sdave2 / padawans

Something to help understand different concepts.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A padawan: referred to a Force-sensitive adolescent who trained in the Jedi Order to one day become a Jedi.

In this case of blind leading the blind, we are looking to explore different coding problems/challenges to one day ascend to a knight.

Using any programming language of the padwan's choice, the idea is to solve the challenges in the most innovative way possible. One way to choose a solution would be to benchmark and choose to fastest, another way would be to choose the one easiet to read (Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. - Leonardo da Vinci)

Once exposed to multiple languages through challenges, choose a winner or two and use that language to develop a sweet group project (ideas pending).


Something to help understand different concepts.