seabaylea / appsody-backend

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This demo is a simple node app (based on the aws dynamoddb example modifed to use mongodb instead.


Check out this repo

cd appsody-node-demo

run npm install to install the node dependencies

run npm audit fix to fix any audit issues

create a .env file in the root directory -( you can copy or rename env_local to .env ) that has the required envvar values for this demo.

run to get mongodb running locally in docker as a daemon container

Run demo locally

npm start

goto http://localhost:3000

Try to register a new user. Registering with the same email twice should cause a message

Kill the server with ^C

Now appsify the code

In the root of the application run

appsody init appsodyhub/nodejs-express none

And then lauch the server again but this time through appsody. The code will use the running mongodb docker instance started before.

run appsody run --docker-options "--env-file .env"

Go back to http://localhost:3000 Try to register a new user. Registering with the same email used in the original mode above should cause a message

In index.js


      <div id="signupDuplicate" class="alert alert-success" style="display:none">
        <p id="signupDuplicateText">Fear not, you're already on the list! You'll be among the first to know when we launch.</p>


                  case 409:

stop the server with ^C

We can stop the mongo docker instance now as we no longer need it.

docker container stop mongo docker container rm mongo to remove the docker

Run the Demo on OpenShift

The assumption for this demo is that you have a running mongodb service ready on OpenShift and have credentials and IP address to hand.

Create a docker image of the application by running

appsody build

Now we need to create a descriptor for the application to run on OpenShift.

appsody deploy --generate-only

This creates a deployment descriptor. To this file we must add environment variables for the application to use when deployed. Since this is a demowe will do this in the simplest way. In reality you would use a pre-created secret on OpenShift and reference that here.

Inline with the last entry in the file add the following with values substituted based on the mongodb setup in OpenShift

  serviceAccountName: appsody-node-demo-sa
    - name: MONGO_DB
      value: "sampledb"
    - name: MONGO_USERNAME
      value: "admin"
    - name: MONGO_PASSWORD
      value: "kabanero"
    - name: MONGO_URI
      value: "mongodb://mongodb.kabanero.svc.cluster.local:27017"

When complete we can push the image to docker hub and simultaneously start the deployment to OpenShift Replace with your github details

appsody deploy -t <account>/appsody-node-demo --push -n kabanero

Visit your OpenShift server to see the demo deployed. Find the related 'routes' and use the demo as before.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:HTML 61.6%Language:JavaScript 37.8%Language:Shell 0.7%