seansullivan / jsgraph

Generic directed graph container, and visitor algorithms inspired by the Boost C++ Graph Library API.

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jsgraph implements an in-memory container abstraction for directed mathematical graph data sets. Vertices in the container are represented by user-assigned unique string identifiers. Edges in the container are represented by pairs of vertex identifier strings. The container supports the attachment of arbitrary application-specific meta-data to vertices and edges.

jsgraph's bundled breadth-first, and depth-first visitor algorithms leverage the container API and an external state store (color table) to affect the desired traversal firing synchronous callbacks to your code at specific stages of the traversal.

jsgraph is inspired by the design of the Boost C++ Graph Library that leverages C++ templates to affect a complete separation of concerns between (a) data storage and access (read you can adapt your own data source as necessary) (b) data semantics (BYO semantics) (c) re-usable algorithms that rely on generic protocols for (a) and (b) and thus just work by superposition.

There's some work planned on JSON import export planned in the very near future. As well, I anticipate a few minor API changes to support the next wave of Encapsule Project libraries.

Let's get going and create our first jsgraph DirectedGraph container. It's not too difficult.

    $ npm install jsgraph
    jsgraph@0.1.5 node_modules/jsgraph
    $ node
    > var jsgraph = require('jsgraph');
    > var directed = jsgraph.directed
    > var digraph = new directed.DirectedGraph();
    > JSON.stringify(digraph);

digraph is an in-memory container with no ascribed semantics at this point.

To imbue digraph with meaning, we add data.

    > digraph.addVertex("start");
    > digraph.addVertex("step1");
    > digraph.addVertex("step2");
    > digraph.addVertex("end");
    > digraph.toJSON();

Vertices are unique objects, identified with an ID string (e.g. 'start'), that represent an instance of some concept.

Let's create some associations between our concepts by adding directed edges from source to sink vertex.

    > digraph.addEdge("start", "step1", { type: "link" });
    { u: 'start', v: 'step1' }
    > digraph.addEdge("step1", "step2", { type: "link" });
    { u: 'step1', v: 'step2' }
    > digraph.addEdge("step2", "end", { type: "link" });
    { u: 'step2', v: 'end' }
    > digraph.toJSON();

You now have (a) topological information (b) labels (i.e. application-specific semantics) stored in-memory.

We can ask about relationships...

    > digraph.inEdges("step2");
    [ { u: 'step1', v: 'step2' } ]

... or query properties...

    > digraph.edgePropertyObject("start", "step1");
    { type: 'link' }

... or implement a visitor interface and call one of jsgraph's algorithms on your dataset to affect whatever you want.

    > var dfsVisitor = { finishVertex: function(vertex, digraph) { console.log(vertex); } };
    > var dfsContext = jsgraph.directed.createDepthFirstSearchContext(digraph, dfsVisitor);
    > jsgraph.directed.depthFirstSearch(digraph, dfsVisitor);

Get the code

    npm install jsgraph

Use browserify or similar utility to leverage jsgraph in the client instead of Node.js.


jsgraph is tested using Mocha/Chai. If you find a bug, please file an issue.

To execute the ~170 test vectors, clone the repo, npm install, and run the Grunt script:

    git clone
    cd jsgraph
    npm install

All tests should pass.

API Overview

The jsgraph API is patterned after the design of the Boost C++ Graph Library (BGL) API. The method names and semantics of the DirectedGraph generic directed graph container object, the use of the visitor design pattern to decouple the graph data from the graph algorithms, and the callback function signatures and semantics that codify the BFS and DFS algorithm extension protocol for developers are all copied directly from the BGL.

The current release of jsgraph contains support only for directed graph datasets. Support for undirected graph datasets and algorithms is planned in a future release.

DirectedGraph Generic Container


    var jsgraph = require('jsgraph');
    var digraph = new jsgraph.DirectedGraph(JSON); // JSON is optional


  • toJSON - export the contents of the directed graph container to JSON
  • importJSON - import the contents of a serialized DirectedGraph container into the current graph


  • addVertex - add a vertex to the digraph w/optional property object
  • removeVertex - remove a vertex, and adjacent in-edges from the digraph
  • isVertex - determine if a vertex is in the graph or not
  • verticesCount - retrieve the count of vertices in the digraph
  • getVertices - retrive the set of vertices
  • getRootVertices - retrieve the set of vertices with in-degree zero
  • getLeafVertices - retrieve the set of vertices with out-degree zero
  • getVertexProperty - get a property object reference for a specific vertex
  • setVertexProperty - set a property object reference for a specific vertex
  • inEdges - retrieve the set of adjacent in-edges of a specific vertex
  • outEdges - retrieve the set of adjacent out-edges of a specific vertex
  • inDegree - retrieve the count of adjacent in-edges of a specific vertex
  • outDegree - retrieve the count of adjacent out-edges of a specific vertex


  • addEdge - add an edge w/optional property object to the digraph
  • removeEdge - remove an edge from the digraph
  • isEdge - determine if an edge is in the graph or not
  • edgesCount - retrieve the count of edges in the digraph
  • getEdges - retrieve the set of out-edges in the entire graph
  • getEdgeProperty - get a property object reference for a specific edge
  • setEdgeProperty - set a property object reference for a specific edge


jsgraph currently provides the following algorithms for working with DirectedGraph container object datasets:

  • transpose - create a copy of a DirectedGraph container object with direction of all the edges reversed
  • breadth-first-visit and breadth-first-search
    • non-recursive, generic visitor pattern implementations
    • callbacks: initializeVertex, discoverVertex, startVertex, examineVertex, examineEdge, treeEdge, nonTreeEdge, grayTarget, blackTarget, finishVertex
  • generic depth-first-visit and depth-first-search
    • non-recursive, generic visitor pattern implementations
    • callbacks: initializeVertex, startVertex, discoverVertex, examineEdge, treeEdge, backEdge, forwardOrCrossEdge, finishVertex


A simple JavaScript/jsgraph implementation of Depth-first search (DFS) example from Introduction to Algorithms 23.3.

Introduction to Algorithms DFS Example

    // Use `require` to include the `jsgraph` module and select the `directed` graph namespace.
    var jsdigraph = require('jsgraph').directed;

    // Use JavaScript `new` operator to create a new, empty instance of DirectedGraph container object.
    var digraph = new jsdigraph.DirectedGraph();

    // Create an in-memory model of the topology of the directed graph (a) depicted above.
    digraph.addEdge("u", "v");
    digraph.addEdge("v", "y");
    digraph.addEdge("y", "x");
    digraph.addEdge("x", "v");
    digraph.addEdge("u", "x");
    digraph.addEdge("w", "y");
    digraph.addEdge("w", "z");
    digraph.addEdge("z", "z");

    // We're going to traverse the topology of the directed graph stored in `digraph` using
    // the depth-first search algorithm from jsgraph. Results will be stored in `dfsResults` array.
    var dfsResults = [];

    // Keep track of start, end times.
    var step = 0;
    var time = 0;

    // Define a DFS visitor object.
    // The properties are predefined function signatures that are called back iff defined.
    // Which callbacks we implement, and what we do in our callbacks is entirely up to us.
    // In this simple example we implement a simple logger that pushes each traversal step
    // into the `dfsResults` array for demonstration purposes.
    var dfsVisitorInterface = {
        initializeVertex: function(u, g) {
            dfsResults.push(step++ + " initializeVertex " + u);
        startVertex: function (s, g) {
            dfsResults.push(step++ + " startVertex " + s);
        discoverVertex: function(u, g) {
            dfsResults.push(step++ + " discoverVertex " + u + " at time " + time);
        examineEdge: function(u, v, g) {
            dfsResults.push(step++ + " examineEdge [" + u + "," + v + "]");
        treeEdge: function(u, v, g) {
            dfsResults.push(step++ + " treeEdge [" + u + "," + v + "]");
        backEdge: function(u, v, g) {
            dfsResults.push(step++ + " backEdge [" + u + "," + v + "]");
        forwardOrCrossEdge: function(u, v, g) {
            dfsResults.push(step++ + " forwardOrCrossEdge [" + u + "," + v + "]");
        finishVertex: function(u, g) {
            dfsResults.push(step++ + " finishVertex " + u + " at time " + time);

    // jsgraph-provided algorithms are stateful and require a place to store their internal context.
    var dfsContext = jsgraph.directed.createDepthFirstSearchContext(digraph, dfsVisitorInterface);

    // Invoke the depth-first search algorithm from jsgraph. 
    jsgraph.directed.depthFirstSearch(digraph, dfsVisitorInterface, dfsContext);

    // Dump the `dfsResults` array to the console in JSON.

    > ["0 initializeVertex u",
       "1 initializeVertex v",
       "2 initializeVertex y",
       "3 initializeVertex x",
       "4 initializeVertex w",
       "5 initializeVertex z",
       "6 initializeVertex u",
       "7 initializeVertex v",
       "8 initializeVertex y",
       "9 initializeVertex x",
       "10 initializeVertex w",
       "11 initializeVertex z",
       "12 startVertex u",
       "13 discoverVertex u at time 1",
       "14 examineEdge [u,v]",
       "15 examineEdge [u,x]",
       "16 treeEdge [u,v]",
       "17 discoverVertex v at time 2",
       "18 examineEdge [v,y]",
       "19 treeEdge [v,y]",
       "20 discoverVertex y at time 3",
       "21 examineEdge [y,x]",
       "22 treeEdge [y,x]",
       "23 discoverVertex x at time 4",
       "24 examineEdge [x,v]",
       "25 backEdge [x,v]",
       "26 finishVertex x at time 5",
       "27 finishVertex y at time 6",
       "28 finishVertex v at time 7",
       "29 forwardOrCrossEdge [u,x]",
       "30 finishVertex u at time 8",
       "31 discoverVertex w at time 9",
       "32 examineEdge [w,y]",
       "33 forwardOrCrossEdge [w,y]",
       "34 examineEdge [w,z]",
       "35 treeEdge [w,z]",
       "36 discoverVertex z at time 10",
       "37 examineEdge [z,z]",
       "38 backEdge [z,z]",
       "39 finishVertex z at time 11",
       "40 finishVertex w at time 12"]


DirectedGraph Generic Container

jsgraph is inspired by the design and implementation of the Boost C++ Graph Library (BGL) that applies the C++ Standard Template Library concepts of generic containers and algorithms to mathematical graph datasets.

    var jsgraph = require('jsgraph');
    var digraph = new jsgraph.DirectedGraph(JSON); // JSON is optional


    var vertex = digraph.addVertex(vertexId_, properties_);


  • vertexId_ (required): a unique string identifying the vertex to add to the graph.
  • properties_ (optional): reference to a property object to attach to the new vertex.


Returns a copy of the vertexId_ in-parameter. If the vertex already exists, its properties are replaced if specified.


If a vertex with identifier vertexId_ already exists in the graph, the call to addVertex is ignored.




  • vertexId_ (required): the unique string identifier of the vertex to remove from the graph


Returns true to indicate that the specified vertex is not part of the graph.


Removing a vertex automatically removes all the the vertex's edges (both in and out-edges are removed).




Returns boolean true iff the specified vertex ID is part of the graph. Otherwise, false.


    var count = digraph.verticesCount();


Integer indicating the number of vertices in this graph.


    vertices = digraph.getVertices();


Returns an array of string vertex identifiers.


    var vertices = digraph.getRootVertices();


Returns an array of identifier strings indicating the set of root vertices in the graph (i.e. the set of vertices with in-degree zero).


    var vertices = digraph.getLeafVertices();


Returns an array of identifier strings indicating the set of leaf vertices in the graph (i.e. the set of vertices with out-degree zero).


    var properties = digraph.getVertexPropertyObject(vertexId_);


  • vertexId_ (requierd): the unique string identifying the vertex to query.


Returns a reference to the property object attached to the specified vertex when it was added to the graph.


    var properties = digraph.getVertexPropertyObject(vertexId_, ref_);


  • vertexId_ (requierd): the unique string identifying the vertex to query.
  • ref_: whatever you want as long as it's serializable to JSON


Returns true if set. Otherwise false if the specified vertex is not part of the graph.


    var edgeArray = digraph.inEdges(vertexId_);


  • vertexId_ (required): the unique string identifying the vertex to query.


Returns an array of edge descriptor objects specifying the source and sink vertex ID's of each of the specified vertex's in-edges.


    var edgeArray = digraph.outEdges(vertexId_);


  • vertexId_ (requierd): the unique string identifying the vertex to query.


Returns an array of edge descriptor objects specifiy the source and sink vertex ID's of each of the specified vertex's out-edges.


    var degree = digraph.inDegree(vertexId_);


  • vertexId_ (requierd): the unique string identifying the vertex to query.


Integer indicating the in-degree of the specific vertex.


    var degree = digraph.outDegree(vertexId_);


  • vertexId_ (requierd): the unique string identifying the vertex to query.


Integer indicating the out-degree of the specific vertex.


    var edge = digraph.addEdge(vertexIdU_, vertexIdV_, properties_);


  • vertexIdU_ (required): a unqique string identifying the directed edge's source vertex, U.
  • vertexIdV_ (required): a unqique string identifying the directed edge's sink vertex, V.
  • properties_ (optional): reference to a property object to attach to the new edge.


Returns an edge descriptor object containing the identifiers of the U and V vertices:

    { u: 'vertex U ID string', v: 'vertex V ID string' }


If a vertex or vertices specified in a call to addEdge do not exist, they are added automatically and then the edge is added without associated property objects (you'll need to assign these manually by vertex ID in this situation).


    digraph.removeEdge(uid, vid);


  • uid (required): the unqiue string identifying the directed edge's source vertex, U.
  • vid (required): the unique string identifying the directed edge's sink vertex, V.


Returns true to indicate that the specified edge is not part of the graph.




  • uid (required): the unique string identifying the directed edge's source vertex, U.
  • vid (required): the unique string identifying the directed edge's sink vertex, V.


Return true if the edge is part of the graph. Otherwise, false.


    var count = digraph.edgesCount();


Integer indicating the number of edges in this graph.


    var edges = digraph.getEdges()


Returns an array of edge descriptor objects with u and v properties set to tail and head vertex identifier strings respectively.


    var properties = digraph.getEdgePropertyObject(vertexIdU_, vertexIdV);


  • vertexIdU_ (required): the unqiue string identifying the directed edge's source vertex, U.
  • vertexIdV_ (required): the unique string identifying the directed edge's sink vertex, V.


Returns a reference to the property object attached to the specified edge when it was added to the graph.


    var properties = digraph.getEdgePropertyObject(vertexIdU_, vertexIdV, ref_);


  • vertexIdU_ (required): the unqiue string identifying the directed edge's source vertex, U.
  • vertexIdV_ (required): the unique string identifying the directed edge's sink vertex, V.
  • ref_: whatever you want as long as it's serializable to JSON


Returns the edge descriptor object.


    var digraph = new DirectedGraph();


JSON-encoded serialization of the contents of the DirectedGraph container.


Pass the JSON string returned by DirectedGraph.toJSON to method DirectedGraph.importJSON or the DirectedGraph constructor to import.



** Remarks:**

JSON import adds vertices and edges to the current DirectedGraph container from an external JSON source. Duplicates are ignored.

Generic Transforms


    var transposedDigraph = jsgraph.transpose(digraphIn_);


  • digraphIn_ (required): a reference to a previously-constructed and initialized DirectedGraph object.


Returns a new instance of DirectedGraph that reverses the direction of all the edges in the source graph.

Generic Algorithms

jsgraph provides several useful graph algorithms implemented using the visitor pattern in a manner that seeks to emulate the Boost C++ Graph Library: Visitor Concepts.

Unless otherwise noted, all implementations are non-recursive to conserve stack space when traversing very large in-memory graphs.


breadthFirstSearchVisitor object interface

To leverage the breadthFirstVisit and breadthFirstSearch algorithms, you must implement a breadth-first search visitor object and provide callback implementations(s):

    var breadthFirstVisitorInterface = {
        initializeVertex: function(vertexId_, digraph_),
        discoverVertex: function(vertexId_, digraph_),
        startVertex: function(vertexId_, digraph_),
        examineVertex: function(vertexId_, digraph_),
        examineEdge: function(vertexIdU_, vertexIdV_, digraph_),
        treeEdge: function(vertexIdU_, vertexIdV_, digraph_),
        nonTreeEdge: function(vertexIdU_, vertexIdV_, digraph_),
        grayTarget: function(vertexIdU_, vertexIdV_, digraph_),
        blackTarget: function(vertexIdU_, vertexIdV_, digraph_),
        finishVertex: function(vertexId_, digraph_)

All callback functions are optional; implement only those you require.

  • initializeVertex - This invoked on every vertex of the graph before the start of the graph search.
  • discoverVertex - This is invoked when a vertex is encountered for the first time
  • examineVertex - This is invoked on a vertex as it is popped from the queue. This happens immediately before examine_edge() is invoked on each of the out-edges of vertex u.
  • examineEdge - This is invoked on every out-edge of each vertex after it is discovered.
  • treeEdge - This in invoked on edge edge as it becomes a member of the edges that form the search tree.
  • nonTreeEdge - This is invoked on back or cross edges.
  • grayTarget - This is invoked on the subset of non-tree edges whose target vertex is colored grat at the time of examination. The color gray indicates that the vertex is currently in the queue.
  • blackTarget - This is invoked on a subset of the edges whose target vertex is colored black at the time of examination. The color black indicates that the vertex has been removed from the queue.
  • finishVertex - This is invoked on a vertex after all of its out edges have been added to the search tree and all adjacent vertices have been discovered (but before the out-edges of the adjacent vertices have been examined).

Please see the Boost C++ Graph Library: BFS Visitor Concept documentation for a complete discussion of API semantics.


Prior to calling either breadthFirstVisit or breadthFirstSearch you must initialize a context object for the algorithm's internal state.

  var bfsContext = jsgraph.directed.createBreadthFirstSearchContext(digraph_, visitorInterface_);


  • digraph_ (required): a reference to a previously-constructed DirectedGraph object.
  • visitorInterface_ (required): a reference to your application-specific BFS visitor interface object


You need to initialize a new context object every time you affect a new graph traversal.


    jsgraph.directed.breadthFirstVisit(digraph_, context_, startVertexId_, visitorInterface_);


  • digraph_ (required): a reference to a previously-constructed DirectedGraph object.
  • context_ (required): a reference to your breadth-first search context object.
  • startVertexId_ (required): the string identifier of vertex at which to start the visit traversal.
  • visitorInterface_ (required): a reference to your application-specific BFS visitor interface object.




    jsgraph.directed.breadthFirstSearch(digraph_, context_, startVertexArray_, visitorInterface_);


  • digraph_ (required): a reference to a previously-constructed DirectedGraph object.
  • context_ (required): a reference to your breadth-first search context object.
  • startVertexArray_ (required): as array of string identifiers of the vertices to visit breadth-first.
  • visitorInterface_ (required): a reference to your application-specific BFS visitor interface object.




depthfirstSearchVisitor object interface

To leverage the `depthFirstVisit' and 'depthFirstSearch' algorithms, you must implement a depth-first search visitor object and provide callback implementation(s):

    var depthFirstVisitorInterface = {
        initializeVertex: function(vertexId_, digraph_),
        startVertex: function(vertexId_, digraph_),
        discoverVertex: function(vertexId_, digraph_),
        examineEdge: function(vertexIdU_, vertexIdV_, digraph_),
        treeEdge: function(vertexIdU_, vertexIdV_, digraph_),
        backEdge: function(vertexIdU_, vertexIdV_, digraph_),
        forwardOrCrossEdge: function(vertexIdU_, vertexIdV_, digraph_),
        finishVertex(vertexId_, digraph_)

All callback functions are optional; implement only those you require.

  • initializeVertex - This is invoked on every vertex of the graph before the start of the search.
  • startVertex - This is invoked on the source vertex once before the start of the search.
  • discoverVertex - This is invoked when a vertex is encountered for the first time.
  • examineEdge - This is invoked on every out-edge of each vertex after it is discovered.
  • treeEdge - This is invoked on each edge as it becomes a member of the edges that form the search tree.
  • backEdge - This is invoked on the back edges in the graph. For an undirected graph there is some ambiguity between tree edges and back edges since the edge (u,v) and (v,u) are the same edge, but both the tree_edge() and back_edge() functions will be invoked. One way to resolve this ambiguity is to record the tree edges, and then disregard the back-edges that are already marked as tree edges. An easy way to record tree edges is to record predecessors at the tree_edge event point.
  • forwardOrCrossEdge - This is invoked on forward or cross edges in the graph. In an undirected graph this method is never called.
  • finishEdge - This is invoked on each non-tree edge as well as on each tree edge after finish_vertex has been called on its target vertex.
  • finishVertex - This is invoked on vertex u after finish_vertex has been called for all the vertices in the DFS-tree rooted at vertex u. If vertex u is a leaf in the DFS-tree, then the finish_vertex function is called on u after all the out-edges of u have been examined.

Please see the Boost C++ Graph Library: DFS Visitor Concept documentation for a complete discussion of API semantics.


Prior to calling either depthFirstVisit you must initialize a context object for the algorithm's internal state.

    var dfsContext = jsgraph.directed.createDepthFirstSearchContext(digraph_, visitorInterface_);


  • digraph_ (required): a reference to a previously-constructed DirectedGraph object.
  • visitorInterface_ (required): a reference to your application-specific BFS visitor interface object


You need to initialize a new context object every time you affect a new graph traversal.

This step is taken care of automatically by depthFirstSearch but not the lower-level depthFirstVisit algorithm implementation.


    jsgraph.directed.depthFirstVisit(digraph_, context_, startVertexId_, visitorInterface_);


  • digraph_ (required): a reference to a previously-constructed DirectedGraph object.
  • context_ (required): a reference to your depth-first search context object.
  • startVertexArray_ (required): as array of string identifiers of the vertices to visit depth-first search.
  • visitorInterface_ (required): a reference to your application-specific BFS visitor interface object.




Please see the Boost C++ Graph Library: DFS Visitor Concept documentation for a complete discussion of API semantics.


    jsgraph.directed.depthFirstSearch(digraph_, visitorInterface_);


  • digraph_ (required): a reference to a previously-constructed DirectedGraph object.
  • visitorInterface_ (required): a reference to your application-specific BFS visitor interface object




Please see the Boost C++ Graph Library: DFS Visitor Concept documentation for a complete discussion of API semantics.


[1] Support for undirected graph data sets, related algorithms is planned for a future jsgraph release.

JSON Format

jsgraph supports a very simple JSON format for representing the contents of a DirectedGraph container. An empty DirectedGraph container's JSON looks like this:


The vertices array contains vertex descriptor objects that look like this:

    '{"id":"test","props":"whatever we want"}'

... and the edges array contains edge descriptor object that look like this:

    '{"u":"apple","v":"orange","props":"not the same"}'


Thanks to Jeremy Seik for writing the BGL.

Copyright © 2015 Encapsule Project / ChrisRus


Generic directed graph container, and visitor algorithms inspired by the Boost C++ Graph Library API.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%