schmidsven / NxSphinx

sphinx docs & theme for nexiles

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NxSphinx - A Test-Project on how to use Sphinx

Sphinx is a useful tool for generating documentation from rst-files and docstrings in your python and C/C++ files. The complete documentation of Sphinx can be found on

This project contains also a theme named nexiles_theme where the look and feel of nexiles is implemented.

There are two ways to install Sphinx:

you can either use

easy_install Sphinx

or you can include it to your buildout by adding

parts += sphinxbuilder

recipe = collective.recipe.sphinxbuilder
interpreter = ${buildout:directory}/bin/zopepy

Once installed, you can use sphinx-quickstart to generate the hierarchical document structure. It is important that you enable the autodoc-function if asked, so that the module's and classe's docstrings will be included automatically.

The two files index.rst and, which are located in the doc-folder, contain the main configuration.

For Sphinx (actually, the Python interpreter that executes Sphinx) to find your module, it must be importable. That means that the module or the package must be in one of the directories on `sys.path` -- adapt your `sys.path` in the configuration file accordingly, e.g. export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/develop/nexiles/NxSphinx

sphinxtest documentation master file, created by
sphinx-quickstart on Mon May 23 16:19:39 2011.
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.

Welcome to sphinxtest's documentation!


.. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2


.. automodule:: useful_1

.. automodule:: useful_2

Indices and tables

* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`

The TOC tree specifies the table of contents shown in the documentation:


'maxdepth', 'titlesonly' and 'numbered' can be used to format the toc tree. See also

The following docstring directives are the most important ones, for a full list see


documents a module, class, function, attribute or exception. The 'members' shown in the example option will document all module members recursively. Members without docstring will be left out, unless a 'undoc-members' option is given.

'intro' and 'misc/tutorial' are documents in rst format that will be included in the documentation having the folder that includes the '' as root.

This file is automatically generated by the sphinx-quickbuilder and contains parameters like paths, folder names, activated extension and so on. The parameters are described each in the file itself and at


please be sure to add/edit lines below in your

pip install sphinx_bootstrap_theme

import sys, os, sphinx_bootstrap_theme
templates_path = ['_templates',os.path.expanduser("~/develop/nexiles/NxSphinx/templates")]
html_static_path = ['_static',os.path.expanduser("~/develop/nexiles/NxSphinx/static")]
html_theme = 'bootstrap'
html_theme_path = sphinx_bootstrap_theme.get_html_theme_path()
html_theme = 'nexiles_green'
html_theme_path = ['_themes',os.path.expanduser("~/develop/nexiles/NxSphinx/themes")]
html_theme = 'nexiles_petrol'
html_theme_path = ['_themes',os.path.expanduser("~/develop/nexiles/NxSphinx/themes")]
html_logo = './nexiles_logo_white.png'
html_theme = 'nexiles_theme'
html_theme_path = ['_themes',os.path.expanduser("~/develop/nexiles/NxSphinx/doc")]
epub_title = u'Developer Documentation'
epub_author = u'nexiles GmbH'
epub_publisher = u'nexiles GmbH'
epub_copyright = u'2013, nexiles GmbH'
epub_theme = 'nexiles_epub_theme'
epub_exclude_files = ['_static/opensearch.xml', '_static/doctools.js',
    '_static/jquery.js', '_static/searchtools.js', '_static/underscore.js',
    '_static/basic.css', 'search.html', '_static/websupport.js']
epub_cover = ("_static/cover.png", "epub-cover.html")
epub_tocdepth = 1
epub_tocdup = False

Epub publishing with fixed fonts is not by default supported on ipad. To solve this, you have to link the META-INF directory into your docs-folder.

cd docs
ln -s ~/develop/nexiles/NxSphinx/META-INF META-INF

and after every make epub you will have to add the file from the META-INF folder

zip -r0 _build/epub/NAMEOFYOURFILE.epub META-INF

To use your own cover create a directory in docs named _static and save your cover as cover.png there.

See also

note - used to show important information

.. note::

    It is not recommended to use this function in conjunction with :func:´foo´.

warning - used to show more important information

.. warning::

    This function is not failsafe and may corrupt your database.

rubric - creates a paragraph heading without toc-entry


centered - creates a centered boldfaced line of text.


hlist - creates a compact list displayed horizontally or with reduced spacing between items.

.. hlist::
    :columns: 3

    * this
    * is a
    * short
    * list

seealso - creates a reference to modules or external documents

.. seealso::

    Module :py:mod:`zipfile`
    Documentation of the :py:mod:`zipfile` standard module.

code-block - creates a block of code

.. code-block:: python

    # This is some python code
    a = 1
    b = 2
    print a + b

Interactive sessions don't need special markup, just avoid >>> at end of the block

>>> 1 + 2

Longer code blocks can be included using

.. literalinclude::
    :language: python
    :encoding: latin-1
    :pyobject: Timer.start
    :lines: 1,3,5-10,20-

See also for code specific markup.


sphinx docs & theme for nexiles


Language:Python 51.3%Language:CSS 24.8%Language:JavaScript 16.7%Language:Makefile 7.2%