schnoodledao / contracts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Schnoodle is a progressive DeFi dog-themed meme token with multisig and DAO governance. The first of its kind.


Follow these steps only once per remote blockchain:

  1. Set up Gnosis Safe and Zodiac Reality Module using this tutorial. Integrate into the Schnoodle Snapshot space (which was created using this guide).
  2. Update governance.proposers and governance.executors in migrations-config.[chain].js with Safe address (tutorial here if required).

⚠️ Important

Ensure that core.symlinks is true before cloning the repo. Use git config --get core.symlinks to check. Run your Git client in administrator mode to allow symlinks to be created.


  1. Populate the secrets.json file (see Secrets below).
  2. Execute npm i.
  3. In Visual Studio Code, open each Solidity file in the contracts folder corresponding to the ABI files listed in Nethereum.Generator.json, and press F5 ('Solidity: Compile Contract' command).
  4. If target network is local, execute truffle develop in a separate terminal.
  5. If target network is remote, check the gas price, and adjust the gasPrice value in truffle-config.js accordingly.
  6. Execute .\Migrate.ps1 <network> $true $true where <network> is the target network per the networks property in truffle-config.js.


  1. For mnemonic, use any account that has some native test tokens.
  2. For infuraProjectId, register an Infura account, then create a project and get the project ID.
  3. For etherscanApiKey, register an Etherscan account, then create an API key.
  4. For bscscanApiKey, register a BscScan account, then create an API key.

Blockchain Launch

  1. After migration, note the 'To' contract address of the create_0_1 internal transaction of the SchnoodleTimelockFactory Contract Creation transaction. Verify the SchnoodleTimelock contract using this address.
  2. Add liquidity to Uniswap V2, and note the liquidity token address (UNI-V2 token) from the corresponding transaction.
  3. Create a timelock contract to lock the full amount of the liquidity token held by the beneficiary wallet.

Operational Procedures

Timelock Tokens

Follow these steps to timelock tokens:

  1. Call create on SchnoodleTimelockFactory specifying the contract address of the token to be locked, the beneficiary, and the release time as a Unix timestamp.
  2. Once the transaction has been mined, note the 'To' contract address of the create_0 internal transaction. Verify that this is the SchnoodleTimelock clone address.
  3. Transfer the desired amount of tokens to be locked from the token contract address to the SchnoodleTimelock clone address.
  4. After timelock elapsed, go to SchnoodleTimelock clone address, and call release.


  1. Perform a contract interaction with TransparentUpgradeableProxy to call a function (e.g., changeFeePercent, changeEleemosynary, maintenance, configure).

Contract Upgrade

  1. Execute .\Migrate.ps1 <network> where <network> is the target network per the networks property in truffle-config.js.
  2. Perform a contract interaction with ProxyAdmin to call upgrade using proxy and implementation parameters outputted in step 1.

Contract Interaction

Follow the timelock process if the contract owner is SchnoodleGovernance which is typically set during deployment. Otherwise, follow the DAO process directly. If there are no multisig owners, or they have been removed, ownership of a contract may be transferred to the Gnosis Safe address by calling transferOwnership on the contract using the timelock process.

Timelock Process

  1. Go to the contract address to be interacted with and call the desired function.
  2. Copy the HEX DATA from MetaMask and reject the transaction.
  3. Follow steps 27 to 30 from here using the DAO process to interact with SchnoodleGovernance either 1) optionally for the execute step, or 2) if there is no multisig.

DAO Process

  1. Go to Snapshot space settings and ensure address in strategy is the TransparentUpgradeableProxy contract address.
  2. Go to Snapshot space new proposal and add a 'Contract Interaction' transaction:
    • to is the contract address to be interacted with.
    • function is the function to be called.
    • Set the parameters as required.
  3. After voting is closed, anyone may trigger the following actions on the plugin:
    • Request execution to put the question on Reality.eth for 24 hours.
    • Set the outcome with a bond (in ETH). The outcome should resolve in accordance with the vote in (game) theory.
    • After the question outcome is finalised and it is in favour, the upgrade transaction may be triggered by anyone to be executed on the interaction contract.
  4. If the proposal is malicious, it may be vetoed during the 24-hour cooldown period via Gnosis Safe by calling markProposalAsInvalid on the Reality Module.
    • The proposalId and txHashes values may be found from the Input Data of the relevant Add Proposal transaction on the Reality Module contract.


On Ubuntu, I get the the error Error: not found: make.

Refer to here.

On Linux, I get the 'make' error No such file or directory.

If your clone path has spaces, this is due to a known bug. Avoid spaces in your clone path.


License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 26.4%Language:Solidity 25.4%Language:JavaScript 21.7%Language:C# 21.5%Language:CSS 3.6%Language:HTML 0.6%Language:PowerShell 0.5%Language:GLSL 0.3%Language:Shell 0.0%