seank90 / kotlin-fundamentals

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Initial rough notes on Kotlin development after undertaking the OReilly Kotlin fundamentals course and the Google Kotlin Bootcamp.

Table of Contents

Main Attractions
Language Basics
Worked Examples
Coding Conventions
What you can build with Kotlin


  • Kotlin is a statically typed compiled language for JVM.
  • Compiled to Java byte code but can also be transpile to JavaScript.
  • Can also compile for other targets.
  • JetBrains are really pushing multiplatform Kotlin.

Main attractions

  • Built-in null safety.
  • First class coroutine support.
  • Discourages inheritance in favour of composition.
  • Same language can be used for web, mobile apps and microservices.



  • Handy online playground which you can access on your phone.

Local setup

  • Make sure you have Java 1.8 installed for JVM:
$ brew install java
$ java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_222"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (AdoptOpenJDK)(build 1.8.0_222-b10)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (AdoptOpenJDK)(build 25.222-b10, mixed mode)
$ brew install kotlin
$ kotlin -version
Kotlin version 1.4.21-release-351 (JRE 15.0.1+9)
  • IntelliJ IDEA IDE comes in two flavours - Community (free) and Ultimate (paid).
  • Android Studio for Android dev.
  • IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio are integrated with Gradle build tooling.
  • Can just use CLI as follows to compile and run a Kotlin self-contained CLI file foo.kt:
$ kotlinc foo.kt -include-runtime -d foo.jar
$ java -jar foo.jar
  • buildit script in this repo will compile to .jar and run as follows on any Kotlin file foo.kt:
$ ./buildit foo


  • Kotlin REPL also available from CLI.
$ kotlin
Welcome to Kotlin version 1.4.21 (JRE 15.0.1+9)
Type :help for help, :quit for quit
>>> :load foo.kt
>>> main()

Kotlin file

  • Hello World in a file named hello.kt:
fun main(){
    print("Hello, World!")
  • You compile and run it as follows:
$ kotlinc hello.kt -include-runtime -d hello.jar
$ java -jar hello.jar

Kotlin scripting

  • You can develop a Kotlin script using a .kts hello.kts as follows:
#!/usr/bin/env kotlinc -script
println("Hello, World!")
  • Compile and run it as follows:
$ kotlinc -script hello.kts

Kotlin Jupyter kernel

  • A Kotlin kernel exists for Jupyter notebook.
  • You set it up as follows:
$ pip install kotlin-jupyter-kernel

Language Basics

  • In Kotlin almost everything is an expression which has a value even if that value is Unit (equivalent to void).
  • Two types of variable val and var. Use val wherever possible and var only where necessary.
  • String interpolation. "I have ${a+b} things"
  • Lists, Arrays, HashMaps. listOf(),arrayOf() and mapOf():
fun main() {
    val map = mapOf(Pair("a",1), "b".to(2), "c" to 3)
    for ((k, v) in map) {
        println("$k = $v")
a = 1
b = 2
c = 3
  • when is the Kotlin equivalent of switch. Must be exhaustive:
when (n) {
    0 -> println("empty")
    in 1..39 -> println("plenty of fish")
    else -> println("lots of fish!")
  • for loop can be used to enumerate items:
fun main() {
    val arr = intArrayOf(3,1,4,5,9)
    for ((index,element) in arr.withIndex()){
        println("element $index has value $element")
element 0 has value 3
element 1 has value 1
element 2 has value 4
element 3 has value 5
element 4 has value 9
  • if statement returns a value allow it to be used to construct ternary expressions.
  • Single expression function can be used with Elvis operator ?: to build a ternary operator to check for null:
fun getLength(string: String?) = string?.length ?: 0
  • == tests structural equality of values.
  • === tests reference equality of references.
  • Kotlin has support for classes
  • data class is similar to struct. Comes with a few extra benefits
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.Month

data class Person(
    val first: String,
    val last: String? = null,
    val dob: LocalDate?

// we are using safe call with the Elvis operator to give us a ternary
fun getLength(string: String?) = string?.length ?: 0

fun main() {
    val spidey = Person(first="Spiderman", dob=LocalDate.of(1983, Month.NOVEMBER, 10))
    println("${spidey}, ${getLength(spidey.last)}")
Person(first=Spiderman, last=null, dob=1983-11-10), 0
  • Kotlin has support for generic types:
import kotlin.test.*

class PClass<A>(private val value: A) {
    fun getValue(): A {
        return value

fun main() {
    val p1 = PClass<String>("I am a string")
    val r1 = p1.getValue()
    assertTrue(r1 is String)
    val p2 = PClass<Int>(32)
    val r2 = p2.getValue()
    assertTrue(r2 is Int)
  • Annotations for attaching metadata to code.
  • Can extend properties or functions. An extension function is a member function of a class that is defined outside the class.
fun String.removeFirstLastChar(): String =  this.substring(1, this.length - 1)

fun main() {
    val myString= "Hello Everyone"
    val result = myString.removeFirstLastChar()
    println("Result is: $result")
Result is: ello Everyon

Worked Examples

This repository contains some more extended worked examples to showcase different aspects of Kotlin:

  • Astro: IntelliJ project that contains example of how to invoke web services APIs and deserialize JSON to a data class.
  • Person: IntelliJ projec that illustrates how Kotlin classes work using interface, open and override.

Coding Conventions

Taken from reference.

Class layout

In this order:

  • Property declarations and initializer blocks
  • Secondary constructors
  • Method declarations
  • Companion object


When implementing an interface, keep the implementing members in the same order as members of the interface


  • Use camelCase
  • 4 spaces for indentation, no tabs.


  • Colon handling:
abstract class Foo<out T : Any> : IFoo {
    abstract fun foo(a: Int): T
  • Prefer trailing commas:

To enable trailing commas in the IntelliJ IDEA formatter, go to Settings | Editor | Code Style | Kotlin, open the Other tab and select the Use trailing comma option.

Lambda handling

If a call takes a single lambda, it should be passed outside of parentheses whenever possible.

list.filter { it > 10 }

Scope functions

Kotlin provides a variety of functions to execute a block of code in the context of a given object: let, run, with, apply, and also For the guidance on choosing the right scope function for your case, refer to Scope Functions. The Kotlin standard library contains several functions whose sole purpose is to execute a block of code within the context of an object. When you call such a function on an object with a lambda expression provided, it forms a temporary scope. In this scope, you can access the object without its name. Such functions are called scope functions. There are five of them.

What you can build with Kotlin


  • Micronaut - Lightweight framework for writing microservices. Supports: Java, Kotlin, Groovy
  • SpringBoot - Industry heavyweight framework for writing backends. Supports: Java, Kotlin, Scala, Groovy
  • Ktor - Kotlin native async framework for microservices. Can be used to build clients too.



Language:Jupyter Notebook 74.2%Language:Kotlin 25.8%