A full-stack todo web app (for learning)
Based on Apollo Server と Prisma ではじめる GraphQL API 開発入門
- Firebase for authentication
- Google Cloud Run for backend server
- Supabase for Postgres database
- Upstash for Redis pub/sub
- Vercel for frontend hosting
- Install dependencies
cd backend
npm install
- Create
- Run the server
docker-compose up -d
npm run dev
- Install dependencies
cd frontend
npm install
- Run the server
npm run dev
- Create a Firebase project
- Set up Firebase authentication
- Update
- Download a service account key from Firebase project settings and save it as
- Create a Supabase project
- Copy the database URL
- Deploy the backend server to Google Cloud Run
- Set the environment variable
to the database URL (using Secret Manager)
- Set the environment variable
- Deploy the frontend to Vercel