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SDK, the Go version.

Table Of Contents


  • Go (version 1.23.0).
  • Docker (version 19.03.2).

SDK functionality

The SDK provides the following out-of-the-box functionality:

  • Application Configuration & Environment-awareness
  • Logger

Application Configuration

The SDK provides the framework for managing your application's configuration. As it uses the excellent Viper under the hood, go-sdk knows how to read configuration files (YAML only) and ENV variables. go-sdk facilitates usage of predefined static configurations and custom dynamic configurations. Lastly, the go-sdk is environment-aware. This means that it supports environment scoped configuration in the configuration files out-of-the-box.

⚠️ Environment variables will not be picked up by Viper if the keys are not present in the respective YAML file. This is due to Viper loading the configuration by reading a YAML file first, and binding the respective ENV variables on the fly.

Predefined application-agnostic configurations

The predefined configurations have an associated type and expect their respective configuration to be present in a file corresponding to their name.

The list of predefined top-level configurations:

  • Server, containing the application server configurations, expects a config/server.yml configuration file.
  • Logger, containing the application logger configuration, expects a config/logger.yml configuration file.
  • Database, containing the application database configuration, expects a config/database.yml configuration file.
  • Cache, containing the application Cache configuration, expects a config/cache.yml configuration file.
  • PubSub, containing the application pubsub configuration, expects a config/pubsub.yml configuration file.
  • AWS, containing the application AWS configuration, expects a config/aws.yml configuration file.

For example, to get the host and the port at which the HTTP server listens on in an application:

host     := sdk.Config.Server.Host
httpPort := sdk.Config.Server.HTTPPort

Custom application-specific configurations

Additionally, the go-sdk allows developers to add custom configuration data in a go-chassis-powered application, through the config/settings.yml file. As these configurations are custom and their type cannot (read: shouldn't) be inferred by the SDK, it exposes a familiar Viper-like interface for interaction with them.

All of the application-specific configurations can be accessed through the sdk.Config.App object. For example, given a config/settings.yml with the following contents:

# config/settings.yml
common: &common
  name: "my-awesome-app"

  <<: *common

  <<: *common

  <<: *common

To get the application name from the configuration one would use the following statement:

applicationName := sdk.Config.App.GetString("name")

The configuration variables can be overridden by a corresponding environment variable; these variables must have the following format:

^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
|   |        |    + ----------- variable_value
|   |        + ---------------- variable_name
|   + ------------------------- config_file
+ ----------------------------- prefix

The environment variable has the precedence over the configuration file.

Complex values representation

Since yaml data type support is much richer than environment variables we have to take extra care if we want to override yaml complex data types such as list and dictionary.

To represent the list we can use space-separated values:

APP_SETTINGS_NAME="value1 value2"

And then, on the application side we have to convert it to a string slice manually:

// if the value is the part of `settings.yml`
stringSlice := sdk.Config.App.StringSlice("name")

// or calling the Viper's API directly
stringSlice := viper.GetStringSlice("")

To represent the dictionary we can use a JSON:


And then, on the application side we have to convert it to a string map manually:

// if the value is the part of `settings.yml`
stringMap := sdk.Config.App.StringMapString("name")

// or calling the Viper's API directly
stringMap := viper.GetStringMapString("")


Application configurations vary between environments, therefore the go-sdk is environment-aware. This means that any application that uses the go-sdk should have an APP_ENV environment variable set. Applications built using the go-chassis have this out of the box. In absence of the APP_ENV variable, it's defaulted to development.

This means that any configuration files, placed in the config directory, should contain environment namespacing. For example:

# config/logger.yml
common: &common
  console_enabled: true
  console_json_format: true
  console_level: "info"
  file_enabled: false
  file_json_format: true
  file_level: "trace"

  <<: *common
  console_level: "debug"
  file_enabled: true
  file_level: "debug"

  <<: *common

  <<: *common

When run in a particular environment, by setting APP_ENV, it will load the respective section from the YAML file. For example, when the application is loaded in development environment, go-sdk will automatically load the values from the development section. This convention is applied to all configurations supported by go-sdk.

Using application configuration in tests

When an application is using the SDK to load configurations, that includes loading application configurations in test environment as well. This means that due to its environment-aware nature, by default the SDK will load the configuration from the YAML files in the test namespace.

This provides two ways to configure your application for testing:

  1. By adding a test namespace to the respective YAML file and adding the test configuration there, or
  2. Using the provided structs and their setters/getters from the test files themselves.

Adding a test namespace to any configuration file, looks like:

# config/logger.yml
common: &common
  console_enabled: true
  console_json_format: true
  console_level: "info"
  file_enabled: false
  file_json_format: true
  file_level: "trace"

  <<: *common

  <<: *common
  console_level: "debug"
  file_enabled: true
  file_level: "debug"

  <<: *common

  <<: *common

Given the configuration above, the SDK will load out-of-the-box the test configuration and apply it to the logger.

In cases where we want to modify the configuration of an application in a test file, we can simply use the constructor that go-sdk provides:

package main

import (

    sdkconfig ""

var (
    // Config is SDK-powered application configuration.
    Config *sdkconfig.Config

func SomeTest(t *testing.T) {
    if Config, err = sdkconfig.NewConfig(); err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to load SDK config: %s", err.Error())

    // Change application settings
    Config.App.Set("key", "value")

    // Continue with testing...
    setting := Config.App.GetString("key") // returns "value"


go-sdk ships with a logger, configured with sane defaults out-of-the-box. Under the hood, it uses the popular logrus as a logger, in combination with lumberjack for log rolling. It supports log levels, formatting (plain or JSON), structured logging and storing the output to a file and/or STDOUT.

Initialization and default configuration

go-sdk comes with a configuration built-in for the logger. That means that initializing a new logger is as easy as:

package main

import (

	sdklogger ""

var (
	// Logger is SDK-powered application logger.
	Logger sdklogger.Logger
	err    error

func main() {
	if loggerConfig, err := sdklogger.NewConfig(); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to initialize SDK logger configuration: %s", err.Error())

	if Logger, err = sdklogger.NewBuilder(loggerConfig).Build(); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to load SDK logger: %s", err.Error())

The logger initialized with the default configuration will use the log/ directory in the root of the project to save the log files, with the name of the current application environment and a .log extension.


Much like with the application configuration, the logger follows the convention of loading a YAML file placed in the config/logger.yml file. This means that any project which imports the logger package from go-sdk can place the logger configuration in their config/logger.yml file and the go-sdk will load that configuration when initializing the logger.

Since the logger is also environment-aware, it will assume the presence of the APP_ENV environment variable and use it to set the name of the log file to the environment name. For example, an application running with APP_ENV=development will have its log entries in log/development.log by default.

Also, it expects the respective logger.yml file to be environment namespaced. For example:

# config/logger.yml
common: &common
  console_enabled: true
  console_json_format: false
  console_level: "debug"
  file_enabled: true
  file_json_format: false
  file_level: "debug"

  <<: *common
  file_enabled: false

  <<: *common
  console_enabled: false

  <<: *common
  console_json_format: true
  console_level: "debug"
  file_enabled: false

  <<: *common
  console_json_format: true
  console_level: "info"
  file_enabled: false

Given the configuration above, the logger package will load out-of-the-box the configuration for the respective environment and apply it to the logger instance.

Log levels

The SDK's logger follows best practices when it comes to logging levels. It exposes multiple log levels, in order from lowest to highest:

  • Trace, invoked with logger.Tracef
  • Debug, invoked with logger.Debugf
  • Info, invoked with logger.Infof
  • Warn, invoked with logger.Warnf
  • Error, invoked with logger.Errorf
  • Fatal, invoked with logger.Fatalf
  • Panic, invoked with logger.Panicf

Each of these log levels will produce log entries, while two of them have additional functionality:

  • logger.Fatalf will add a log entry and exit the program with error code 1 (i.e. exit(1))
  • logger.Panicf will add a log entry and invoke panic with all of the arguments passed to the Panicf call

Structured logging

Loggers created using the go-sdk logger package, define a list of hardcoded fields that every log entry will be consisted of. This is done by design, with the goal of a uniform log line structure across all Go services that use the go-sdk.

Adding more field is made possible by the logger.WithFields function and by the Builder API:

fields := map[string]string{ "role": "server" }

if Logger, err = sdklogger.NewBuilder(loggerConfig).SetFields(fields).Build(); err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("Failed to load SDK logger: %s", err.Error())

While adding more fields is easy to do, removing the three default fields from the log lines is, by design, very hard to do and highly discouraged.

The list of fields are:

  • level, indicating the log level of the log line
  • message, representing the actual log message
  • timestamp, the date & time of the log entry in ISO 8601 UTC format

Logging & tracing middleware

go-sdk ships with a Logger middleware. When used, it tries to retrieve the RequestID, TraceID and SpanID from the incoming context. Then, middleware assigns those values to the log entries for further correlation.

HTTP server middleware

func main() {
	loggingMiddleware := sdkmiddleware.NewLoggingMiddleware(sdk.Logger)

	httpServer := server.
		NewHTTPServer(host, httpPort, applicationEnv, applicationName).

gRPC server interceptors

func main() {
    rpcServer, err := server.NewGrpcServer(

Formatting and handlers

The logger ships with two different formats: a plaintext and JSON format. This means that the log entries can have a simple plaintext format, or a JSON format. These options are configurable using the ConsoleJSONFormat and FileJSONFormat attributes of the logger Config.

An example of the plain text format:

timestamp="2019-10-23T15:28:54Z" level=info message="GET  HTTP/1.1 200"

An example of the JSON format:

{"level":"info","message":"GET  HTTP/1.1 200","timestamp":"2019-10-23T15:29:26Z"}

The logger handles the log entries and can store them in a file or send them to STDOUT. These options are configurable using the ConsoleEnabled and FileEnabled attributes of the logger Config.

Sentry error reporting

The logger can be further instrumented to report error messages to Sentry.

The following instructions assume that a project has been setup in Sentry and that the corresponding DSN, or Data Source Name, is available.

The respective configuration file is sentry.yml and it should include the following content:

# config/sentry.yml
common: &common
  dsn: ""

  <<: *common

  <<: *common

  <<: *common
  dsn: "https://<key><project>"

The tracking can be enabled from the Logger Builder with the SetTracking function. To trigger tracking, use logger with WithError(err) as follows:

package main

import (

	sdklogger   ""
	sdktracking ""

var (
	// Logger is SDK-powered application logger.
	Logger sdklogger.Logger
	err    error

func main() {
	if loggerConfig, err := sdklogger.NewConfig(); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to initialize SDK logger configuration: %s", err.Error())

	if trackingConfig, err := sdktracking.NewConfig(); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to initialize SDK tracking configuration: %s", err.Error())

	if Logger, err = sdklogger.NewBuilder(loggerConfig).SetTracking(trackingConfig).Build(); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to load SDK logger: %s", err.Error())

	err = errors.New("new error")
	logger.WithError(err).Errorf("trying sentry error functionality")

A logger build with a valid tracking configuration will automatically report to Sentry any errors emitted from the following log levels:

  • Error;
  • Fatal;
  • Panic;

The following environment variables are automatically used in the configuration of the Sentry client to enrich the error data:

environment: APP_ENV
release: APP_VERSION

More about the "environment" configuration the "server name" configuration and the "release" configuration can be found in the Sentry documentation.

Database Connection

go-sdk ships with a default setup for a database connection, built on top of the built-in database configuration. The configuration that is read from the config/database.yml file is then used to create connection details, which are then used to compose a data source name (DSN), for example:


At the moment, the database connection established using the go-sdk can be only to a MySQL database. This is subject to change as the go-sdk evolves and becomes more feature-complete.

The database connection can also be configured through a YAML file. go-sdk expects this file to be placed at the config/database.yml path, within the root of the project.

Each of these connection details can be overriden by an ENV variable.

Setting Description YAML variable Environment variable (ENV) Default
Host The database host host APP_DATABASE_HOST localhost
Port The database port port APP_DATABASE_PORT 3306
Database The database name database APP_DATABASE_DATABASE
Username App user name username APP_DATABASE_USERNAME
Password App user password password APP_DATABASE_PASSWORD
Pool Connection pool size pool APP_DATABASE_POOL 5
Timeout Connection timeout (in seconds) timeout APP_DATABASE_TIMEOUT 1s

An example database.yml:

common: &common
  host: db
  port: 3306
  username: username
  password: password
  pool: 5
  timeout: 1s

  <<: *common
  database: application_development

  <<: *common
  database: application_test

  <<: *common


go-sdk provides a convenient way to create a basic Server configuration.

Setting Description YAML variable Environment variable (ENV)
Host Server host host APP_SERVER_HOST
HTTPTimeout HTTP related timeouts http_timeout
CORS CORS settings cors

An example server.yml:

common: &common
  http_port: 8080
    write: 2s
    read: 1s
    idle: 90s
    enabled: true
      - path: "*"
        allowed_origins: ["*"]
        allowed_methods: ["GET"]
        allowed_headers: ["Allowed-Header"]
        exposed_headers: ["Exposed-Header"]
        allow_credentials: true
        max_age: 600

CORS settings

CORS stands for Cross Origin Resource Sharing. go-sdk provides a basic optional configuration for the CORS settings that are passed to the HTTP middleware.

Setting Description YAML variable Environment variable (ENV) Default
Enabled Whether CORS enabled or not enabled APP_SERVER_CORS_ENABLED false
Settings List of CORS Settings settings

PLEASE NOTE: there is no way to specify Settings via environment variables as it is presented as a nested structure. To configure the CORS, use the server.yaml file

For the full list of the CORS settings please refer to the inline documentation of the server package Also, consider looking into the documentation of the cors library which currently lays under the hood of the CORS middleware.

CORS middleware

CORS middleware is a tiny wrapper around the cors library. It aims to provide an extensive way to configure CORS and at the same time not bind services to a particular implementation.

Below is an example of the CORS middleware initialization:

package main

import (

func main() {
	config, err := server.NewConfig()
	if err != nil {

	corsMiddleware := middleware.NewCorsMiddleware(config.Cors.Settings[0])

	// possible Server implementation
	httpServer := server.
		NewHTTPServer(host, httpPort, applicationEnv, applicationName).

ORM Integration

go-sdk comes with an integration with the popular gorm as an object-relational mapper (ORM). Using the configuration details, namely the data source name (DSN) as their product, gorm is able to open a connection and give the go-sdk users a preconfigured ready-to-use database connection with an ORM attached. This can be done as follows:

package main

import (
	sdkdb ""

func main() {
	// Loads the database configuration.
	dbConfig, err := sdkdb.NewConfig()

	// Establishes a gorm database connection using the connection details.
	dbConn, err := sdkdb.NewConnection(dbConfig)

The connection details are handled internally by the gorm integration, in other words the NewConnection function, so they remain opaque for the user.

Usage of ORM

Invoking the constructor for a database connection, go-sdk returns a Gorm-powered database connection. It can be used right away to query the database:

package main

import (

	sdkdb ""

type User struct {

	Name string `gorm:"type:varchar(255)"`
	Age  uint   `gorm:"type:int"`

func main() {
	dbConfig, err := sdkdb.NewConfig()
	dbConn, err := sdkdb.NewConnection(dbConfig)

	user := User{Name: name, Age: age}

	errs := dbConn.Create(&user).GetErrors()
	if errs != nil {

To learn more about Gorm, you can start with its official documentation.


go-sdk provides a convenient way to create a basic PubSub configuration.

Top-level configuration is split into sections specific for the vendor. Let's look into the sample pubsub.yml file:

common: &common
    # Set by APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_BROKER_URLS env variable
      - "localhost:9092"
    # Set by APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_CLIENT_ID env variable
    client_id: "test-app"
    # Set by APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_CERT_PEM env variable
    cert_pem: "pem string"
    # Set by APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_CERT_PEM_KEY env variable
    cert_pem_key: "pem key"
    security_protocol: "ssl"
    ssl_verification_enabled: true
      max_attempts: 3
      write_timeout: "10s"
      topic: "test-topic"
      topic: "test-topic"
      group_id: ""

Kafka specific configuration

Kafka top-level configuration contains generic options that fit both publisher and subscriber:

Setting Description YAML variable Environment variable (ENV) Type Possible Values
Broker URLs Broker URLs to connect to broker_urls APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_BROKER_URLS list(string) localhost:9093
Client ID Client identifier client_id APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_CLIENT_ID string go-chassis-app
Cert PEM Client's public key string (PEM format) used for authentication cert_pem APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_CERT_PEM string long PEM string (deprecated)
Cert PEM Key Client's private key string (PEM format) used for authentication cert_pem_key APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_CERT_PEM_KEY string long PEM key string (deprecated)
Security Protocol Protocol used to communicate with brokers security_protocol APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL string plaintext, ssl, sasl_plaintext, sasl_ssl (deprecated)
SSL verification enabled Enable OpenSSL's builtin broker (server) certificate verification ssl_verification_enabled APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_SSL_VERIFICATION_ENABLED bool true, false (deprecated)
Enable Metrics Enable publishing metrics for Kafka client broker connection metrics_enabled APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_METRICS_ENABLED bool true, false

To break it down further Publisher and Subscriber have their own set of configuration options:


Setting Description YAML variable Environment variable (ENV) Type Possible Values
Max attempts Maximum amount of times to retry sending a failing Message max_attempts APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_PUBLISHER_MAX_ATTEMPTS int 3
Write timeout Local message timeout. This value is only enforced locally and limits the time a produced message waits for successful delivery write_timeout APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_PUBLISHER_WRITE_TIMEOUT string 10s
Topic Topic name topic APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_PUBLISHER_TOPIC string topic
Enable Metrics Enable publishing metrics for Kafka producer metrics_enabled APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_PUBLISHER_METRICS_ENABLED bool true, false


Setting Description YAML variable Environment variable (ENV) Type Possible Values
Topic Topic name topic APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_SUBSCRIBER_TOPIC string topic
Group ID Client group id string. All clients sharing the same group id belong to the same group group_id APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_SUBSCRIBER_GROUP_ID string service-name
Enable Metrics Enable publishing metrics for Kafka consumer metrics_enabled APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_SUBSCRIBER_METRICS_ENABLED bool true, false
Enable AutoCommit Enable AutoCommit option for Kafka consumer (default true) auto_commit.enabled APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_SUBSCRIBER_AUTO_COMMIT_ENABLED bool true, false
Number of workers Number of workers processing incoming messages workers APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_SUBSCRIBER_WORKERS number 1,2...
Block rebalance Indicates if the subscriber will block rebalance event when polling. For more information refer to the franz-go documentation block_rebalance APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_SUBSCRIBER_BLOCK_REBALANCE bool true, false
Max records Number of messages to retrieve from Kafka topic per polling iteration max_records APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_SUBSCRIBER_MAX_RECORDS number 1,2...


  1. APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_SUBSCRIBER_WORKERS is a setting for subscriber to increase the throughput. If the number is more than 1, messages will be processed concurrently in a separate goroutine. If the order of messages is important, this setting should be set to 1.
  2. APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_SUBSCRIBER_BLOCK_REBALANCE is a setting for subscriber to block rebalance event when polling. If the setting is set to true, the subscriber will block the rebalance event when polling. This option helps to reduce the amount of duplicate messages. But it is important to be sure that the message processing is fast enough to avoid blocking the rebalance event for a long time. For more information refer to the franz-go documentation.

To authenticate the requests to Kafka, Go SDK provides a configuration set for TLS and SASL


Setting Description YAML variable Environment variable (ENV) Type Possible Values
Enabled Whether TLS authentication is enabled or not enabled APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_TLS_ENABLED bool true, false
Root certificate Ca Root CA certificate ca APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_TLS_CA string Root CA
Cert PEM Client's public key string (PEM format) used for authentication cert_pem APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_TLS_CERT_PEM string long PEM string (deprecated)
Cert PEM Key Client's private key string (PEM format) used for authentication cert_pem_key APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_TLS_CERT_PEM_KEY string long PEM key string (deprecated)
Passphrase Passphrase is used in case the private key needs to be decrypted passphrase APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_TLS_PASSPHRASE string pass phrase
Skip TLS verification Turn on / off TLS verification insecure_skip_verify APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_TLS_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY bool true, false


Setting Description YAML variable Environment variable (ENV) Type Possible Values
Enabled Whether SASL authentication is enabled or not enabled APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_SASL_ENABLED bool true, false
Mechanism Mechanism is a string representation of the SASL mechanism. Only "plain" and "aws_msk_iam" are supported mechanism APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_SASL_MECHANISM string plain, aws_msk_iam
Username The username to authenticate Kafka requests username APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_SASL_USERNAME string username
Password The password to authenticate Kafka requests paswword APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_SASL_PASSWORD string password
AWS MSK IAM access key AWS MSK IAM access key to authenticate AWS MSK requests access_key APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_SASL_AWS_MSK_IAM_ACCESS_KEY string access key
AWS MSK IAM secret key AWS MSK IAM secret key to authenticate AWS MSK requests secret_key APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_SASL_AWS_MSK_IAM_SECRET_KEY string secret key
AWS STS Session Token SessionToken is used to authenticate AWS MSK requests via AWS STS service.
For more information please check the documentation.
User agent The client's user agent string user_agent APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_SASL_AWS_MSK_IAM_USER_AGENT string user agent
Assumable role This role will be used to establish connection to AWS MSK ignoring the static credentials role APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_SASL_AWS_MSK_IAM_ROLE string AWS ARN string
Session name Will be passed to AWS STS when assuming the role session_name APP_PUBSUB_KAFKA_SASL_AWS_MSK_IAM_SESSION_NAME string application


go-sdk provides a convenient way to create an application Cache configuration.

Top-level configuration is split into sections specific for the vendor. Let's look into the sample cache.yml file:

common: &common
  store: redis
    url: ""
    # Set by APP_CACHE_REDIS_ADDRS env variable
      - "localhost:6379"
    # Set by APP_CACHE_REDIS_USERNAME env variable
    username: "username"
    # Set by APP_CACHE_REDIS_PASSWORD env variable
    password: "password"

Redis specific configuration

Redis top-level configuration is based on the official go-redis UniversalOptions library options. The following table describes the configuration options:

Setting Description YAML variable Environment variable (ENV) Type Possible Values
URL URL into Redis ClusterOptions that can be used to connect to Redis url APP_CACHE_REDIS_URL string redis://:password@localhost:6379/0
Addrs Either a single address or a seed list of host:port addresses of cluster/sentinel nodes. addrs APP_CACHE_REDIS_ADDRS list(string) localhost:6379
ClientName ClientName will execute the CLIENT SETNAME ClientName command for each conn. client_name APP_CACHE_REDIS_CLIENT_NAME string client-name
DB Database to be selected after connecting to the server. Only single-node and failover clients. db APP_CACHE_REDIS_DB int 0
Protocol Protocol 2 or 3. Use the version to negotiate RESP version with redis-server. protocol APP_CACHE_REDIS_PROTOCOL int 2, 3
Username Username for Redis authentication. username APP_CACHE_REDIS_USERNAME string username
Password Password for Redis authentication. password APP_CACHE_REDIS_PASSWORD string password
SentinelUsername SentinelUsername is the username for Sentinel authentication. sentinel_username APP_CACHE_REDIS_SENTINEL_USERNAME string sentinel-username
SentinelPassword SentinelPassword is the password for Sentinel authentication. sentinel_password APP_CACHE_REDIS_SENTINEL_PASSWORD string sentinel-password
MaxRetries Maximum number of retries before giving up. max_retries APP_CACHE_REDIS_MAX_RETRIES int 0
MinRetryBackoff Minimum backoff between each retry. min_retry_backoff APP_CACHE_REDIS_MIN_RETRY_BACKOFF time.Duration 8ms
MaxRetryBackoff Maximum backoff between each retry. max_retry_backoff APP_CACHE_REDIS_MAX_RETRY_BACKOFF time.Duration 512ms
DialTimeout The timeout for establishing a connection. dial_timeout APP_CACHE_REDIS_DIAL_TIMEOUT time.Duration 5s
ReadTimeout The timeout for socket reads. read_timeout APP_CACHE_REDIS_READ_TIMEOUT time.Duration 3s
WriteTimeout The timeout for socket writes. write_timeout APP_CACHE_REDIS_WRITE_TIMEOUT time.Duration 3s
ContextTimeoutEnabled Controls whether the client respects context timeouts and deadlines. context_timeout_enabled APP_CACHE_REDIS_CONTEXT_TIMEOUT_ENABLED bool true, false
PoolSize Base number of socket connections. pool_size APP_CACHE_REDIS_POOL_SIZE int 10
PoolTimeout Amount of time client waits for connection if all connections are busy before returning an error. pool_timeout APP_CACHE_REDIS_POOL_TIMEOUT time.Duration 4s
MaxIdleConns Maximum number of idle connections. max_idle_conns APP_CACHE_REDIS_MAX_IDLE_CONNS int 10
MinIdleConns Minimum number of idle connections. min_idle_conns APP_CACHE_REDIS_MIN_IDLE_CONNS int 5
MaxActiveConns Maximum number of connections allocated by the pool at a given time. max_active_conns APP_CACHE_REDIS_MAX_ACTIVE_CONNS int 100
ConnMaxIdleTime Maximum amount of time a connection may be idle. Should be less than server's timeout. conn_max_idle_time APP_CACHE_REDIS_CONN_MAX_IDLE_TIME time.Duration 5m
ConnMaxLifetime Maximum amount of time a connection may be reused. conn_max_lifetime APP_CACHE_REDIS_CONN_MAX_LIFETIME time.Duration 5m
MaxRedirects The maximum number of retries before giving up. Command is retried on network errors and MOVED/ASK redirects. Only cluster clients. max_redirects APP_CACHE_REDIS_MAX_REDIRECTS int 8
ReadOnly Enable read-only commands on slave nodes. Only cluster clients. read_only APP_CACHE_REDIS_READ_ONLY bool true, false
RouteByLatency Route read-only commands to the closest master or slave node. Only cluster clients. route_by_latency APP_CACHE_REDIS_ROUTE_BY_LATENCY bool true, false
RouteRandomly Route read-only commands to a random master or slave node. Only cluster clients. route_randomly APP_CACHE_REDIS_ROUTE_RANDOMLY bool true, false
MasterName Name of the master to use for Sentinel failover. master_name APP_CACHE_REDIS_MASTER_NAME string master-name
DisableIndentity Disable set-lib on connect. disable_indentity APP_CACHE_REDIS_DISABLE_INDENTITY bool true, false
IdentitySuffix Add suffix to client name. identity_suffix APP_CACHE_REDIS_IDENTITY_SUFFIX string suffix

To secure the requests to Redis, Go SDK provides a configuration set for TLS:


Setting Description YAML variable Environment variable (ENV) Type Possible Values
Enabled Whether TLS is enabled or not enabled APP_CACHE_REDIS_TLS_ENABLED bool true, false
Root certificate Ca Root CA certificate ca APP_CACHE_REDIS_TLS_CA string Root CA
Cert PEM Client's public key string (PEM format) used for authentication cert_pem APP_CACHE_REDIS_TLS_CERT_PEM string long PEM string
Cert PEM Key Client's private key string (PEM format) used for authentication cert_pem_key APP_CACHE_REDIS_TLS_CERT_PEM_KEY string long PEM key string
Passphrase Passphrase is used in case the private key needs to be decrypted passphrase APP_CACHE_REDIS_TLS_PASSPHRASE string pass phrase
Skip TLS verification Turn on / off TLS verification insecure_skip_verify APP_CACHE_REDIS_TLS_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY bool true, false


go-sdk comes with an integration with Statsig to leverage its experimentation and feature flag functionality.

Initialization of Statsig

The respective configuration file is statsig.yml and it should include the following content:

# config/statsig.yml
common: &common
  secret_key: ""
  local_mode: false
  config_sync_interval: 10s
  id_list_sync_interval: 60s

  <<: *common

  <<: *common

  <<: *common

  <<: *common

For more details on the configuration check the Statsig Go Server SDK.

Using the configuration details, the statsig client can be initialized as follows:

package main

import (
	sdkstatsig ""

func main() {
	// Loads the statsig configuration.
	statsigConfig, err := sdkstatsig.NewConfig()

	// Initialize statsig connection using the configuration.

Usage of Statsig

After initializing the statsig client, one can start using experiments or feature flags using the following code:

import (
  sdkstatsig ""
  statsig ""

func main() {
  u := statsig.User{}

  experiment := sdkstatsig.GetExperiment(u, "experiment_name")
  featureFlag := sdkstatsig.GetFeatureFlag(u, "feature_flag_name")

AWS configuration

go-sdk provides a convenient way to create an AWS configuration.

Configuration contains the common configuration for AWS configuration and specific configuration for services.

Service configuration is split by the service name to facilitate the configuration of multiple services per service type.

common: &common
    region: "us-east-2"
      region: "us-east-1"
          arn: ""
      region: "us-west-2"
          access_key_id: ""
          secret_access_key: ""
          session_token: ""

AWS common configuration

Common configuration contains the following options:

Setting Description YAML variable Environment variable (ENV) Type Possible Values
Region AWS region to use region APP_AWS_REGION string us-west-2
HTTP client max idle conns Maximum number of idle connections in the HTTP client. max_idle_conns APP_AWS_HTTP_CLIENT_MAX_IDLE_CONNS int 100

AWS Service configuration

Currently, go-sdk supports the following AWS service types: s3, sagemakerruntime, sfn and sqs.

To facilitate the configuration of multiple services per service type, the configuration is split by the service name. To override the settings specified in the YAML via the environment variables, the following naming convention is used:


Where SERVICE_TYPE is the service type (s3, sqs etc.) and SERVICE_NAME is the service name (default, example etc.).

It is possible to specify region and HTTP client settings for each service, which will override the common configuration.

For each service, it is possible to specify credentials. Currently, go-sdk supports two types of credentials: assume_role and static.

assume_role credentials are used to assume a role to get credentials using AWS STS service. The following options are available:

Setting Description YAML variable Environment variable (ENV) Type Possible Values
ARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume arn APP_AWS_S3_DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS_ASSUME_ROLE_ARN string arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/role-name

static credentials are used to specify the access key ID, secret access key and session token. The following options are available:

Setting Description YAML variable Environment variable (ENV) Type Possible Values
Access Key ID The access key ID access_key_id APP_AWS_S3_EXAMPLE_CREDENTIALS_STATIC_ACCESS_KEY_ID string access-key-id
Secret Access Key The secret access key secret_access_key APP_AWS_S3_EXAMPLE_CREDENTIALS_STATIC_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY string secret-access-key
Session Token The session token session_token APP_AWS_S3_EXAMPLE_CREDENTIALS_STATIC_SESSION_TOKEN string session-token

APM & Instrumentation

The go-sdk provides an easy way to add application performance monitoring (APM) & instrumentation to a service. It provides DataDog APM using the dd-trace-go library. dd-trace-go provides gRPC server & client interceptors, HTTP router instrumentation, database connection & ORM instrumentation and AWS clients instrumentation. All of the traces and data are opaquely sent to DataDog.

Request ID middleware

For easier identification of requests and their tracing within components of a single service, and across-services, go-sdk has a RequestID middleware.

HTTP server Request ID middleware

As an HTTP middleware, it checks every incoming request for a X-Request-Id HTTP header and sets the value of the header as a field in the request Context. In case there's no RequestID present, it will generate a UUID and assign it in the request Context.

Example usage of the middleware:

func main() {
	requestIDMiddleware := sdkmiddleware.NewRequestIDMiddleware()

	httpServer := server.
		NewHTTPServer(host, httpPort, applicationEnv, applicationName).

gRPC server Request ID interceptors

For the gRPC server, sdk provides unary and stream interceptors. It checks every incoming request for a x-request-id grpc metadata header and sets the value of the header as a field in the request Context. In case there's no RequestID present, it will generate a UUID and assign it in the request Context.

Example usage of interceptors:

func main() {
    grpcServer, err := server.NewGrpcServer(

HTTP Router Instrumentation

go-sdk ships with HTTP router instrumentation, based on DataDog's dd-trace-go library. It spawns a new instrumented router where each of the requests will create traces that will be sent opaquely to the DataDog agent.

Example usage of the instrumentation:

// Example taken from go-chassis
func NewHTTPServer(host, port, applicationEnv, applicationName string) *HTTPServer {
	router := sdk.Tracer.Router(applicationName)
	srv := &http.Server{
		Addr:    fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", host, port),
		Handler: router,
	return &HTTPServer{
		srv:            srv,
		applicationEnv: applicationEnv,

gRPC server and client interceptors

go-sdk ships with gRPC instrumentation, based on DataDog's dd-trace-go library. It creates new gRPC interceptors for the server & client. Thus, requests will create traces that will be sent opaquely to the DataDog agent.

Example usage of the instrumentation:

// gRPC client example

si := grpctrace.StreamClientInterceptor(grpctrace.WithServiceName("client-application"))
ui := grpctrace.UnaryClientInterceptor(grpctrace.WithServiceName("client-application"))

conn, err := grpc.Dial("<gRPC host>", grpc.WithStreamInterceptor(si), grpc.WithUnaryInterceptor(ui))
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Failed to init gRPC connection: %s", err)
defer conn.Close()
// gRPC server example

grpcServer, err := server.NewGrpcServer(
if err != nil {
    logger.Fatalf("Failed to create gRPC Server: %s", err)

Database instrumentation & ORM logging

go-sdk ships with two database-related middlewares: Database & DatabaseLogging for both HTTP and gRPC servers.

The Database middleware which instruments the Gorm-powered database connection. It utilizes Gorm-specific callbacks that report spans and traces to Datadog. The instrumented Gorm database connection is injected in the request Context and it is always scoped within the request.

The DatabaseLogging middleware checks for a logger injected in the request context. If found, the logger is passed to the Gorm database connection, which in turn uses the logger to produce database query logs. A nice side-effect of this approach is that, if the logger is tagged with a request_id, there's a logs correlation between the HTTP requests and the database queries. Also, if the logger is tagged with trace_id we can easily correlate logs with traces and see corresponding database queries. Keep in mind that ORM logging happens at the same level as the base logger. The additional database fields ('duration', 'affected_rows' and 'sql') are available only when using the trace levels.

HTTP server middleware example

func main() {
	databaseMiddleware := sdkmiddleware.NewDatabaseMiddleware(sdk.Database)
	databaseLoggingMiddleware := sdkmiddleware.NewDatabaseLoggingMiddleware()

	httpServer := server.
		NewHTTPServer(host, httpPort, applicationEnv, applicationName).

gRPC server interceptors example

func main() {
    grpcServer, err := server.NewGrpcServer(

AWS clients instrumentation

go-sdk instruments the AWS clients by wrapping it with a DataDog trace and tagging it with the service name. In addition, this registers AWS as a separate service in DataDog.

Example usage of the instrumentation:

import (

    sdkaws ""
    sdkconfig ""
    instrumentation ""

func main() {
    config, err := sdkconfig.NewConfig()
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to load SDK config: %s", err)

    awsBuilder := sdkaws.NewBuilder(config.AWS)

    cfg, err := awsBuilder.LoadConfig(context.Background())
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("error: %v", err)
    instrumentation.InstrumentAWSClient(cfg, instrumentation.Settings{
        AppName: applicationName,

    // Create an S3 service client with the service name "default"
    s3client := awsBuilder.NewS3Service(cfg, "default")

To correlate the traces that are registered with DataDog with the corresponding requests in other DataDog services, the aws-sdk-go provides functions with the WithContext suffix. These functions expect the request Context as the first arugment of the function, which allows the tracing chain to be continued inside the SDK call stack. To learn more about these functions you can start by reading about them on the AWS developer blog.

PubSub instrumentation and logging


go-sdk provides a flexible way to instrument the Kafka client with logging, tracing and metrics capabilities.

The franz-go Kafka client library is wrapped by the go-sdk and traces calls to Kafka.

For logging, go-sdk provides a franz-go compatible logger which is basically a plugin around the SDK's logger.Logger interface. This logger will print franz-go log stubs depending on a configured log level.

import (

    sdkkafkalogger ""

func main() {
    kafkaClientOpts := []kgo.Opt{

For metrics, go-sdk provides a franz-go plugin to publish metrics to DataDog via DogStatsd. It is implemented as a hook. Metrics are split into three categories: broker, producer and consumer.

Broker metrics

Broker metrics represent a set of metrics around the broker connection. If enabled, the following metrics will be published:

count metrics

time metrics

histogram metrics

Producer metrics

Producer metrics represent a set of metrics around the producer. If enabled, the following metrics will be published:

count metrics

Consumer metrics

Consumer metrics represent a set of metrics around the consumer. If enabled, the following metrics will be published:

count metrics

By default, all metrics will be published without sampling (rate 1.0). The client can specify the sampling rate per metric type and/or per metric name:

import (

    sdkkafkamertics ""

func main() {
    kafkaClientOpts := []kgo.Opt{
        // no sampling rate specified
        // sampling rate of 0.5 will be applied for all producer metrics
        kgo.WithHooks(sdkkafkamertics.NewProducerMetrics(metrics, sdkkafkamertics.WithSampleRate(0.5))),
        // sampling rate of 0.3 will be applied to consumer metric name provided only,
        // other metrics will be published with default sample rate
                "kafka_client.consumer.records_buffered": 0.3,

Cache instrumentation and logging


go-sdk provides a flexible way to instrument the Redis client with logging and tracing capabilities.

The go-redis Redis client library is wrapped by the go-sdk using dd-trace-go library and traces calls to Redis.

For logging, go-sdk sets the go-redis logger to the SDK logger. This logger will print go-redis log stubs as error log entries.

import (
    sdklogger ""

    instrumentation ""

    sdkredis ""

func main() {
    config, err := sdkconfig.NewConfig()
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to load SDK config: %s", err)

    logger, err := sdklogger.NewBuilder(config.Logger).SetTracking(config.Tracking).Build()
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to load SDK logger: %s", err)

    redisClient, err := sdkredis.New(&config.Cache.Redis)
    if err != nil {
        logger.WithError(err).Fatalf("Failed to create Redis client: %s", err)

    // instrument redis client
    instrumentation.InstrumentRedis(redisClient, applicationName)

    // set logger for redis client


You can send pprof samples to DataDog by enabling the profiler. Under the hood the DataDog profiler will continuously take heap, CPU and mutex profiles, every 1 minute by default. The default CPU profile duration is 15 seconds. Keep in mind that the profiler introduces overhead when it is being executed. The default DataDog configuration, which go-sdk uses by default, is following good practices.

func main() {
    // Build profiler.
    sdkProfiler := instrumentation.NewProfiler(
    if err := sdkProfiler.Start(); err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to start profiler: %s", err)
    defer sdkProfiler.Stop()

Custom Metrics

go-sdk provides a way to send custom metrics to Datadog.

The metrics.Configuration configuration can be used to define the set of tags to attach to every metric emitted by the client.

This client is configured by default with:

  • service:$APP_NAME

Datadog tags documentation is available here.

See the metric submission documentation on how to submit custom metrics.

Metric names must only contain ASCII alphanumerics, underscores, and periods. The client will not replace nor check for invalid characters.

Some options are suppported when submitting metrics, like applying a sample rate to your metrics or tagging your metrics with your custom tags. Find all the available functions to report metrics in the Datadog Go client GoDoc documentation.

Example usage of the custom metrics:

package main

import (


func main() {
	applicationEnv := "development"
	applicationName := "go-sdk-example"

	metricsConfig := &metrics.Config{
		Environment: applicationEnv,
		App:         applicationName,
	client, err := metrics.NewBuilder(metricsConfig).Build()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Could not initialize Metrics client: %s", err)

	_ = client.Incr("example.increment", []string{""}, 1)
	_ = client.Decr("example.decrement", []string{""}, 1)
	_ = client.Count("example.count", 2, []string{""}, 1)

Using the go-sdk in isolation

The go-sdk is a standalone Go module. This means that it can be imported and used in virtually any Go project. Still, there are four conventions that the go-sdk enforces which must be present in the host application:

  1. The presence of the APP_ENV environment variable, used for environment-awareness,
  2. Support of a single file format (YAML) for storing configurations,
  3. Support of only a single path to store the configuration, config/ in the application root, and
  4. The presence of the APP_ROOT environment variable, set to the absolute path of the application that it's used in. This is used to locate the config directory on disk and load the enclosed YAML files.

A good way to approach initialization of the go-sdk in your application can be seen in the go-chassis itself:

// internal/pkg/sdk/sdk.go
package sdk

import (

	sdkconfig ""
	sdklogger ""

var (
	// Config is SDK-powered application configuration.
	Config *sdkconfig.Config
	// Logger is SDK-powered application logger.
	Logger sdklogger.Logger
	err    error

func init() {
	if Config, err = sdkconfig.NewConfig(); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to load SDK config: %s", err.Error())

	if Logger, err = sdklogger.NewBuilder(loggerConfig).Build(); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to load SDK logger: %s", err.Error())

Please note that while using the go-sdk in isolation is possible, it is highly recommended to use it in combination with the go-chassis for the best development, debugging and maintenance experience.

Developing the SDK

  • The SDK provides a Docker Compose development environment to run, develop and test a service (version 1.24.1).
  • See docker-compose.yml for the service definitions.

Building the docker environment

$ docker-compose build [--no-cache|--pull|--parallel]

Refer to the Compose CLI reference for the full list of option and the synopsis of the command.

Running tests within the docker environment

Compose provides a way to create and destroy isolated testing environments:

$ docker-compose run --rm sdk mage test:run

Entering the docker environment

You can enter the docker environment to build, run and debug your service:

$ docker-compose run --rm sdk /bin/bash
root@1f31fa8e5c49:/sdk# go version
go version go1.23.0 linux/amd64

Refer to the Compose CLI reference for the full list of option and the synopsis of the command.

Using a development build of go-sdk

When developing a project that uses go-sdk as a dependency, you might need to introduce changes to the go-sdk codebase.

In this case, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a branch in the go-sdk repository with the changes you want, and push the branch to the repository remote:

    git push -u origin <username/branch-name>
  2. Add or change the following line in the go.mod file of the project that uses go-sdk as a dependency:

    replace => <username/branch-name>
  3. From the project root, fetch the new branch by running:

    go mod tidy
  4. Note that running go mod tidy will tie go-sdk to the specific git commit. So after running it, the replace statement will look like this:

    replace => <pseudo-version>

    Therefore, you will need to repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 each time you add new changes to your branch in go-sdk.

  5. After you are done with the required changes, create a merge request to the go-sdk repository. After the merge request is merged and a release is done, you need to, once again, alter the replace statement in your go.mod file:

    replace => <tag-name>

Commit messages

Please follow Conventional Commits and Angular commit message guidelines for writing commit messages.


This project is using semantic-release and conventional-commits, with the angular preset.

Releases are done from the origin/main branch using a manual step at the end of the CI/CD pipeline.

In order to create a new release:

  1. Merge / push changes to origin/main
  2. Open the origin/main GitHub Action Release pipeline
  3. Press ▶️ on the "Run workflow" step

A version bump will happen automatically and the type of version bump (patch, minor, major) depends on the commits introduced since the last release.

The semantic-release configuration is in .releaserc.yml.


Made with ❤️ by the Core Services team.



License:MIT License


Language:Go 99.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.5%