scottshea / artfully_app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool Open Source Edition

Version 1.0.0.rc4

An Open-source application to run your arts organization. Features include:

  • Free and paid ticketing on the web
  • Patron tracking
  • Patron importing and exporting
  • Order tracking
  • Door lists
  • Box office

And coming soon...

  • Advanced patron searching
  • Mailchimp integration


Creating your own OSE installation requires a basic understanding of Git, Heroku, Ruby and Rails.


You'll need the following apps/services to use OSE


Make sure you have the following installed on your system

Also, before you begin you should set up your production MySQL database.

Clone the app

git clone
cd artfully_app


gem install foreman
bundle install


Update database.yml to point to your mysql database. Specify a local database and a production database.

Run the migrations

bundle exec rake artfully_ose_engine:install:migrations
bundle exec rake db:migrate

Running Locally

If you intend to do any custom development or testing, go ahead and set up OSE locally on your machine. If you have no interest in this, feel free to skip ahead to Deployment to Heroku

Open a rails console and run

User.create!({:email => "", :password => "your_strong_password", :password_confirmation => "your_strong_password" })


foreman start

Open http://localhost:5000 in a browser

Environment OSE requires the following environment variables to be set if they aren't explicitly set in config/environment.rb




Additionally these are defaulted in the and config/unicorn.rb files but can be set in the environment as well UNICORN_WORKERS UNICORN_TIMEOUT UNICORN_BACKLOG MAX_REQUEST_MIN used by unicorn killer MAX_REQUEST_MAX used by unicorn killer OOM_MIN used by unicorn killer OOM_MAX used by unicorn killer

Deployment to Heroku

About delayed_job OSE ships with delayed_job disabled. If you do have a Heroku worker turned on, you'll want to enable delayed_jobs.

To enable delayed_job, in config/application.rb change this line to read

Delayed::Worker.delay_jobs = true

Please note that OSE depends on delayed jobs for locking tickets while a patron is checking out. Leaving delayed jobs disabled prevents tickets from being locked. Checkout will still work, but tickets will not be reserved for a patron while he/she is checking out.

Sending email OSE WILL NOT PROCESS TRANSACTIONS WITHOUT A VALID SMTP SETUP We will make this more flexible in a future release.

A good option is to enable SendGrid. SendGrid has a free usage tier which integrates with Heroku. See the note in Setup SendGrid to enable SendGrid. OSE will work with SendGrid without any modification necessary.

Otherwise, you'll need to specify your smtp settings in config/environments/production.rb under config.action_mailer.smtp_settings

Finaly, regardless of smtp provider, YOU MUST edit the file config/environments/production.rb and change the value of config.action_mailer.default_url_options to match your hostname.

config.action_mailer.default_url_options={:host => ''}

or if you own your own domain

config.action_mailer.default_url_options={:host => ''}


Follow the Heroku instructions for creating an app

heroku apps:create myapp
git add .
git commit -m "Prepping push to Heroku"
git push heroku master

Setup SendGrid (Optional)

If you're using SendGrid to send email, enable the starter plan with the following command:

heroku addons:add sendgrid:starter

See the SendGrid documentation for more information.

Setup the production database

Before running this, you must have setup and configured a MySQL database. If you database is on Amazon's RDS, you'll have to enable that plugin on Heroku by running

heroku addons:add amazon_rds
heroku config:add DATABASE_URL=mysql2://

Otherwise, make sure you have edited, committed, and pushed your database.yml file

heroku run bundle exec rake db:migrate

Please note that you must first have run and committed bundle exec rake artfully_ose_engine:install:migrations from the above steps

Set environment variables

If you didn't set environment variables in config/environment.rb, you'll need to set them on the heroku command line. Run this command for each environment variable listed in "Environment"

heroku config:add BRAINTREE_MERCHANT_ID='...'

If you have a Google Analytics account, you can set the environment variables GA_ACCOUNT and GA_DOMAIN to enable Google Analytics in OSE.

Create your first user

This user will be the organization administrator. In a Heroku console, run

User.create!({:email => "", :password => "your_strong_password", :password_confirmation => "your_strong_password" })

Restart the app

heroku restart

Load your application

Go to in a web browser


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Ruby 100.0%