sealvault / sealvault

SealVault is an open source project to build a self-custody Web3 key manager app that is primarily used for everyday browsing with social and gaming dapps.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CI Status

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SealVault is an open source project to build a self-custody Web3 key manager app that is primarily used for everyday browsing with social and gaming dapps.

Learn more on the website or subscribe to our newsletter.

Developer Docs

Documentation for SealVault developers containing design documents on the security and privacy models of the application and more.



Cross-platform key and transaction management for Web3 written in Rust. Uses SQLite for storage and depends on platform-specific keychain to store key encryption keys. Exposed to host languages via uniffi-rs.


iOS Web3 key manager app with a built-in web browser. Written in Swift with the SwiftUI framework.


Contains various development tools:


Provides landing page and features for end users, developer documentation for SealVault developers and the SealVault blog. Powered by Material for MkDocs.


On first time setup, install the requirements listed below and then run ./ from the repo root to check if everything was installed correctly. (:warning: The CI script will reset all iOS simulators on your machine.)

The CI script will also create the generated files for you that are a prerequisites for an Xcode build. Alternatively you can generate these files by running fastlane pre_build in the ios directory.

Development Requirements

  • MacOS Monterey and an Apple Silicon Mac for iOS development. You may be able to work on an Intel Mac, but we won't be able to help you with Rust-related build issues as the maintainers are on Apple Silicon.
  • XCode 14 IDE and CLI tools get the Xcode IDE from the app store and then run xcode-select --install to install CLI tools.
  • The Homebrew macOS package manager, then run brew bundle from the repo root to install the dependencies specified in the Brewfile.
  • Run rustup-init which was installed from the Brewfile toolchain and follow the instructions to set up your Rust toolchain.
  • The Diesel ORM CLI that we use to manage Sqlite (it's very important to use the bundled Sqlite version as outdated Sqlite make cause migrations to fail):
    • cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features sqlite-bundled
  • The Solidity compiler version manager and solc 0.8.16 that are needed to compile test contracts for unit tests:
    • cargo install svm-rs then svm install 0.8.16
  • The Foundry Ethereum development tools of which Anvil is needed for unit tests.
  • Get Ankr account to get a free Advanced API endpoint and then set up development secrets.

Development Secrets

Navigate to the Ankr Advanced API console, copy the endpoint that looks like this: Extract the API key which is the last part of the URL.

Once you have the API key create the ios/Config.xcconfig file that is ignored by git with the following contents:



Run all tests from the repo root with: ./ (:warning: The CI script will reset all iOS simulators on your machine.)

Useful commands

  • Update Rust toolchain to latest nightly: rustup update.
    • We need nightly for iOS simulator on MacOS Apple Silicon.
    • If the CI fails for you locally, make sure you're on the latest nightly.
  • Clean Rust build from repo root: cargo clean.
  • Rebuild Rust XCFramework for iOS and regenerate Swift bindings from ios directory: fastlane pre_build
  • Clean Xcode build from ios directory: fastlane clean.


SealVault is an open source project to build a self-custody Web3 key manager app that is primarily used for everyday browsing with social and gaming dapps.

License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


Language:Rust 68.4%Language:Swift 22.5%Language:JavaScript 2.4%Language:TLA 1.9%Language:Solidity 1.8%Language:HTML 1.7%Language:Python 1.1%Language:Ruby 0.2%Language:CSS 0.0%Language:Shell 0.0%