scriptod911 / U404

U404 is a shell

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


U404-Shell is a simple shell program written in C.
It provides a command-line interface to interact with the file system and perform various operations.


  • File operations: select, delete, create
  • Directory operations: create
  • System operations: list files and directories, print the current working directory, clear the screen
  • Script execution: execute a sequence of commands from a script file
  • Conditional execution: execute commands based on conditions


  • select-file <filename>: Select a file for operations like delete.
  • delete: Delete the selected file.
  • makefile <filename>: Create a new file.
  • makefolder <foldername>: Create a new folder.
  • ls: List files and directories in the current directory.
  • pwd: Print the current working directory.
  • clear: Clear the screen.
  • uprint <message>: Print a Unicode string.
  • help: Show available commands.


In the U404-Shell, you can execute a script with conditional statements using the execute_script function. This function reads a script file line by line and executes each command. It also supports conditional execution of commands using if, else, and endif statements.

Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Create a script file with your commands. Each command should be on a new line. For conditional execution, you can use if, else, and endif statements. The if statement should be followed by a condition. Currently, the shell supports three conditions: file_exists, is_greater, and is_even.

Example script (script.txt):

if file_exists test.txt
    uprint File exists
    uprint File does not exist

2. In the shell, call the execute_script function with the name of your script file as the argument.

execute_script script.txt

This will execute the script, printing "File exists" if test.txt exists, and "File does not exist" otherwise.


To build the program, use a C compiler like gcc
gcc main.c -o u404shell


To run the program: ./u404shell To execute a script: ./u404shell script.txt


Contributions are welcome. Please submit a pull request or create an issue to discuss the changes.


U404-Shell is open-source software released under the MIT license.


U404 is a shell


Language:C 100.0%