seandellis / legitometer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Legit-o-Meter is an interactive digital learning tool for students and teachers to evaluate the legitimacy of online news. This app is part of the Fake the News Project funded by Mozilla Hive ATX.

A staged version of the site is hosted at:


Current Status: Our team is actively developing a working prototype led by @rallyjinx and supported by @mateoclarke.


  • March 28, 2017: Galvanize Capstone Presentation



Tech Stack

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. It uses Node.js and Express.js with Knex providing a query building for a Postgres datastore. The project uses Semantic UI framework for styling UI components.

To get setup:

  1. Download Node

    • npm install
  2. Download Postgres

    • We used the Postgres Mac app. Once you open it for the first time, initialize it.
    • You will probably need to add this to your bash or zsh config
    • export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/
  3. Create a database

    • Install knex.js
    • npm install knex -g
    • Create the database
    • createdb legit-o-meterdb
    • Migrate and Seed the database
    • knex migrate:latest
    • knex seed:run
  4. Run both the front-end React client app and the back-end Node server

  • React Front-End Client App
    • npm start
  • Node/Express Back-end Server
    • npm run server

Entity Relationship

Link to image of object_model


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 95.1%Language:CSS 4.2%Language:HTML 0.7%