sdghbtn / scriptum

scriptum - a no-frills functional programming library and a learning course based on it.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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Functional Programming Unorthodoxly Adjusted to Client-/Server-side Javascript

scriptum, a functional standard library featuring

  • stack-safe tail recursion, tail recursion modulo cons, monad recursion, mutual recursion
  • persistent data structures Iarray/Iobject/Imap/Iset based on nested object types
  • ad-hoc lazy evaluation with implicit thunks (() => expr that behave like expr)
  • purely functional asynchronous computations in serial/parallel
  • extensive monad and monad transformer machinery
  • native Iterator as Functor/Applicative/Monad
  • purely functional data streams as iterator alternative
  • reactive programming with event streams and behaviors
  • linked lists, non-empty list, difference list
  • function-encoded sum and product types
  • lots of predefined type class definitions
  • lots of predefined polymorphic functions
  • dynamic functorial fusion using yoneda
  • static loop fusion using transducers
  • flat composition syntax using infix
  • simple pattern matching
  • functional optics
  • parser combinators
  • functor composition
  • let expressions
  • delimited continuations
  • r/b-tree implementation
  • n-ary tree handling



While concepts and functional idioms are mature most function implementations are not tested yet and implementation details might be affected by future code revisions.

Previous projects:

Future Studies

  • probabilistic data structures
  • separation of command and query model + event sourcing (CQRS/ES)
  • software transaction memory (STM)
  • strong eventual consistency (CRDTs)
  • distributed applications


scriptum - a no-frills functional programming library and a learning course based on it.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%