seanpm2001 / Seanpm2001-DRM-Blocklist

πŸš«οΈπŸ”’οΈπŸ“œοΈ The official source repository for the Seanpm2001 DRM blocklist.

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Seanpm2001 DRM Blocklist

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πŸš«οΈπŸ”’οΈπŸ“œοΈ The official source repository for the Seanpm2001 DRM blocklist.


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  • View drafts
  • I would have posted this on April 17th, but I was in the middle of a 5 day pause from new repositories, so that I could catch up on other repositories.
  • I am new to hosting/maintaining a blocklist, and this is my first time using the Hosts file language. Things likely won't work perfectly the first time, so please give feedback if you notice something isn't going right.
  • Right now, the list mainly consists of mainstream sites.
  • I plan to accept issues with new entries, but for the beginning, I am only going to accept issues that have the most links, as I want to build this list to be massive early on, then gradually increase and maintain it.
    • Please post issues with links, but add more links in replies to increase the chance of me accepting it. I won't always selectively target large troves, and will go for individual links at times as well.
  • During the first 3 drafts, I didn't put forth 100% effort into this project, as I had other things to work on, and this project was too negative to be done at certain times of the day.
  • The issue that helped start this project :octocat: BlocklistProject#1213


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Listing of blocklist files.

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Individual source code was removed from this README on 2024 April 21st. It can now be viewed only in the 10 blocklists listed above.

Major updates

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  • 2024.04.17 - First draft created
  • 2024.04.20 - Project published
  • 2024.04.21 - All trailing backslashes removed from Host Files, all lists are now functional. Thanks to :octocat: Iam-Py-test for helping out and being the first external contributor to the project.
  • 2024.04.25 - I came back to the project today to find 2 new issues from 3 days ago. I fixed 1 of them (a syntax error) while I am in the process of fixing the second one (regarding Clean Lists) this update introduces clean list variants of all 10 blocklists. Thanks to :octocat: Spirillen for the bug report, and the suggestions.


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# Streaming services
# Video sharing platforms
# Imaeg sharing platforms
# NFT Marketplaces
# Blogs
# Porn streaming services
# Music sharing platforms
# Document sharing platforms
# Digital storefronts
# Video games
# Activation servers
# Paywalls (split out)


  • Sort A-Z


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For Linux/BSD users

man hosts

:octocat: Separate documentation repository


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I am very new to blocklists. I currently don't have installation instructions, as I have yet to install it on one of my Linux systems.


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Not to be confused with Authors.


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Not to be confused with Credits.


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  • Almost any current video/music streaming service in existance
  • Sites that write articles with a pro-DRM stance


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Common definitions within this project.


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  • Stands for: Digital Restrictive Measures or Digital restrictions management (GNU definition)
  • Does not stand for: Digital Rights Management
  • Forms: WideVine FairPlay Adobe Digital Editions Valve Anti-Cheat PrimeTime EME etc.

Digital software/malware that attempts to take away the ownership rights and prevent the copying of files that the user has received through a digital distribution medium. DRM is constantly cracked, it is wasteful to both the environment (computing resources required to implement it) and talent (billions of dollars and millions of hours of time wasted per year on something that is not necessary, and can be cracked within days)


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  • Stands for: Encrypted Media Extensions
  • Does not stand for: Extended Media Encryption
  • Forms: EME DRM

A type of DRM (light DRM) that was controversially accepted as an Internet standard (due to support from sites like Netflix) but has caused monopolization of Internet software development, and hindered the progress of innovation (as all DRM does) this DRM tries to prevent users from right clicking/copying a file on a webpage, but isn't as heavy as a DRM scheme like WideVine. This type of DRM typically doesn't have to be asked to be used, and will run from the browser itself (even in Firefox)

Light DRM

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  • Stands for: Light Digital Restrictive Measures
  • Does not stand for: Light Digital Rights Management
  • Forms: EME DRM

DRM that tries to prevent users from right clicking/copying a file on a webpage, but isn't as heavy as a DRM scheme like WideVine. This type of DRM typically doesn't have to be asked to be used, and will run from the browser itself (even in Firefox)

End of definitions


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How to test for heavy presence of DRM

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  1. Load the website in Firefox (without DRM installed/enabled)
  2. If there is a yellow popup by Firefox that says "you must enable DRM to access certain parts of this page" (non-verbatim text) then the site uses DRM and should be added to the list.

How to test for presence of light DRM (EME)

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  1. Load the website in Firefox (without DRM installed/enabled)
  2. Try right clicking various pieces of media on the page
  3. If the save as option is græyed out or not present, the site likely uses EME
  4. Additionally, if there is a yellow popup by Firefox that says "you must enable DRM to access certain parts of this page" (non-verbatim text) then the site uses DRM and should be added to the DRM list as well.

End of testing section.


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  • TODO:
  • Make citations regarding why websites were put on the blocklist. (in the documentation repository)

Internal usage

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Other projects by me that plan to use this project

File info

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  • File version: 12 (2024, Thursday, April 25th at 06:25 pm PST)

File history

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History of this file.

Version 1 (2024, Wednesday, April 17th at 9:16 pm PST)

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This version was created by :octocat: @seanpm2001


  • Started the file
  • Added the Title section
  • Added the Files/lists section
    • Added the Sites that produce DRM list
    • Added the Sites that use DRM list
    • Added the Sites that use-EME light-DRM list
    • Added the Sites that used-to use EME list
    • Added the Sites that used-to use DRM list
    • Added the Sites that used-to produce DRM list
    • Added the Sites that promote DRM list
    • Added the [DO NOT BLOCK] Sites that stand against DRM list
    • Added the Sites that used to stand against DRM list
  • Added the Subcategories section
  • Added the Gitattributes section
  • Added the File info section
  • No other changes in version 1

Version 2 (2024, Thursday, April 18th at 12:21 pm PST)

Click/tap here to expand/collapse the file history entry for version 2

This version was created by :octocat: @seanpm2001


  • Updated the Title section
  • Added the Testing section
    • Added the How to test for heavy presence of DRM subsection
    • Added the How to test for presence of light DRM (EME) subsection
  • Updated the File info section
  • Added the File history section
    • Added an entry for versions 1 and 2
  • No other changes in version 2

Version 3 (2024, Friday, April 19th at 06:13 pm PST)

Click/tap here to expand/collapse the file history entry for version 3

This version was created by :octocat: @seanpm2001


  • Updated the Title section
  • Added the Notes section
  • Updated the Files/lists section
    • Improved formatting
    • Added a link list of the 10 blocklist files
  • Added the Qualifications section
  • Added the Sources section
  • Added the Definitions section
    • Added definition: DRM
    • Added definition: EME
    • Added definition: Light DRM
  • Added the Internal usage section
  • Updated the File info section
  • Updated the File history section
    • Added an entry for versions 3
  • No other changes in version 3

Version 4 (2024, Saturday, April 20th at 01:53 pm PST)

Click/tap here to expand/collapse the file history entry for version 4

This version was created by :octocat: @seanpm2001


  • Updated the Title section
  • Updated the Notes section
  • Updated all sections to add dropdown support
  • Added the Footer
  • Updated the File info section
  • Updated the File history section
    • Added an entry for versions 4
  • No other changes in version 4

Version 5 (2024, Sunday, April 21st at 12:50 pm PST)

Click/tap here to expand/collapse the file history entry for version 5

This version was created by :octocat: @seanpm2001


  • Removed source code listing (they are now only viewable in the separate blocklist files
  • Added the Major updates section
  • Updated the File info section
  • Updated the File history section
    • Added an entry for versions 5
  • No other changes in version 5

Version 6 (2024, Thursday, April 25th at 03:16 pm PST)

Click/tap here to expand/collapse the file history entry for version 6

This version was created by :octocat: @seanpm2001


  • Added clean list links to the blocklist listing
  • Updated the Major updates section
  • Added the Documentation section
  • Added the Installation section
  • Added the Credits section
  • Added the Authors section
  • Updated the File info section
  • Updated the File history section
    • Added an entry for versions 6
  • No other changes in version 6

Version 7 (2024, Thursday, April 25th at 03:27 pm PST)

Click/tap here to expand/collapse the file history entry for version 7

This version was created by :octocat: @all-contributors


  • Added all-contributor formatting
  • Added @seanpm2001 as a contributor
  • No other changes in version 7

Version 8 (2024, Thursday, April 25th at 03:31 pm PST)

Click/tap here to expand/collapse the file history entry for version 8

This version was created by :octocat: @all-contributors


  • Added @iam-py-test as a contributor
  • No other changes in version 8

Version 9 (2024, Thursday, April 25th at 03:33 pm PST)

Click/tap here to expand/collapse the file history entry for version 9

This version was created by :octocat: @all-contributors


  • Added @spirillen as a contributor
  • No other changes in version 9

Version 10 (2024, Thursday, April 25th at 03:45 pm PST)

Click/tap here to expand/collapse the file history entry for version 10

This version was created by :octocat: @seanpm2001


  • Updated the File info section
  • Updated the File history section
    • Added entries for versions 7, 8, 9, and 10
  • No other changes in version 10

Version 11 (2024, Thursday, April 25th at 06:15 pm PST)

Click/tap here to expand/collapse the file history entry for version 11

This version was created by :octocat: @all-contributors


  • Added @all-contributors as a contributor
  • No other changes in version 11

Version 12 (2024, Thursday, April 25th at 06:25 pm PST)

Click/tap here to expand/collapse the file history entry for version 12

This version was created by :octocat: @seanpm2001

Note I initially forgot to add @all-contributors as a contributor before making the last release.


  • Updated the File info section
  • Updated the File history section
    • Added entries for versions 11, and 12
  • No other changes in version 12

End of file history.


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You have reached the end of this file.


Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2
Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2

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πŸ› πŸ€” 🚧 πŸ‘€
All Contributors
All Contributors


This project follows the :octocat: all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!