bindings are automatically generated and easily accessible.

  • The configuration should work on Neovim and Vim8+


Flexible NeoVim configuration


Language:Vim Script 82.2%Language:Python 9.6%Language:Lua 7.1%Language:Makefile 1.1%