seamustuohy / recoll-webui

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Recoll WebUI

This ( is an updated clone of Koniu's original version on GitHub (, which has not been updated lately, and is now slightly obsolete.

As compared to the original, this version has an additional dependancy when running the server (i.e. not with apache): it uses the python3-waitress module which must be installed. This makes webui-standalone quite suitable for moderate multiaccess loads with no authentication needs.

An updated version of the original doc follows.

Recoll WebUI is a Python-based web interface for Recoll text search tool for Unix/Linux.



All you need to use the WebUI is:

  • Python 3. On Windows you currently need Python 3.7 because this is what the module is built with.
  • The Python waitress package. You can remove this dependance and run with the internal bottle server by editing
  • Recoll 1.20+
  • WEB browser


Recoll WebUI can be used as a standalone application or through a web server via WSGI/CGI. Regardless of the mode of operation you need Recoll to be configured on your system as the WebUI only provides a front-end for searching and does not handle index configuration etc.

Run standalone

Run and connect to http://localhost:8080.

There's some optional command-line arguments available:

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-a ADDR, --addr ADDR  address to bind to []
-p PORT, --port PORT  port to listen on [8080]

The standalone application can be configured to run automatically using systemd. See the file README.systemd.


See the following link for a complete run-through:

Example WSGI/Apache2 config:

WSGIDaemonProcess recoll user=recoll group=recoll threads=5 display-name=%{GROUP} python-path=/var/recoll-webui-master
WSGIScriptAlias /recoll /var/recoll-webui-master/
<Directory /var/recoll-webui-master>
        WSGIProcessGroup recoll
        Order allow,deny
        allow from all

Remarks: * Without "python-path=" you might see errors that it can't import webui * Run the WSGIDaemonProcess run under the username (user=xyz) of the user that you want to have exposed via web.

Example Upstart-Script for Ubuntu to run the indexer as daemon:

description "recoll indexer"

start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]


pre-start script
        exec sudo -u recoll sh -c "/usr/local/share/recoll/examples/ start"
end script

pre-stop script
        exec sudo -u recoll sh -c "/usr/local/share/recoll/examples/ stop"
end script

Remarks: * You need to configure the user for which the indexer should run ("sudo -u [myuser])

Example Crontab entry to have the indexer at least once a day:

22 5    * * *   recoll  recollindex


Can't open files when Recoll WebUI is running on a server

By default links to files in the result list correspond to the file's physical location on the server. If you have access to the file tree via a local mountpoint or eg. ftp/http you can provide replacement URLs in the WebUI settings. If in doubt, ask your network administrator.

For security reasons modern browsers prevent linking to local content from 'remote' pages. As a result URLs starting with file:// will not, by default, be opened when linked from anything else than pages in file:// or when accessed directly from the address bar. Here's ways of working around it:


  1. Insert contents of examples/firefox-user.js into ~/.mozilla/firefox/<profile>/user.js
  2. Restart Firefox


Install LocalLinks extension:


  1. Copy examples/ into your PATH (eg. /usr/local/bin)
  2. Go to Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Programs > Add
  3. In Protocol field enter local-file
  4. Select Open with other application and enter
  5. In WebUI settings replace all file:// with local-file://



Language:Python 82.4%Language:JavaScript 10.2%Language:Smarty 4.2%Language:CSS 3.2%