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A brief introduction on the structure of the Backbone MVC

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A Quick Into To Backbone

Backbone is one of the most popular MVC frameworks for JavaScript. Backbone has two main components: Models and Views.


In Backbone, models store data and worry about communicating with the server.

var User = Backbone.Model.extend({
  defaults: {
    name: '',
    email: '',
    sex: 'male'
  isMale: function() {
    return this.get('sex') == 'male';

var user = new User({name: 'Stephen', email: ''});

In the above example the isMale function is a helper method which I will use in a View later.


Backbone.sync lets your models talk to your server. Sync by default is set up to talk with a RESTful API. If you would like more control over your API, you can override sync.

When working with a model you can use the .fetch() and .save() methods. These methods delegate out to Backbone.Sync.

var my_user = new User({url: '/my_user'});
my_user.fetch(); // makes a GET request with type application/json

var new_user = new User({url: '/users', name: 'Ben', email: '', sex: 'male'});; // makes a POST request


Backbone views manage rendering UI elements as well as handling user interactions.

var UserView = Backbone.View.extend({
  events: {
    "click": "nameClicked"
  initialize: function() {
    this.$el.html("<span class='name'></span> (<span class='email'></span>)");
  renderName: function() {
    var title = this.model.isMale() ? 'Sir' : 'Madamme';
    this.$('.name').text(title + " " + this.model.get('name'));
    return this;
  renderEmail: function() {
    return this;
  nameClicked: function() {
    alert("Hello, " + this.model.get('name'));

var userProfile = new UserView({el: "#userProfile", model: user });


Backbone is a great way to give structures to your applications. Data goes in Models. User interactions & rendering logic goes in the Views.

When interacting with a server your Models serve as the data cache from which your views read. You can then let Backbone.Sync talk to your server when prompted by .fetch() or .save()


A brief introduction on the structure of the Backbone MVC