schrink / mattermost

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pivotal Tracker Integration Service for Mattermost

This integration service posts comments, new story and story status changes to to Mattermost's incoming webhooks.

Project Goal

This middle-man project should help you integrate your changes from Pivotal Tracker into your Mattermost instance.


To run this integration you need:

  1. A web server running Ubuntu 14.04/16.04 and Python 2.7+.
  2. A Pivotal Tracker account with a project to which you have administrator access
  3. A Mattermost account where incoming webhooks are enabled

Many web server options will work, below we provide instructions for Heroku and a general Linux/Ubuntu server.

Heroku-based Install

❗ This was not adapted to the new python package.

To install this project using Heroku, you will need:

  1. A Heroku account, available for free at
  2. A GitHub account, available for free at

Here's how to start:

  1. Create a copy of this project to manipulate

  2. Log in to your GitHub account. Go to the Github repository of this project and click Fork in the top-right corner to create a copy of this project that you control and manipulate.

  3. Deploy your project copy to Heroku

  4. Go to your Heroku Dashboard and click + in the top-right corner then Create New App. Give your app a unqiue name (like mattermost-pivotaltracker-[YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME]), select your region and click Create App.

  5. Heroku directs you to the Deploy tab of the dashboard for your new app, select GitHub as your connection option, then click Connect to GitHub at the bottom of the screen to authorize Herkou to access your GitHub account.

  6. In the pop up window, click Authorize Application to allow Heroku to access your accounts repositories. On your Heroku dashboard, select your account in the first drop-down then search for the repo we created earlier by forking this project. Type mattermost-integration-pivotaltracker in the repo-name field, then click Search and then the Connect button once Heroku finds your repository.

  7. Scroll to the bottom of the new page. Under the Manual Deploy section, make sure the master branch is selected then click Deploy Branch. After a few seconds you'll see a confirmation that the app has been deployed.

  8. At the top of your app dashboard, go to the Settings tab and scroll down to the Domains section. Copy the URL below Heroku Domain (we'll refer to this as http://<your-heroku-domain>/ and we'll need it in the next step)

  9. Leave your Heroku interface open as we'll come back to it to finish the setup.

  10. Connect your PivotalTracker project to your Heroku instance

  11. On your Pivotal Tracker dashboard, listing all your projects. Next to your project name, click on the gear.

  12. On the left, click on Integration.

  13. At the bottom of the page, enter http://<your-heroku-domain>/new_event and select v5.

  14. Rinse and repeat for every project you want to track.

  15. Set up your Mattermost instance to receive incoming webhooks

  16. Log in to your Mattermost account. Click the three dot menu at the top of the left-hand side and go to Account Settings > Integrations > Incoming Webhooks.

  17. Under Add a new incoming webhook select the channel in which you want your Pivotal Tracker notifications to appear, then click Add to create a new entry.

  18. Copy the contents next to URL of the new webhook you just created (we'll refer to this as https://<your-mattermost-webhook-URL> and add it to your Heroku server).

  19. Go back to your Heroku app dashboard under the Settings tab. Under the Config Variables section, click Reveal Config Vars

    1. Type MATTERMOST_WEBHOOK_URL in the KEY field and paste https://<your-mattermost-webhook-URL> into the VALUE field, then click Add.

Linux/Ubuntu 14.04/16.04 Web Server Install

The following procedure shows how to install this project on a Linux web server running Ubuntu 14.04/16.04. Make sure the port is open on your firewall (5000 by default).

To install this project using a Linux-based web server, you will need a Linux/Ubuntu 14.04/16.04 web server supporting Python 2.7+ or a compatible version. Other compatible operating systems and Python versions should also work.

Here's how to start:

  1. Set up your Mattermost instance to receive incoming webhooks

  2. Log in to your Mattermost account. Click the three dot menu at the top of the left-hand side and go to Account Settings > Integrations > Incoming Webhooks.

  3. Under Add a new incoming webhook select the channel in which you want your Pivotal Tracker notifications to appear, then click Add to create a new entry.

  4. Copy the contents next to URL of the new webhook you just created (we'll refer to this as https://<your-mattermost-webhook-URL>).

  5. Set up this project to run on your web server

  6. Set up a Linux Ubuntu 14.04 server either on your own machine or on a hosted service, like AWS.

  7. SSH into the machine, or just open your terminal if you're installing locally.

  8. Confirm Python 2.7 or a compatible version is installed by running:

    • python --version If it's not installed you can find it here
  9. Install pip and other essentials:

    • sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential
  10. Create a virtualenv if you want to keep things separated:

    • [sudo] pip install virtualenv
    • to handle virtual envs even simpler consider the virtualenvwrapper: [sudo] pip install virtualenvwrapper
  11. Install integration requirements:

    • [sudo] pip install git+
  12. Run the server:

    • mattermost_pivotaltracker --help
    • mattermost_pivotaltracker $MATTERMOST_WEBHOOK_URL You will see the output similar to Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit). This is default IP:PORT pair the integration service will listen on. We will refer to this address as the https://<your-mattermost-integration-URL>). You may change the IP:PORT with the adequate command-line options (see --help)
  13. You may want to add an upstart script to auto-start mattermost_pivotaltracker at boot:

# /etc/init/mattermost-pivotaltracker.conf
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [016]

# Change this to the relevant user
setuid mattermost

# Change the path if necessary, add options if need be
exec /home/mattermost/ve/bin/mattermost_pivotaltracker http://mattermost/hooks/hook-id

Instead of /etc/init/ script you may want to handle the mattermost_pivotaltracker with supervisor ( The sample config file can be as simple as:

command=/home/mattermost/ve/mattermost/bin/mattermost_pivotaltracker http://mattermost/hooks/hook-id
  1. Connect your PivotalTracker project to your Heroku instance
  2. On your Pivotal Tracker dashboard, listing all your projects. Next to your project name, click on the gear.
  3. On the left, click on Integration.
  4. At the bottom of the page, enter http://<your-heroku-domain>/new_event and select v5.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%