sds1979v / miniSProg

GUI programmer for miniSpartan6+ and miniSpartan3 development boards

Repository from Github https://github.comsds1979v/miniSProgRepository from Github https://github.comsds1979v/miniSProg

miniSProg Rev 1.1 (Windows version)

GUI programmer for miniSpartan6+ and miniSpartan3+ development boards

The application uses xc3sprog to function, a working Windows copy of that application is included (check xc3sprog website to learn how it works)

How to run/compile this project?

It's already compiled for Windows!

How to use it?

When you start up the application it will look into its current folder to find the xc3sprog execuatable, if it is not there then you have to tell it where to find that file (it should be in the xc3sProg sub directory). Next you need to select the bit file (must have ".bit" extension) then click on 'Program'. The details console will show the the result, check it to see if it was successful or it there was any error.

Explaining some possible errors

  • Still to be checked


GUI programmer for miniSpartan6+ and miniSpartan3 development boards

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:C++ 95.7%Language:QMake 4.3%