schmjdt / challenges_progress

List of the various challenge websites and my progress

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


List of the various challenge websites and my progress

You are welcome to fork and share your own progress

Or even make a pull request to add more sites!


alt text





Project Euler


Advent Of Code :

25 Days Of Code Challenges

Years : 0/4


Rosalind : 0%
Python Village : 0%
Bioinformatics Stronghold : 0%
Bioinformatics Armory : 0%
Bioinformatics Textbook Track : 0%
Algorithmic Heights : 0%


Crypto Challenges : 0%
  • 0% : Basics
  • 0% : Block crypto
  • 0% : Block & stream crypto
  • 0% : Stream crypto and randomness
  • 0% : Diffie-Hellman and friends
  • 0% : RSA and DSA
  • 0% : Hashes
  • 0% : Abstract Algebra


My HackerRank

30 Days Of Code




Code Combat

My Hero - Level 10

Python For Everybody (PY4E)

Note: Login required to see assignments

Dr. Charles Severance - Additional information

Also located on Coursera for full course and certificate

Google Code Jam

What Is Code Jam Quick Start Guide

2019 : Live
2018 : 0%
  • 0% : Practice Session
  • 0% : Qualification Round
  • 0% : Round 1A
  • 0% : Round 1B
  • 0% : Round 1C
  • 0% : Round 2
  • 0% : Round 3
  • 0% : World Finals
2017 : 0%
  • 0% : Qualification Round
  • 0% : Round 1A
  • 0% : Round 1B
  • 0% : Round 1C
  • 0% : Round 2
  • 0% : Round 3
  • 0% : World Finals
2016 : 0%
  • 0% : Qualification Round
  • 0% : Round 1A
  • 0% : Round 1B
  • 0% : Round 1C
  • 0% : Round 2
  • 0% : Round 3
  • 0% : World Finals
2015 : 0%
  • 0% : Qualification Round
  • 0% : Round 1A
  • 0% : Round 1B
  • 0% : Round 1C
  • 0% : Round 2
  • 0% : Round 3
  • 0% : World Finals

The Odin Project

The Odin Project : 1%
Web Development 101 : 5%
Ruby Programming : 0%
Databases : 0%
Ruby on Rails : 0%
HTML and CSS : 0%
Javascript : 0%
Getting Hired : 0%


FreeCodeCamp : 13%
Responsive Web Design : 146/194
  • 28/28 : Basic HTML and HTML5
  • 44/44 : Basic CSS
  • 52/52 : Applied Visual Design
  • 22/22 : Applied Accessibility
  • 00/04 : Responsive Web Design Principles
  • 00/17 : CSS Flexbox
  • 00/22 : CSS Grid
  • 00/05 : Responsive Web Design Projects
Javascript Algorithms And Data Structures : 136/299
  • 113/113 : Basic JavaScript
  • 000/029 : ES6
  • 000/033 : Regular Expressions
  • 000/012 : Debugging
  • 000/020 : Basic Data Structures
  • 013/016 : Basic Algorithm Scripting
  • 000/026 : Object Oriented Programming
  • 000/024 : Functional Programming
  • 007/021 : Intermediate Algorithm Scripting
  • 003/005 : JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects
Front End Libraries : 29%
  • 31/31 : Bootstrap
  • 18/18 : jQuery
  • 00/09 : Sass
  • 00/47 : React
  • 00/17 : Redux
  • 00/10 : React and Redux
  • 00/05 : Front End Libraries Projects
Data Visualization : 11%
  • 10/29 : Data Visualization with D3
  • 00/10 : JSON APIs and Ajax
  • 00/05 : Data Visualization Projects
Relational Database (Beta) : 0%
  • 0% : Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate
  • 0% : Learn Relational Databases by Building a Mario Database
  • 0% : Celestial Bodies Database
  • 0% : Learn Bash Scripting by Building Five Programs
  • 0% : Learn SQL by Building a Student Database: Part 1
  • 0% : Learn SQL by Building a Student Database: Part 2
  • 0% : World Cup Database
  • 0% : Learn Advanced Bash by Building a Kitty Ipsum Translator
  • 0% : Learn Bash and SQL by Building a Bike Rental Shop
  • 0% : Salon Appointment Scheduler
  • 0% : Learn Nano by Building a Castle
  • 0% : Learn Git by Building an SQL Reference Object
  • 0% : Periodic Table Database
  • 0% : Number Guessing Game
Back End Development and APIs : 0%
  • 0% : Managing Packages with Npm
  • 0% : Basic Node and Express
  • 0% : MongoDB and Mongoose
  • 0% : Back End Development and APIs Projects
Quality Assurance : 0%
  • 00/25 : Quality Assurance and Testing with Chai
  • 00/22 : Advanced Node and Express
  • 00/05 : Quality Assurance Projects
Scientific Computing with Python : 0%
  • 0% : Python for Everybody
  • 0% : Scientific Computing with Python Projects
Data Analysis with Python : 0%
  • 0% : Data Analysis with Python
  • 0% : Numpy
  • 0% : Data Analysis with Python Projects
Information Security : 0%
  • 0% : Information Security with HelmetJS
  • 0% : Python for Penetration Testing
  • 0% : Information Security Projects
Machine Learning with Python : 0%
  • 0% : Tensorflow
  • 0% : How Neural Networks Work
  • 0% : Machine Learning with Python Projects
College Algebra with Python : 0%
  • 0% : Ratios and Proportions
  • 0% : How to Solve for X
  • 0% : Fractions and Decimals
  • 0% : Functions and Graphing
  • 0% : Linear Functions
  • 0% : Common Factors and Square Roots
  • 0% : Project: Multi-Function Calculator
  • Many More!!!
Coding Interview Prep : 0%
  • 0% : Algorithms
  • 0% : Data Structures
  • 1% : Take Home Projects
  • 0% : Rosetta Code
  • 0% : Project Euler
Foundational C# with Microsoft : 0%
  • 0/7 : Write Your First Code Using C#
  • 0/8 : Create and Run Simple C# Console Applications
  • 0/8 : Add Logic to C# Console Applications
  • 0/8 : Work with Variable Data in C# Console Applications
  • 0/6 : Create Methods in C# Console Applications
  • 0/7 : Debug C# Console Applications
  • 0/1 : Foundational C# with Microsoft Certification Exam
Project Euler : 0%
  • 001/100 : Project Euler Problems 001 to 100
  • 000/100 : Project Euler Problems 101 to 200
  • 000/100 : Project Euler Problems 201 to 300
  • 000/100 : Project Euler Problems 301 to 400
  • 000/080 : Project Euler Problems 401 to 480
Responsive Web Design (Beta) : 0%
  • 0% : TBD...

Formerly Courses and Projects for Go, Python, and JavaScript Discord Community

Nice refresher for Big-O Algorithms and Data Structures First couples lessons of each course are free, then requires paid membership to complete

Manning LiveProject

Manning Publishing - book site with interactive live projects


The GitHub template to fork that will get you started located here

My 100DaysOfX
  • TBD
Others 100DaysOfX


Interactive Browser Based Labs, Courses & Playgrounds



Open Source Society University - Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
Trackers: Notion | Trello

Intro CS : 0%
  • 0% : Introduction to Programming
  • 0% : Introduction to Computer Science
Core CS : 0%
  • 0% : Core programming
  • 0% : Core math
  • 0% : CS Tools
  • 0% : Core systems
  • 0% : Core theory
  • 0% : Core security
  • 0% : Core applications
  • 0% : Core ethics
Advanced CS : 0%
  • 0% : Advanced programming
  • 0% : Advanced systems
  • 0% : Advanced theory
  • 0% : Advanced Information Security
  • 0% : Advanced math


List of the various challenge websites and my progress

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