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How to setup Spinnaker in a air-gapped environment guide

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Deploying Spinnaker

Spinnaker in a air gapped environment Guide

How to setup spinnaker in a air-gapped environment guide

You will need:

  • Docker installed
  • Kubectl installed configured to your k8s cluster of choice (so you can install spinnaker inside)
  • privileged access to your kubernetes cluster so you can let spinnaker role your delivery kingdom
  • s3 bucket for spinnaker


first save halyard docker image to file so you can use it later on offline

docker pull
docker save -o ./halyard-1-13-1.tar

Lets get This party started

Run Halyard

Start Halyard in a new Docker container. The following command creates the Halyard Docker container, mounting the Halyard config directory:

$ mkdir ~/.hal

You also need to completely disable reads from GCS by setting spinnaker.config.input.gcs.enabled: false in /opt/spinnaker/config/halyard-local.yml. We will provide this file with docker volume.

On Linux machine

$ docker run -p 8084:8084 -p 9000:9000 \
    --name halyard \
    -v ~/.hal:/home/spinnaker/.hal \
    -v ~/halyard-local.yml:/opt/spinanker/config/halyard-local.yml \
    -v ${HOME}/.kube/config:/home/spinnaker/.kube/config \
    -d \

On Windows machine

$ docker run -p 8084:8084 -p 9000:9000 \
   --name halyard \
   -v /c/Users/Eyal/.hal/:/home/spinnaker/.hal \
   -v /c/Users/Eyal/halyard-local.yml:/opt/spinanker/config/halyard-local.yml \
   -v /c/Users/Eyal/.kube:/home/spinnaker/.kube \

Connect to the container

$ docker exec -it halyard bash
$ source <(hal --print-bash-completion)

Set Kubernetes provider v2.0

$ hal config provider kubernetes enable
$ export CONTEXT=$(kubectl config current-context)

Set service account auth (not mandatory)

Assign spinnaker k8s service account and RBAC roles

$ kubectl apply -f  /home/spinnaker/.hal/RBAC.yaml

Modify the existing kubectl context adding the new service account token

$ TOKEN=$(kubectl get secret --context $CONTEXT \
    $(kubectl get serviceaccount spinnaker-service-account \
        --context $CONTEXT \
        -n spinnaker \
        -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}') \
    -n spinnaker \
    -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 --decode)
$ kubectl config set-credentials ${CONTEXT}-token-user --token $TOKEN

Switching to the new service account credentials

$ kubectl config set-context $CONTEXT --user ${CONTEXT}-token-user

Create new provider account

$ export ACCOUNT=schef
$ hal config provider kubernetes account add $ACCOUNT --provider-version v2 --docker-registries [] --context $CONTEXT --service-account true
$ hal config features edit --artifacts true

Spinnaker set distributed install on k8s

$ hal config deploy edit --type distributed --account-name $ACCOUNT

Set s3 bucket as storage back-end

NOTE: do not supply the value of --secret-access-key on the command line, you will be prompted to enter the value on STDIN once the command has started running

$ export REGION=us-east-2
$ export SPIN_S3_BUCKET=my_bucket_uniq_name
$ export YOUR_SECRET_KEY_ID=bla-bla-bla
$ hal config storage s3 edit \
    --access-key-id $YOUR_SECRET_KEY_ID \
    --secret-access-key \
    --region ${REGION} \
    --bucket ${SPIN_S3_BUCKET} \
    --endpoint <alternate endpoint for S3-compatible storage>
$ hal config storage edit --type s3

Remote registries

$ hal config provider docker-registry enable
$ hal config provider docker-registry account add nexus \
 --address x.x.x.x:xx \
 --insecure-registry true \
 --username admin --password


# List Spinnaker Versions
$ hal version list

# Configure you desired version
$ hal config version edit --version local:1.11.8

# Deploy
$ hal deploy apply

Expose through ingress

After creating the Deck&Gate ingress, make sure to configure them to expect traffic on your ingress url.

hal config security ui edit \
    --override-base-url http://spinnaker.$DOMAIN

hal config security api edit \
    --override-base-url http://spinnaker-api.$DOMAIN

Connect to Deck

$ hal deploy connect
# or
$ kubectl port-forward -n spinnaker service/spin-deck 9000
$ kubectl port-forward -n spinnaker service/spin-gate 8084

Save necessary things for when you go air gapped

save all docker images of spinnaker:

$ ./ -n spinnaker -p ./

Pull main BOM:

$ Curl<version>.yml
$ # Example:
  • install svn - apt-get install subversion
  • Run the script to pull services BOM manifests ./
  • Make sure you read spinnaker custom bom guide here, and update services to be searched from local directory and use custom registry.

Backup Halyard

Halyard backup config - This includes all secrets you’ve supplied to hal. Keep this safe!

$ hal backup create

Halyard backup restore on another machine - Halyard will expand & replace the existing ~/.hal directory with the backup.

$ hal backup restore --backup-path <backup-name>.tar


How to setup Spinnaker in a air-gapped environment guide


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