schwarzdavid / mkl_workshop

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MKL Workshop

Task 1: Backend preparations

  1. Create folder backend and navigate inside created folder
  2. Run npm init
  3. Run npm i -S tsoa express body-parser
  4. Run npm i -D ts-node typescript mkdirp
  5. Run npx tsc --init
  6. Open tsconfig.json
    • Inside compilerOptions, set experimentalDecorators and esModuleInterop to true
  7. Create file tsoa.json

Tsoa Configuration

Open tsoa.json and copy&paste following snippet

    "entryFile": "src/index.ts",
    "noImplicitAdditionalProperties": "throw-on-extras",
    "controllerPathGlobs": [
    "spec": {
        "outputDirectory": "../api",
        "specVersion": 3
    "routes": {
        "routesDir": "src/generated"

Next open your package.json and create following run-configs:

"build:api": "mkdirp ../api && mkdirp src/generated && tsoa spec-and-routes",
"build:server": "npm run build:api && tsc",
"dev": "npm run build:api && ts-node ./src/index.ts",
"start": "node ./dist/index.js"

mkdirp will check, if the specified folders exist and will create them otherwise

tsoa spec-and-routes will generate all transpiled controllers and the swagger-specification-file. Optionally you can split this task into tsoa spec and tsoa routes to only run one of those tasks.

ts-node is a run-environment for typesciprt-files. You dont need to manually compile your ts-files into js-files and run them separately. For production purposes it is still recommended, which will be done with tsc && node ./dist/index.js

Task 2: First Route

  1. Create folder src in your backend-folder
  2. Create file index.ts inside the src-folder
  3. Create folder controller inside the src-folder
  4. Create file MainController.ts inside the src/controller-folder


Paste following snippet into MainController

import {Controller, Get, Route} from 'tsoa';

export class MainController extends Controller {

    ping(): string {
        return 'Pong';


The @Route-decorator defines the route-prefix for all operations/routes inside the controller. Therefore the path for the ping-route will be /main/.

Basic HTTP-Server

Paste following snippet into index.ts

import express, {Request, Response} from 'express';
import bodyParser from 'body-parser';

const app = express();

app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true}));

app.all('*', (_req: Request, res: Response) => {
    return res.status(404).send('Route not found');

app.listen(8080, (err?: Error) => {
    if (err) {
        return console.error(err);
    console.log('Server running on port 8080');
}) is a NodeJS-Framework for HTTP(S)-Services.

Once you run npm run dev, you should get the message Server running on port 8080 in your terminal. However, if you send a HTTP-Request to http://localhost:8080/main, you will receive an 404-error. Thats because the MainController has not been registered yet.

Register TSOA-Controller

First, run npm run build:api, which will create a folder generated inside the src-folder and also an api-folder in the project-root. If you open the swagger.json inside, you should see the specs for the ping-function you have declared in the MainController before.

Now open index.ts again, and paste following snipped at the begin of the file

import {RegisterRoutes} from './generated/routes';

and also the following snipped right after the two app.use(...)-lines:


With tsoa routes, tsoa has generated a file which contains a runnable version of your MainController, and any other Controllers you might create in the future. Now restart the server and you should get a 'Pong'-Response when you make a GET-Request to http://localhost:8080/main

Routes with body & parameters

For the sake of demonstration, open the MainController again update the file to following snippet:

import {Controller, Post, Path, Query, Body, Get, Route} from 'tsoa';

interface DemoRequest {
    name: string,
    randomNumber: number,
    optionalBoolean?: boolean

interface DemoResponse {
    message: string,
    yourId: number,
    requestedPage?: number

export class MainController extends Controller {

    ping(): string {
        return 'Pong';

        @Path() id: number,
        @Body() payload: DemoRequest,
        @Query() page?: number
    ): DemoResponse {
        let message = `Hello ${}. Your lucky number is ${payload.randomNumber}.`;
        if (payload.optionalBoolean) {
            message = message + ' Well done!';

        return {
            requestedPage: page,
            yourId: id

This will generate another route, which will contain an url- & query-parameter and also requires a body. You can test those routes with Postman or with the api.http-file in this repo. Copy&Paste it into your project and run it with your IDE.

Task 3 Frontend preparations

  1. Go to the project-root
  2. Run vue create frontend
  3. Select Manually select features
  4. Make sure, TypeScript is enabled and finish setup process however you like
  5. Go inside the frontend-folder
  6. Run npm i -D @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli

Open the package.json inside the frontend-folder and add the following run-config:

"build:api": "openapi-generator-cli generate -i ../api/swagger.json -o src/generated -g typescript-fetch --additional-properties=typescriptThreePlus=true"

Next, create inside the frontend-folder a file named vue.config.js and paste the following snipped into it:

module.exports = {
    devServer: {
        port: 3000,
        proxy: 'http://localhost:8080'

With the proxy-option, the vue-devserver will redirect all requests, which do not lead to existing resources, to your backend on port 8080.

Generate API-Client

Make sure you have Java 8 set as JAVA_HOME

Next, run npm run build:api. You will see a new folder generated inside the src-folder.

Now, open the HelloWorld.vue and replace script and template with the following snippet:

    <div class="hello">
        <h3>API Calls</h3>
        <form @submit.prevent="sendDemoRequest">
            <input type="text" v-model="" required>
            <input type="number" v-model.number="demoRequest.randomNumber" required>
            <input type="checkbox" v-model="demoRequest.optionalBoolean"> Optional Boolean
            <button type="submit">Send Request</button>

<script lang="ts">
    import Vue from 'vue';
    import {Configuration, DefaultApi, DemoRequest} from '@/generated';

    const apiConfiguration = new Configuration({
        basePath: location.origin
    const api = new DefaultApi(apiConfiguration);

    export default Vue.extend({
        name: 'HelloWorld',
        data() {
            return {
                demoRequest: {
                    name: '',
                    randomNumber: 0,
                    optionalBoolean: false
                } as DemoRequest
        methods: {
            async sendDemoRequest() {
                const response = await api.demo({
                    id: 12,
                    page: 23,
                    demoRequest: this.demoRequest

DemoRequest is the generated interface from the MainController in the backend. Also, the id-param and the optional page-queryparam are needed. If you change the api in the future, those interfaces will also update and you will get an error on compilation.

In larger projects, you should do HTTP-Requests inside a Vuex-Store. You can do the same in any store or vuex-module. Simply instanciate the api you want to use.

Further Reading
