schubertm / MetaDetect

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What is MetaDetect?

MetaDetect is a post-processing tool for object detection neural networks. For each predicted Bounding Box, MetaDetect on one hand provides a method that predicts whether this particular Bounding Box intersects with the ground truth or not. This task can be understood as meta classifying between the two classes {IoU>=0.5} and {IoU<0.5} box-wise. On the other hand MetaDetect also provides a method for quantifying the uncertainty/confidence for each predicted Bounding Box by predicting IoU values via regression.


Preparation and evaluation

1. Clone this file

git clone
cd MetaDetect/

2. Packages and their version we used:

  • argparse
  • glob
  • imblearn==0.0
  • json
  • matplotlib==3.3.3
  • numpy==1.17.3
  • opencv-python==
  • os
  • pandas==1.1.3
  • scikit-learn==0.23.2
  • sklearn==0.0
  • smogn==0.1.2
  • tensorflow==1.14.0
  • tensorflow-gpu==1.14.0
  • time
  • tqdm==4.42.1
  • xgboost==1.2.1

3. Preparing data:

  1. Prepare a folder (e.g. "prediction") with a subfolder called "csv". Save the predictions before Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) in the subfolder "csv" in the following way:
  • save a .csv-file for every image (e.g. "image_name".csv) and save every prediction before NMS line by line with the following columns:
  • [file_path, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, s, category_idx, prob_sum, prob_0, prob_1, ..., prob_num_classes, dataset_box_id] Bildschirmfoto_2021-04-20_14-46-32
  1. Prepare a folder (e.g. "ground_truth") with a subfolder called "csv". Save the ground truth boxes in the subfolder "csv" in the following way:
  • save a .csv-file for every image (e.g. "image_name"_gt.csv) and save every ground truth box line by line with the following columns:
  • [file_path, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, category_idx]

4. Preparing the scripts:

  • Go to configs/ and update default_df_path, default_gt_path, num_classes and CLASS_NAMES.

5. Run the scripts:

  • Run the src/ script:
cd src/
  • Some evaluations can also be done:
cd ..



Language:Python 100.0%