scottd018 / ansible-cluster-api-provider-vsphere-setup

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This Ansible role will setup a vSphere provider in preparation for using cluster-api. This is designed to replace and/or supplement steps at Specifically, the following steps occur:

  • Download and import supported OVAs into vCenter as virtual machines.
  • Snapshot the virtual machines (needed for linked clones).
  • Mark the virtual machines as templates.


  • Sufficient space in the ova_download_directory (default $HOME)
  • Python and Pip installed


Clone this repository and enter the project directory:

git clone
cd ansible-cluster-api-provider-vsphere-setup

Create a virtualenv to work in and activate the virtual environment:

# create the virtualenv

# activate the virtualenv
source <MY_VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME>/bin/activate

Install the requirements, which will subsequently install Ansible as well:

# install python module requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

# install this repository as an ansible role
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Create your vars file via the spec defined at

## CURRENT AS OF 3/20/2020
## -- Controller settings -- ##
VSPHERE_USERNAME: "vi-admin@vsphere.local"                    # The username used to access the remote vSphere endpoint
VSPHERE_PASSWORD: "admin!23"                                  # The password used to access the remote vSphere endpoint

## -- Required workload cluster default settings -- ##
VSPHERE_SERVER: ""                                    # The vCenter server IP or FQDN
VSPHERE_DATACENTER: "SDDC-Datacenter"                         # The vSphere datacenter to deploy the management cluster on
VSPHERE_DATASTORE: "DefaultDatastore"                         # The vSphere datastore to deploy the management cluster on
VSPHERE_NETWORK: "VM Network"                                 # The VM network to deploy the management cluster on
VSPHERE_RESOURCE_POOL: "*/Resources"                          # The vSphere resource pool for your VMs
VSPHERE_FOLDER: "vm"                                          # The VM folder for your VMs. Set to "" to use the root vSphere folder
VSPHERE_TEMPLATE: "ubuntu-1804-kube-v1.17.3"                  # The VM template to use for your management cluster.
VSPHERE_HAPROXY_TEMPLATE: "capv-haproxy-v0.6.0"               # The VM template to use for the HAProxy load balancer
VSPHERE_SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEY: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3N..."              # The public ssh authorized key on all machines
                                                              #   in this cluster.
                                                              #   Set to "" if you don't want to enable SSH,
                                                              #   or are using another solution.

Create a playbook to utilize the role (example at ./site.yml):

- hosts:        'localhost'
  gather_facts: false
  connection:   'local'
    - role: 'ansible-cluster-api-provider-vsphere-setup'

Run the playbook:

ansible-playbook -vv ./site.yml -e@~/.cluster-api/clusterctl.yaml

If you need to override specific variables from the clusterctl.yaml file or the defaults/main.yml file, the following is applicable:

ansible-playbook -vv site.yml -e @~/.cluster-api/clusterctl.yaml -e "VSPHERE_DATASTORE=my_vmware_datastore VSPHERE_FOLDER='/my-vmware-datacenter/vm/vm_vmware_folder' ova_download_directory='/path/to/ovas'"


License:MIT License