sebastiangrebe / balenax

Elixir wrapper for the balena API

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An Elixir wrapper package for the Balena API Balena.

Important Notice

The package is in active development. It is a side project required for the PlantGuru project which relies on Balena. Only the API endpoints needed for the development of PlantGuru are in active development. Please feel free to extend or improve this package with PRs at any time. I am happy to merge all compatible PRs.


  1. Add balenax to your mix.exs dependencies
  defp deps do
      {:balenax, "~> 0.0.1"},
  1. List :balenax as an application dependency
  def application do
    [ extra_applications: [:balenax] ]
  1. Run mix do deps.get, compile


By default the API key is loaded via the BALENA_API_KEY environment variable.

  config :balenax,
    api_key: {:system, "BALENA_API_KEY"}

JSON Decoding

By default balenax will use Jason to decode JSON responses, this can be changed as such:

  config :hcaptcha, :json_library, Poison


Device API

Balenax provides the get_device/1 method. Below is an example using a Phoenix controller action:

  def create(conn, params) do
    case Balenax.get_device(params["uuid"]) do
      {:ok, response} -> do_something
      {:error, errors} -> handle_error

get_device method sends a GET request to the balena API and returns 2 possible values:

{:ok, %Hcaptcha.Response{challenge_ts: timestamp, hostname: host}} -> The captcha is valid, see the documentation for more details.

{:error, errors} -> errors contains atomised versions of the errors returned by the API, See the error documentation for more details. Errors caused by timeouts in HTTPoison or Jason encoding are also returned as atoms. If the hcaptcha request succeeds but the challenge is failed, a :challenge_failed error is returned.

verify method also accepts a keyword list as the third parameter with the following options:

Option Action Default
timeout Time to wait before timeout 5000 (ms)
secret Private key to send as a parameter of the API request Private key from the config file
remote_ip Optional. The user's IP address, used by hCaptcha no default


In order to test your endpoints you should set the secret key to the following value in order to receive a positive result from all queries to the Hcaptcha engine.

config :hcaptcha,
  secret: "6LeIxAcTAAAAAGG-vFI1TnRWxMZNFuojJ4WifJWe"

Setting up tests without network access can be done also. When configured as such a positive or negative result can be generated locally.

config :hcaptcha,
  http_client: Hcaptcha.Http.MockClient,
  secret: "6LeIxAcTAAAAAGG-vFI1TnRWxMZNFuojJ4WifJWe"

  {:ok, _details} = Hcaptcha.verify("valid_response")

  {:error, _details} = Hcaptcha.verify("invalid_response")


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MIT License.


Elixir wrapper for the balena API


Language:Elixir 100.0%