schteppe / cannon.js

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How to change quaternion of a body with the use of key controls

Fy-Spot opened this issue · comments

Hello Guys, my name is Banjo OLuwafiayokunola, I am 14 and new to Cannon.js
I am trying to give onkey controls for my player(golem) in my game but the change of quaternion has been a big problem for me
I look around the internet and i am now stuck and how can i put a debounce to my jumpscript please. Thank you

here is the code

function executeMovement() {
if(keyMap[37] === true){
//rotate left
angleY -= 0.002;
rotationQuaternion.setFromEuler(new CANNON.Vec3(0,1,0), angleY);
let quaternion = rotationQuaternion.mult(hitboxbody.quaternion);
if(keyMap[39] === true){
//rotate right
rotationQuaternion.setFromAxisAngle( axisY, -rotateAngle );
hitboxbody.quaternion = rotationQuaternion.mult(hitboxbody.quaternion)
if(keyMap[38] === true){
//move front
function walk(time) {
left_leg_pivot.rotation.x = (Math.sin(time))/2
right_hand_pivot.rotation.x = (Math.cos(90+time))/3
right_leg_pivot.rotation.x = (Math.cos(90+time))/3
left_hand_pivot.rotation.x = (Math.sin(time))/2


					hitboxbody.velocity.x += Math.sin(hitboxbody.quaternion.y)
					hitboxbody.velocity.z += Math.cos(hitboxbody.quaternion.y)
				if(keyMap[40] === true){
					//move back
					function walk2(time) {
						left_leg_pivot.rotation.x = (Math.sin(time))/2
						right_hand_pivot.rotation.x = (Math.cos(90+time))/3
						right_leg_pivot.rotation.x = (Math.cos(90+time))/3
						left_hand_pivot.rotation.x = (Math.sin(time))/2
					hitboxbody.velocity.x -= Math.sin(hitboxbody.quaternion.y)
					hitboxbody.velocity.z -= Math.cos(hitboxbody.quaternion.y)

				if(keyMap[32] === true){
					//let isJumping = World_Gravity_Properties.isJumping
					const jump = () => {
						if (IsJumping) return{}
							if (hitboxbody.velocity.y <= 0.2 && hitboxbody.velocity.y >= 0)  {
								IsJumping = false
							let maxdist = 7.5
							hitboxbody.velocity.y = maxdist
							IsJumping = true


here what will explain the code better

const{rh,lh,rl,ll,hd,body,left_hand_pivot,right_hand_pivot,right_leg_pivot,left_leg_pivot,playcam} = this
const{golemMesh,Golem,hitbox,hitboxbody} = this

    let cubeshape = new CANNON.Box( new CANNON.Vec3( 1, 1, 1 ) );
    let clock = new THREE.Clock();
    let delta = clock.getDelta();
    let axisY =  new CANNON.Vec3( 0, 1, 0 );
    let rotationQuaternion = new CANNON.Quaternion();
    let rotateAngle = Math.PI / 3;
    let angleY = 0
    hitboxbody.addShape( cubeshape )