seaty6 / jumpcutterV3GUI

automatically edits videos, originally inspired by carykh

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Automatically cuts silent sections of videos - Originally inspired by carykh.


You can select an entire folder at once for a batch of videos (probably lectures tbh) or select an individual file to process - now with a much more efficient encoding process than the original version released by Carykh, and cutting processing times by over 90% for files over an hour long!

Set the values for how fast you want silent parts of your lecture to be, what the threshold is for "quiet speech" and how long pauses have to be before the program starts speeding that section up - more detailed explanations of these values can be found in the arguments section.

Carykh's video: Carykh's program:

See the note at the bottom of this regarding extensions that may be more suited to your usecase.

Windows Setup (GUI)


The above is simply compiled with pyinstaller - it should work on Windows without having to install Python, but you will have to install ffmpeg. The easiest way to do this is to install chocolatey and let it do the work for you. From an administrative command prompt:

@"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command " [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"

Close, then reopen the Administrative command prompt, and run:

choco install ffmpeg

And you're done! You can now run the executable. You may have to install a codec pack depending on the file format you're trying to convert. CCCP and K-lite Basic have been tested and are confirmed working - you can install CCCP from Ninite, the official CCCP website, or with the following command in an Administrative Command Prompt:

choco install cccp

Check usage for further instructions if you're having issues.

Windows Setup (CLI)


Everything is the same except for the file - get this one instead, and run fast_video.exe -h to get a list of all the parameters.

Python Setup (GUI)

  1. Download and to the same folder

  2. Ensure that a 64bit version of Python is installed and in use (Python download)

    Note: You can check this by running python -c "import struct; print(struct.calcsize('P')*8)". Should return 64.

  3. Using pip, install the modules in requirements.txt

  4. Install ffmpeg and add it to PATH (ffmpeg download and a Guide)

  5. Run python

  6. Done.

Python Setup (CLI)

  1. Download and to the same folder

  2. Ensure that a 64bit version of Python is installed and in use (Python download)

    Note: You can check this by running python -c "import struct; print(struct.calcsize('P')*8)". Should return 64.

  3. Using pip, install the modules in requirements.txt

  4. Install ffmpeg and add it to PATH (ffmpeg download and a Guide)

  5. Refer to the Usage Section.

  6. Done.


  1. Can no longer specify: sounded_speed, frame_rate, and frame_quality
  2. Can't download YouTube videos
  3. Doesn't take up a large amount of space by splitting up each frame
  4. Goes much faster


Windows (GUI): run JumpCutterGui_AIO.exe

Remember that only one of the two fields (File/Folder location) should be filled, and the other should be blank. One is for doing individual files, and the other is for doing several videos, with in a folder. If using the folder option, be sure that only video files are in the folder.

Windows (CLI): fast_video.exe {video file name} --silentSpeed {float} --silentThreshold {float} --floatMargin {float}

Python (GUI): run

Python (CLI): python3 {video file name} --silentSpeed {float} --silentThreshold {float} --floatMargin {float}

Using shorts: fast_video.exe {video file name} -s {float} -t {float} -m {float}

Note: On Linux and Windows, python3 may not work. Use python instead. Alternatively, you could use the executable if on Windows, in the releases tab.

Argument Values

Argument Default Value Why adjust?
silentSpeed 99999 Lower for less "jump" - This is the speed the video will play when there is no sound. 99999 works for jumpcutting, and 4-5 works better for lectures.
silentThreshold 0.04 Vary between 0-1 for less/more "silence" (Higher values mean more of the video is cut out)
frameMargin 1 Increase by whole numbers to require larger pauses before cutting out a section (If your professor takes breaks between his words, this will prevent cutting every gap between every word.

Heads up

Based on Python3


Thanks to gusals3587 for reworking the code to be much more optimized

Thanks to WyattBlue for adding back the all but the frame_margin parameter


It's important to mention that broswer extensions exist like the one WofWca has made (Chrome link) (Github Link) and the one vantezzen has made (Chrome Link) (Github Link) exist - these browser extensions have jumpier audio, but require no local processing, and can skip on the fly. Depending on your workflow, and tolerance for audio imperfections, this may be an ideal solution.


automatically edits videos, originally inspired by carykh


Language:Python 100.0%