seabrus / getmeta

Meteor package that extracts 'title' and 'description' tags content from a website with a specified URL

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GetMeta is a Meteor package that extracts title and description tags content from a website with a specified URL.

How to Install

To add this package to your app use the command:

meteor add seabrus:getmeta


Just call

GetMeta(url, callback);

on the client.

The argument url should be a string that represents a valid URL. The callback function has two arguments: error and result, and

  • error is an instance of the standard Meteor.Error object;
  • result is an object with two keys: title and description: {title: ... , description: ...}.


Here is an example:

'blur #url': function(event, instance) {
  var url =;
  var isUrlValid = validateUrl(url); // make some actions to validate URL

  if (isUrlValid === VALID_URL) {
    GetMeta(url, function(error, result) {

      if (error) {
        console.log(error.reason + '.\nURL = ' + url);

      if (result.title) {

This code will run on the event blur when it happens for the input with a website address. It gets the url value, validates it, shows an animated gif to indicate that loading is in progress, and calls the GetMeta() function.

Please note that the function validateUrl(url) as well as the elements with #loading-gif, #title, #description are given just for an example, they are not parts of the package.


timeout for the request to the website specified by url is now set to 3000 ms. If no response is got during this time, an error will be thrown and the result will be underfind.

DDoS Attacks Prevention

The package prevents attempts to flood it with traffic and limits the number of calls to 5 per second.




Meteor package that extracts 'title' and 'description' tags content from a website with a specified URL


Language:JavaScript 100.0%