scienceguyrob / KnownSourceMatcher

A set of python scripts used to match pulsar candidates in PFD or PHCX format, to known sources.

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Known Source Matcher


A set of python scripts used to match pulsar candidates (in PFD or PHCX format) to known pulsar sources. It compares each user supplied candidate against known sources in the ANTF pulsar catalog.

To do so the ATNF catalog must first be parsed. However the catalog can be downloaded in many formats. The scripts supplied will parse the candidates output from the ANTF web interface standard format, and in the "Long with errors" format, provided you have save this output to a file passed to these scripts.

This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Its distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

See for more license details.

Author: Rob Lyon

Contact: or


  1. Overview

    Matches pulsar candidates against known sources from the ANTF pulsar catalog.

    The ANTF catalog file contains a number of known sources. Each source has a number of parameters, though the exact number of parameters varies from source to source. The format of the catalog file is as follows (as structured from the start of the file):

    PSRJ J0007+7303 aaa+09c
    RAJ 00:07:01.7 2 awd+12
    DECJ +73:03:07.4 8 awd+12
    F0 3.165827392 3 awd+12
    F1 -3.6120E-12 5 awd+12
    F2 4.1E-23 7 awd+12
    F3 5.4E-30 9 awd+12

    PSRB B0021-72G rlm+95
    PSRJ J0024-7204G
    RAJ 00:24:07.9587 3 fck+03
    DECJ -72:04:39.6911 7 fck+03
    PMRA 4.2 14 fck+03
    PMDEC -3.7 12 fck+03
    F0 247.50152509652 2 fck+03


    . . .

The scripts can read this format.

Alternatively, they can also read the "Long with errors" format produced by the web interface.
  1. Requirements

    The KnownSourceMatcher scripts have the following system requirements:

    Python 2.4 or later. SciPy NumPy [matplotlib library] (

  2. Usage

The application script can be executed via:


The script accepts a number of arguments. It requires three of these to execute, and accepts another three as optional.

Required Arguments

Flag Type Description
−p string Path to the directory containing PHCX or PFD candidates to match to known sources.
−o string Full path to the output file to write any matches found to.
--psrcat string Path to the file containing the ANTF pulsar catalog data.

Optional Arguments

Flag Type Description
−−v boolean Flag that when provided, put the application into validation mode.
−i boolean Puts the application into interactive mode, allowing matching via the terminal.
-v boolean Verbose debugging flag.
  1. Matching Function

    The following conditions must hold before a candidate is considered a match for a known source:

    1. The candidate period must fall within a user specified range of the known source period. This range is a percentage, i.e. the candidate period must be no greater than, and no less than m % of the known source period. i.e. given m = 5%, if a known source period is 1, then a candidate will only match if its period is in the range 1.05 - 0.95. The default accuracy level is 0.5%.

    2. The candidate DM must fall within the same range as above. The default DM accuracy is 5%.

    3. The angular separation in degrees between the known source and candidate, must be less than a user specified radius (default is 1 degree).

    All these matching settings can be altered in the settings file described below.

  2. Settings File

    The settings for the matching procedure are stored in a file, Settings.txt. This can be modified to tune the matching procedure to give better results. Here is an example of a valid settings file:

    accuracy=1.0 radius=2.5 padding=36000

    The padding setting is useful for altering the precision of the thresholded comparison function described below.

  3. How It Works

    There are two options for candidate comparison to known sources. The first is fine if you only have a small number of candidates to compare. The second is better when you have many candidates you wish to compare.


     It works simply by comparing each candidate to every known source in the pulsar catalog. Given
     N known sources and M candidates, this will require N x M comparisons. With M =11,000,000
     and N = 2008, this equates to 2.2088 x 10^10 or 22,088,000,000 comparisons.


     Compares candidates to known sources using a divide and conquer approach. Instead of looping through
     all the known sources in the catalog, this recursive procedure compares candidates to known sources
     which are similar. Similarity is determined using a "sort" attribute computed for each candidate. The
     "sort" attribute is the RAJ converted to seconds, added to the DECJ converted to seconds. Any two
     sources which are nearby in the sky should have very similar sort attribute values. i.e. a contrived
     	Source 1
     	RAJ = 00:00:01
     	DECJ = 00:00:00
     	Sort attribute = 1
     	Source 2
     	RAJ = 00:00:01
     	DECJ = 00:00:01
     	Sort attribute = 2
     We can use this to compare candidates extremely quickly since it allows known sources to be sorted. Then
     each new user supplied candidate can be compared to these sorted sources quickly.
     Example of how this algorithm works:
     We have a candidate with a sortAttribute == 1. We want to know which known 
     sources from the pulsar catalog are most similar to it.
     Lets suppose we have 100 known sources against which to compare, which are ordered according to their sort
     attribute. The first known source has a sort attribute = 1 and the last a sort attribute = 100.
     So the known source at position 1 has a sort attribute = 1.
     The known source at position 50 has a sort attribute = 50.
     The known source at position 100 has a sort attribute = 100.
     Here's a simple visualisation.
     Start            Midpoint            End
      |                  |                 |
      V                  V                 V
     | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
      0                                   n-1
     If the candidate sort attribute is less than the midpoint sort attribute, then we only need to search:
     Start            Midpoint
      |                  |                 
      V                  V                 
     | | | | | | | | | | | 
     0                (n-1)/2
     else we search the other half:
                      Midpoint            End
                         |                 |
                         V                 V
                         | | | | | | | | | |
                     (n-1)/2               n-1
     As the sort attribute here = 1, which is less than the midpoint, we search:
     Start    Midpoint    End
      |         |         |        
      V         V         V           
     | | | | | | | | | | | 
     0       (n-1)/4    (n-1)/2
     This procedure repeats, splitting each time until a single known source closest to the candidate
     is found. Then it compares the candidate to that known source, and to those immediately to the left
     and right of it. How many it is compared to, to the left and right of the known source, is determined
     by the padding parameter stored in the settings file.
     Given N known sources and M candidates, this will require WORST case N x M comparisons. The worst
     case only occurs if all the known sources have nearly the same RAJ and DECJ as each candidate being
     compared. The chances of this happening are as close to zero.
     The AVERAGE case is M + log2(N) + C , where C is a number of comparisons made between known sources
     and candidates which have similar RAJ and DECJ values. The true value of C is dependent on the padding
     parameter supplied by the user and the similarity of the known sources and candidates.
     i.e. Given M = 11,000,000 and N = 2008 and C=50 (overestimate!), there would be 561,000,011
     comparisons, compared to 22,088,000,000 comparisons for the naive approach.
     To illustrate this difference, comparing 1300 candidates to 2008 known sources using the naive
     approach took ~5 minutes. This optimized approach took only 10 seconds.
     The expected numbers of comparisons given varying C and M = 11,000,000 and N = 2008:
     C = 1    -> ~ 22,000,000 BEST CASE
     C = 10   -> ~ 121,000,011
     C = 20   -> ~ 231,000,011
     C = 50   -> ~ 561,000,011
     C = 100  -> ~ 1,111,000,011
     C = 1000 -> ~ 11,011,000,010
     C = 2008 -> ~ 22,099,000,010 WORST CASE only marginally worse than Naive Case = 22,088,000,000
  4. Citing this work

    Please use the following citation if you make use of tool:

    @misc{KnownSourceMatcher, author = {Lyon, R. J.}, title = {{Known Source Matcher}}, affiliation = {University of Manchester}, month = {November}, year = {2014}, howpublished = {World Wide Web Accessed (19/11/2014), \newline \url{}}, notes = {Accessed 19/11/2014} }

  5. Acknowledgements

    This work was supported by grant EP/I028099/1 for the University of Manchester Centre for Doctoral Training in Computer Science, from the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).


A set of python scripts used to match pulsar candidates in PFD or PHCX format, to known sources.

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:Python 100.0%