- Theme: Seti-UI
- clone repo
- npm install
- bower install
- install globals if needed (gulp, bower, sass, typescript, typescript packages.)
- npm install gulp -g
- npm install bower -g
- gem install sass
- npm install typescript -g
- apm install atom-typescript
- gulp build
- gulp serve
I want to fill out a form when I tap a new keg to create a display for it.
I want to see what kegs I have available. For each keg, I need to see its name, brand, price and alcohol content.
I want to see a display of how many pints are left in a keg. A full keg has 124 pints in it.
I want to be able to click a button on a display of a keg whenever I sell a pint of that kind of beer and have the display of how many pints are left decrease by 1.
I want to be able to see all the kegs that have less than 10 pints left so that I can be ready to change them.
I want to be able to edit a keg's properties after entering them.
I want to have kegs color coded to show me at a glance if they are cheap or expensive - say greater or less than $5 per pint. I also want to use the alcohol content property to display stronger beers differently than weaker beers.