sebastiansturm / vhdl-ext

VHDL Extensions for Emacs

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vhdl-ext.el - VHDL Extensions for Emacs

This package includes some extensions on top of the great Emacs vhdl-mode.

  • Tree-sitter support (requires Emacs 29)
  • Improve syntax highlighting
  • LSP configuration for lsp-mode and eglot
  • Additional options for flycheck linters
  • Improve imenu, detect instances
  • Navigate through instances in a entity
  • Jump to definition/reference of entity at point via ggtags and xref
  • Templates insertion via hydra



Binaries and Emacs Lisp packages

vhdl-ext makes use of several binaries as backend engines to support IDE-like functionality. In addition, some third party Emacs Lisp packages serve as frontends for those binaries.

List of required binaries:

  • Definitions and references navigation: global, gtags, universal-ctags, python, pygments
  • Jump to parent entity: ag, ripgrep
  • Linting: ghdl
  • LSP: vhdl-ls, ghdl-ls, vhdl-tool, hdl_checker

Installation of required Emacs-lisp packages:

(use-package projectile)
(use-package ggtags)
(use-package ag)
(use-package ripgrep)
(use-package hydra)
(use-package outshine)
(use-package flycheck)
(use-package lsp-mode)
(use-package eglot)



For the time being vhdl-ext is still work in progress and is not yet available at MELPA. To install it via straight:

(straight-use-package 'use-package)
    :straight (:repo "gmlarumbe/vhdl-ext"))


$ cd ~/.emacs.d
$ git clone

And add the following snippet to your .emacs or init.el:

(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/vhdl-ext"))
(require 'vhdl-ext)


Requires Emacs 29, installation of tree-sitter and VHDL grammar.

To install tree-sitter there are different options:

  • Via npm
  • Manually:
$ git clone
$ cd tree-sitter
$ make && sudo make install

Installation of grammar can be automated through the script:

$ .github/scripts/

That will install at $HOME/.emacs.d/tree-sitter.

Basic config

By default vhdl-ext does not create any keybindings. Following snippet shows a configuration example with use-package:

(use-package vhdl-ext
  :straight (:host github :repo "gmlarumbe/vhdl-ext")
  :after vhdl-mode
  :mode (("\\.vhd\\'" . vhdl-ts-mode))
  :bind (:map vhdl-mode-map
         ("C-M-d"   . vhdl-ext-find-entity-instance-fwd)
         ("C-M-u"   . vhdl-ext-find-entity-instance-bwd)
         ("C-M-."   . vhdl-ext-jump-to-parent-entity)
         ("M-."     . vhdl-ext-jump-to-entity-at-point-def)
         ("M-?"     . vhdl-ext-jump-to-entity-at-point-ref)
         ("C-c C-t" . vhdl-ext-hydra/body))
  ;; LSP
  (vhdl-ext-lsp-set-server 'ghdl-ls)
  (vhdl-ext-eglot-set-server 'ghdl-ls)
  ;; Flycheck
  (setq vhdl-ext-flycheck-ghdl-work-lib "~/my_ghdl_workdir"))



The package includes the major-mode vhdl-ts-mode for syntax highligting and indentation. There is some WIP, e.g. Imenu or navigation functions.

Syntax highlighting

Improved fontification via:

  • Tree-sitter: requires Emacs 29
  • Font-lock override

For face customization: M-x customize-group RET vhdl-ext-faces

Language Server Protocol

Auto-configure various VHDL language servers for lsp-mode and eglot:

Make sure that Language Server binary is in the $PATH:

$ which vhdl_ls

Interactively: M-x vhdl-ext-lsp-set-serverRET ve-vhdl-ls


;; For `lsp-mode':
(vhdl-ext-lsp-set-server 've-vhdl-ls)
;; For `eglot':
(vhdl-ext-eglot-set-server 've-vhdl-ls)


Enhanced version of GHDL flycheck checker.

  • Allows setting name of current work library name
  • Automatically include directories of open VHDL buffers


Support detection of instances

  • imenu-list is a recommended package to visualize different levels of nesting in the hierarchy.


Instance navigation

Navigate through instances inside a entity forward/backwards.

Jump to parent entity via ag/ripgrep.


  • vhdl-ext-find-entity-instance-fwd
  • vhdl-ext-find-entity-instance-bwd
  • vhdl-ext-jump-to-parent-entity
  • vhdl-ext-instance-at-point

Jump to definition/reference

Jump to definition/reference of entity at point via ggtags and xref.


  • vhdl-ext-jump-to-entity-at-point
  • vhdl-ext-jump-to-entity-at-point-def
  • vhdl-ext-jump-to-entity-at-point-ref


Snippet selection via hydra.


  • vhdl-ext-hydra/body


Contributions are welcome! Just stick to common Elisp conventions and run the ERT suite after testing your changes and before submitting a new PR.

For new functionality add new ERT tests if possible.

ERT Tests setup

To run the ERT test suite change directory to the vhdl-ext root and run the script:

$ cd ~/.emacs.d/vhdl-ext
$ .github/scripts/

If there is a missing dependency, check the file .github/scripts/ used by GitHub Actions to configure your environment.

Other packages

  • verilog-ext: SystemVerilog Extensions for Emacs
    • Analog package to edit Verilog/SystemVerilog sources


VHDL Extensions for Emacs

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Emacs Lisp 51.2%Language:VHDL 48.8%