Power a Slack bot with Django Channels v2
pip install slack-channeler
slack-channeler relies on the channel layer. First, ensure it's setup. channels-redis is recommended.
# settings.py
'default': {
'BACKEND': 'channels_redis.core.RedisChannelLayer',
"hosts": [('localhost', 6379)],
Create a consumer to handle Slack events
# consumers.py
from channels.consumer import AsyncConsumer, get_handler_name
class SlackConsumer(AsyncConsumer):
async def dispatch(self, message):
handler = getattr(self, get_handler_name(message), None)
if handler:
await handler(**message['data'])
async def slack_message(self, channel, text, **kwargs):
# Simply echo back message
await self.channel_layer.send('slack', {
'type': 'message',
'channel': channel,
'text': text,
Route Slack events to the consumer
# routing.py
from channels.routing import ProtocolTypeRouter, ChannelNameRouter
from .consumers import SlackConsumer
application = ProtocolTypeRouter({
'channel': ChannelNameRouter({
'slack': SlackConsumer,
Start a Channels worker to handle Slack events from the channel layer
python manage.py runworker slack
Lastly, run slack-channeler
SLACK_CHANNELER_TOKEN=xoxb-12345678900-098765432100-DeadBeefFeed90iIJjYsf3ay slack_channeler
Currently, poetry does not support dynamic generation of version files, nor custom hooks to do so. To keep pyproject.toml
the source of authority for version numbers, a custom build.py
script is used to dynamically generate version.py
To build slack-channeler, run python build.py
. This has the same semantics as poetry build